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  1. Back in the day my Dad used to tow my brother and I across Simcoe on a toboggan behind his truck on the way to the fishing grounds. Don't know for sure when this picture of my bro & me was taken but sometime in the 50's.
    5 points
  2. That look's like Big Chevy 4x4.
    3 points
  3. I know what you mean; I've had a few different huts out there. Usually stayed between Thorah and Georgina islands, in or hopefully on the perch grounds. Didn't even think of taking my sleeper hut out last year. For 3 years prior to that I spent extended weekends out on the ice. On a Saturday and Sunday, I'd fish with family; when they left I'd be on my own and enjoyed every minute of it. Stayed for a week once during February. Knew I had enough provisions, propane for the RV furnace and the generator was full of gas to keep my batteries charged. A whole week to myself and time to ponder where the cancer I was diagnosed with was to take me. Great therapy got my head around it and came through it clear of the disease. Not saying the solitude cured it by any means; but got my head in the right place to fight it. During the times out there I also had the chance to meet a few other people; mostly walkers. This one couple I saw walking towards the hut, looked half froze. He had his arm around his wife's shoulder as to shield her. When they were close enough I called them over and asked if they'd like to come in and warm up; which they did. It took them some time to stop shivering; but after a couple cups of hot soup and the furnace cranked up they were fine. Got them bundled back up in their gear and the three of us road back to shore on my quad. I have not seen them since but do get a text form them during Xmas time. Another time a guy had his snowmobile breakdown a few hundred yards away form the hut. He said it had done this before and after letting it to cool down it would likely fire up for him. So he put up his pop up and went fishing. (Bugger caught more fish then me. LOL) A few hours later I heard him trying to start the sled; but not even a misfire was happening. It was also late afternoon and the light was dimming. Told him he was welcome to stay in the hut for the night and have something to eat and a bed. That we'd try the sled again in the morning. He agreed and we had a good meal and then got into my 60 of rye. Lets just say we both slept well that night. LOL The next morning, hungover like bears we towed his sled back to Beaverton. Sorry for the long post; but as I started typing; I started reminiscing. Dan.
    3 points
  4. Just received an email from Bell phone about customer satisfaction. They must have not liked my answers on the survey this is the link I was emailed after notification of them receiving my survey results. LOL Bells reply. LOL As far as I'm concerned the all powerful Bell can go to hell. I have or am trying to my best not to pay them another dime for services. Dan.
    2 points
  5. Got a 15lb brisket going in the smoker on Sunday, when it's time to wrap I'm going to separate the flat and put it in the slow cooker and the point going back on for burnt ends, pics to follow.
    2 points
  6. I might have been smiling but it probably wasn't because I was enjoying the ice fishing hahaha
    2 points
  7. I dumped their asses years ago and wouldn't go back if it was free. Xplornet is another bad one.
    1 point
  8. Yeah, it's nice to have these old pictures to look back on years later.
    1 point
  9. I can vouch for Steve. Totally legit guy. He is isn't the best online communicator, but he knows his stuff and delivers. He's obviously not going anywhere: has been writing for Outdoor Out of Doors for ages. If you want good intel on nymphing for Algonquin specks, you can't go wrong with him.
    1 point
  10. Sure are,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, LMAO Come ice fishing with me when we get ice BOB, Simcoe has some fish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. I remember that day Roger, I think it was the 1st OFC G2G I ever attended. Been a lot of water under the proverbial bridge since then.
    1 point
  13. Does not seem to blurry to me...
    1 point
  14. In 2006 I moved West and North. Best thing I've ever done. I did the move by myself mainly because I didn't have the $$$ to pay a mover to do it. I ended up making 2 trips from Ontario to the Northwest Territories. At least your destination is easier to get to and you won't have any issues getting a mover to haul all your stuff out there. You will need to make a trip or two out there beforehand to look at and purchase a property. You will need to look into employment also unless y'all are retired. It's a lot of work but I found it a lot of fun and exciting. Every time I come back to the old haunts in Ontario I can't wait to get out now. It's way too peoply for me now.
    1 point
  15. I’ve never heard of “falcon rods” and honestly in that price range it probably won’t make a huge difference between one rod or the other. a longer medium heavy rod is kind of a “quiver” killer when just starting out. It can throw spoons etc for pike but you can also throw other stuff like crankbaits etc with it as well. String your baitcaster with braid and then attach a leader to it using a double uni knot depending on what you are fishing. If you are throwing lighter stuff, 8lb fluro, if it’s spoons etc for pike, attach a piece of wire, if it’s walleye, run some 14lb fluro etc. when I first started I had a shimano Bob Izumi mh that I used for everything and it got me by actually really well (those rods were actually awesome for the price) don’t ask me about my rods though now...lol this is me when I look in the rod box on my boat
    1 point
  16. Did up a batch of cajun jerky nuggets over the holidays, also a ham and baked beans..
    1 point
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