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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2021 in all areas

  1. So I'm stacking some firewood on the rack beside the wood stove when the phone rings. It's my SIL who wonders if I'd like some fresh Specks as he's on his way back from a very successful morning trip. Well of course I will, right on Allan. So he comes up the driveway and I go out to meet him on the front walkway. He hands me 4 10 -12" beauties and we chat for a bit. Then as he's about to leave I notice this light brown blob on a lilac branch 10 ft away. WTH? So I walk over closer and it's a Saw Whet owl sitting on the end of a cut branch, so cool. I run in the house to grab my camera and Al pulls out his cell phone. Well I knew they were pretty tame but I had no idea how much. I grab some pics and then decide to see how close I could get. Well I get within touching distance and it just sits there opening his eyes the odd time. Well just so happens I had taken some squirrel out for a snack so I go back in the house and cut a strip off to see if the owl would take it. I put it on a stick and hold it out 6 inches in front of it. No reaction so I move it in even closer and he spooks and flies 5 feet away on to a spruce branch beside the house. So I put the strip of meat on a branch below him, he looks at it and ignores it. Then I go back and grab my camera again and take a few more pics and the last one through the kitchen window when I go back in. No idea how long it was there but it's still there an hour later not even paying attention to all the birds around as I have my feeders right there. And all the chickadees aren't even worried and have no fear being 3 ft away from it. So cool, made my day.
    5 points
  2. AGAIN Sure am loving my tie and so are the fish. Time to sell , and make millions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL
    4 points
  3. ...from the back deck last night. Just messing around with a new camera and trying a couple things.
    2 points
  4. So essentially it looks like maybe a little red marabou tail, red thread and the clear wrap? I like this tie Brian, did up some bloodworms when learning back in the early 2000's but none as durable looking as that, and mine were without the little bou tail that likely comes to life down there. Nicely done!
    1 point
  5. Cute little buggers eh? I love owls. S.
    1 point
  6. You should make some wire worms. Whities chow them down. I've never tried them on simcoe, just don't have to, they are the dumbest fish in the province LOL.....perch love em too. Lori and I had our 4 whities in 12 mins on tuesday last week. Fished 1130-2 and put 10 or so on the ice. Slept in, and got home for dinner. Great day. Headed out again tomorrow. S.
    1 point
  7. Like many on this site I am sure over the years I have built up a healthy stockpile of fishing cr$p in the garage Heck my pile even includes an 12 foot kayak A while ago I decided to organize, sell some stuff, give some stuff away and most importantly get my rod and reel combos out of the corner and onto a rack lest they be broken I bought myself a tackle station from BPS and decided to do a review https://www.northernjacks.com/post/product-review-bass-pro-shops-tackle-station Cheers Andrew
    1 point
  8. Got out of isolation from my travel South so I went to the cabin today. 😁 Pack down trail, hang with my neighbors around the fire and take some measurements for a wood order. Good times, wind was cold, no sun to be seen and a bit of snow. My awesome neighbors were nice enough to plow a road from their place to mine so I can park right at the shore of my place. Going to make hauling materials a lot easier. Got a lot going in this year, 3,000 sq ft of interior panelling, 1,000 sq ft of flooring and 3 dozen sheets of plywood along with hopefully some custom cut pine for the front wall. You can see where I had to park before, way out where those little black dots in the distance are. And a shot from the lake.
    1 point
  9. The trinkets I've bought my wife over the years, that have never been seen since gifting them; would likely add up to my new boat; plus accessories. The only ring she wares is the engagement and wedding. I guess there's something in there to be grateful for there? But the pawnshop is still an option for the trinkets; but I'd have to stage a break in to the house. .🙈 LOL Dan.
    1 point
  10. Great work Dave! I have followed your posts on your cabin from the beginning while I have been building my "cabin", have learned a few things from you. I am in the process of painting, then flooring then install kitchen.
    1 point
  11. More ugliness @ the cabin.
    1 point
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