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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2019 in all areas

  1. You are a God for giving that young lad an everlasting memory! Don't be getting a big head and start with the Godfather lines - that's a demotion from what ya earned! Seriously, I envy you what you have shared with your son, do it often! Michael
    2 points
  2. Hey guys! Had a great weekend of fishing and camping with my son this past weekend. We camped on an island and fished , and fished...?. Bite was hot, we caught some good numbers of pike...not big ones but really feisty ones. Got in to some bass, but none was pic worthy. Perch was on, all weekend, we got a few jumbos while we trolled for walleye. Speaking about walleye...we caught good numbers of those, most of them in between 10 -16 inches. We got keepers also, 2 nice walleye, 19 and 22 inches . Trolling was the key, but one if the keepers was caught on a lure in less than 10 ft of water...was a great weekend for sure. Cheers! Gino
    1 point
  3. WOW This is big https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=27&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj1vunF0dzjAhWYHc0KHcvzAhcQFjAaegQIAxAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fglobalnews.ca%2Fnews%2F5700226%2Fcapital-one-data-breach-canada%2F&usg=AOvVaw2MfoddzQNqyJp_miYufJdF
    1 point
  4. I went to High School in the late 60's and erly 70's, graduated grade 13 in 72'. There were drugs then, plenty of them and there were drug heads, plenty of them. I don't even know if Fentynol was even invented then. It was Acid, Speed (is that meth?) Hash and Hash oil and bags full of weed. Guys that weren't even students sold it where the smoking area was, all day everyday. I always say my friends and I were born in the right decade Akri. You could go down Industrial Drive in Hamilton, walk into the main office of any plant, apply for a job and get 1. They lasted for 30 to 40 years with benefits and a full pension. There was no such thing as a resume, if you could prove you were 18 and had all your appendages you were hired. Some guys couldn't fill out the application. I actuallt have a old friend that has 45 years of service and still working at 65, he has a young persons job that needs it not him. He complains his 31 year old son living at home can't get a job, I tell him "BECAUSE YOU HAVE HIS JOB STUPID." Besides that his kid is as sharp as a stump and is lazy plus Mummy feeds him, makes his bed and washes and folds his clothes nice, nice. Maybe he isn't so stupid after all.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. no better way to spend time with your son ... great report !!!!
    1 point
  7. It's easy to reduce the cost of senkos 10x if you fish them wacky: shrink wrap tubing.
    1 point
  8. Trust me, I most definitely don't have communist leanings and would put forward that communism is a terrible system that also removes purpose and motivation from people's lives. If the government is going to take care of you just the same whether you're a productive person or a lazy person, what's the point in putting in the extra effort? Might as well do the bare minimum. There's a reason you don't see innovations coming out of communist countries - it's better not to stick your neck out. Equality of outcome is not the solution - it holds back people who could do so much more. Also one of the reasons I oppose UBI. Capitalist systems (despite their flaws) are the system that allows the greatest number of people the ability to have a good life and to further themselves and their children. When asked why he chose to move to America one immigrant stated 'I want to live where the poor people are fat'.
    1 point
  9. Oh, yeah...a week of fishing...awesome!!!??
    1 point
  10. Envious you had the chance to do this! Can't wait for my kids to be that age. I feel like the fishing has improved in West Bay. Not many reports from that area, but it seems to be picking up. @Old Ironmaker our hospital has a dedicated fish removal station. I saw it when I went in for ehmm... cough... a fever.
    1 point
  11. Looks like fun! I’ll be in South Bay area for a week starting next Saturday. Can’t wait!!
    1 point
  12. While I would give you the point that there are likely some people predisposed to being susceptible to substance addition, that argument cannot be used to account for the massive increases in substance abuse and deaths that have been seen in middle america and are making their way into Canada. Predisposition would account for a stable or slowly increasing problem, not the explosion that is happening. I believe that purpose, or more correctly a lack of purpose, has more to do it than anything else. Since the great depression the standard of living for middle america has steadily increased with each generation. Thanks to an economy put into high gear by a war America pulled itself out of the depression and became a manufacturing powerhouse. Steel mills, the automotive industry, and white goods were strong - you could come out of high school, get a good paying job, buy a house, start a family, and do well. Later generations received more and better education and could become professionals, making their blue-collar parents proud. But then that manufacturing faded out, moved out, and died. You need a university diploma to get a job with a decent salary. A house now costs 8-10 years worth of salary, instead of 2-4. You have massive student debt to pay off before you can even think about that house. This generation in middle america is facing the reality that they may very well end up being worse off than their parents. So they're in the situation where they have no job, crippling debt, no future, and thus feel like life has no purpose. Move to the city? Heck, housing becomes ever more expensive and you will still be fighting for a job. When you feel like you have no purpose and no future it becomes very easy to turn to substances for escape, and it leads down a dark path. You're right - those who really want work will always be busy, but there's also a lot of people who will turn to substances in the meantime. I believe this also to be a big reason you're seeing the suicide rates among native communities. It's tragic what's happening, but these kids are growing up and don't see a way out. And they feel like they have two options - live their whole life like that or escape from it now. And the government can throw money at the problem all they want, but until they realize that they need to give these kids a reason to live and a future to look ahead to the tragedy will continue. But I digress. Enforcement is only one part of the solution. You can (and should) crack down on smuggling but as long as the demand and the money are there drugs will be imported. Opiates may be more deadly, but people who want to escape can and will turn to whatever means available, whether that be huffing paint or gas or aerosols or turning to meth. You need to eliminate the demand.
    1 point
  13. Something to think about as you fish is that fish look for the easiest meal available. This means that a fish that sees a frog that is health will not be tempted to eat it because it is not putting off an easy prey signal. When a fish is not healthy then it will swim with a different cadence. This means that if you are fishing with a pull pull stop cadence then try to switch it up with drag drag drag stop stop rhythm. You also have a few different types of frogs to try. Some have a streamlined for dragging over top of the grass and pads and some have a popper type of face to make more commotion. The use of topwater lures is one of the most exciting bites for sure but it is less productive as the water warms up and as the sun becomes stronger. I can throw topwater as long as there is shade on the water but it becomes less effective as the sun shines brightly into the water. If I am not getting a topwater bite I will switch to something that goes deeper such as a crankbait or a spinnerbait. IF there is not action then I will go to sencos or soft baits to find the fish that are deep. Hope this helps Art
    1 point
  14. Very Nice trip Gino thank you for sharing the adventure with us. Art
    1 point
  15. I keep forgetting about wearing shoes in the boat. Funny thing(...not funny for me) that actually happened to me in 2013. I was fishing Parry Sound area , got really early in the boat and I forgot a rod on the bottom of the boat, with a lure attached to line...next thing, I got a hook in my foot...had to go to emergency to cut it and get a shot. Thanks for reminding me, I should have learned by now...??
    1 point
  16. You are the Dad of the summer of 2019. I would have killed to spend that kind of time when I was your boy's age. Do me a favour, wear shoes on a boat. Nothing worse than spoiling that kind of weekend than to have to go into North Bay to remove a hook buried in a foot.
    1 point
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