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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/2022 in all areas

  1. Glad I got out of my shop when I did, it was becoming harder and harder to follow all the (new and ever-changing) Covid rules and not piss people off. I was always asking people to wait outside; if I already had three people in the front office. Losing customers that had to be told NO MASK ON ENTRY. A number of them walked back to their vehicle and left. It's not my law and wearing a mask is doing nothing but good? As for this guy spitting at the girl; well you can't fix stupid! As for being a female at the door, it should have been one who could have defended themselves verbally or physically. My niece is five foot nothing tall and weighs 85-90Lbs soaking wet; an easy target. For her job, she had to take self-defense courses. She has gained much respect from the clients, that she has to deal with. "Uncle Danny all I had to do, is put one guy down on the ground and hold him there until he cooled off and I gained the respect of the rest in my charges" She's a prison guard at an all-male correction facility. Like she always says "dynamite comes in small packages". LOL She's my hero! Dan.
    2 points
  2. I had a cheap knock-off underwater camera (it didn't last long) a few years back. Loved the thing for keeping the dink (perch) off my bait while ice fishing. It helped with the quality of my catch, but not so much in the quantity. My eldest brother (He's passed now) had the touch, he constantly outfished us every time. He went into some kind of zone when he was fishing; he was 100% concentrated on his presentation. He didn't need to see what was down there, with either a graph or camera. After 15-20 minutes without a hit, he'd be moving; sometimes 40-50 feet, others a 1/4 mile. It was as if he had a second sense, as to where and how to fish a certain location. Man do I miss him, he had so much more to teach, other's around him. Dan
    2 points
  3. Although I minimize my own use of electronics to a mid-level fishfinder on my boat, I would think the right elctronics, in the hands of a skilled angler who knows how to use them, could be quite useful. Good electronics with a guy who doesn't know how to fish? Forget it.
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. To me this is like Woodstock. Everyone involved or not involved will think back to this and remember where they were when it happened and everybody will have their own little stories about the 2022 Canadian convoy. But at the end of the day I truly don't believe it will effect any kind of change. I just feel bad for anyone in the area who might be having a hard time dealing with this as it is playing out.
    2 points
  6. Any rally that has Swastikas flying proudly, loses any support from me. How hard would it have been for organizers to send them packing. This gave a black eye to the protest and any sympathy they might have gotten. don't get me started on what they did at the War Memorial...
    2 points
  7. Ask Terry,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL
    2 points
  8. I was in Ottawa over the weekend visiting my daughter at Ottawa U and was staying in a condo right in the the eye of the storm (Cumberland and Besserer) of the truckers rally. I cannot say I 100% agree with everything they were about but I will tell you this. I did find them very friendly, and I did not see any violence, looting, vandalism, or criminal activity (other than the odd beer in hand). We went for a skate on the canal and walked the whole length of the protest and did a skate and on the way back did a walk through the market and back to the condo. The restaurants were doing amazing business in the area (we got take out as well on Sat night) and were happy to support the rally. Once there I turned on the news and they were reporting on vandalism, thefts of food and threats!!?? Regardless if I agree with the truckers or not the rally was peaceful witnessed first hand the manipulation of the media to their own benefit.
    1 point
  9. I never got into all the high end electronics and always did very well fishing. I had a half decent GPS that cost about $700 and a pair of sonars that were just used to show me depths and weeds. Never found I needed anything other than that and almost laugh when I see some boats rigged out looking like the cockpit on a 747 with all the electronics. To me the fun of fishing was going out and looking for them and figuring out patterns rather than using very expensive electronics to do the work for me.
    1 point
  10. This is nothing new but definitely getting worse. My 36 yr old son was abused by customers working the cash at McDonalds as a 15 yr old. Treated horribly by adults. He quit and didn’t ever want to work with the public again. Is an engineer now with a family of 4.
    1 point
  11. Not for me,but the Mrs,s does. I was out of malt vinegar, or it would of been splashed on it. That is how I roll.
    1 point
  12. I refuse to put on winter tires because: • It’s my car, my choice, my freedom. • The effectiveness of winter tires is not proven, except by studies carried out by the manufacturers (like I’m supposed to trust them). • My neighbor Bob had an accident even after putting on winter tires. • Some drivers are already on their 3rd set of tires, which proves their ineffectiveness. • We do not know what the tires are made of. • The tire manufacturers scare us with winter just to enrich themselves. • In fact, I read on the internet that the tire giants invented snow and spread it at night when you sleep. • If I have winter tires, the government can track me in the snow. Educate yourself, open your eyes, stop being sheep! This year, I say no to winter tires! HH
    1 point
  13. owning the electronics, and knowing how to use them to catch fish are two entirely different things. Even fishing with a livescope, its not going to catch the fish for you if you dont know what to do when you see a fish.
    1 point
  14. yup...this thread aint going nowhere but into locked mode
    1 point
  15. I am 76, just try to intimidate a young person doing their job in front of me! I am to old to fight, too stupid to run, but I can still lift my foot high enough to make you wish you were at least a foot taller. I am so tired of this bull poop!
    1 point
  16. Hit Tim Hales with Cliff yesterday. Have not fished in a rental hut since the 80's. They have not changed much since then. Warm and comfortable huts lotsa pinhead minnows and no walking and dragging all my own gear out. Action was pretty steady for perch although yesterday the smaller ones visited more frequently than the bigger ones. Came home with 2 feeds for Debbe and I. Cliff did a little better than I did. However my favourite take away from the day was just hooking up with an old fishing buddy who I have not had face time with for far too long. Thx Cliff it was a great day.
    1 point
  17. Some very upset people out there now. IMHO the manager should also be held accountable since he/she should know that some crazies will come through the door. No way a kid should be taking the heat. The job has now become one of security vs polite seating. The manger should be at the door or someone able to at least appear able to deal with such monsters. That poor girl is doing the dirty work of gov't and the Manager and serving as bait for crazies to vent at.
    1 point
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