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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2019 in all areas

  1. Glad to hear they looked after you! With what these things cost, they better make things right (but as we know...this is not what car dealerships are generally known for!)
    1 point
  2. only if you want to stare at the line all day. there *may* be some itsy bitsy panfish, but really not worth the effort. as well as provoking (never fished it), I'd try the madawaska river. lots of pools and eddies. pretty scenic as well.
    1 point
  3. Maybe it's time to stop playing C&R with this resource. Nature paying the price for the amusement of humans.
    1 point
  4. He also drove a 55 Chevy Nomad wagon. White roof and upper fender accents over forest green. Must have had leather interior because I remember liking the taste of the back of the front seats as I chewed on them! I knew one was coming up on Barret Jacksons when they were here one day. I called him in to watch, the car went for over 100K more than 10 years ago, he lost it.
    1 point
  5. I guess you weren't around in the 60's to 80's maybe. It was common to haul a boat around on the top of a 22 foot or so long ( name any of the Big 3) family car. I went halves with a buddy on an old Sears 12" Cartopper in the early 80's. The 4 HP Elgin motor fit in the back seat. I think the Elgin was sold by Eatons. They must have sold them too. You could buy a boat and motor from the catalogues. Dad's 1960 Chevy Impala station wagon fit 9 adults or 13 with 5 kids in the rear facing back seat, we all wanted the back seat. Open the back window and hang out as far as you could without falling out, and no seatbelts. I was going to say no one died but that's not true, some little kids did fall out. Mr. Falwell could take our entire line up and his wife to games.
    1 point
  6. Have you checked out Charleston Lake PP? 20km East to Smith Falls then a half hour south gets you to the village or a tad further around the lake to get to the park itself. It also has water access campgrounds but there wouldn't be hydro there. Lakeline Lodge has cabins for rent as well and possibly some camping spots. Kelsey's trailer park is right there as well. It's a gorgeous lake. https://www.ontarioparks.com/park/charlestonlake https://lakelinelodge.com/ Cheers
    1 point
  7. Substance abuse is an epidemic throughout Ontario. And it will get worse. Lack of enforcement, political will, moral conscience says it all. The youth of much of our modern society no longer have the promise of a bright future where every dream was possible. We've given most of our industry and manufacturing to the third world while creating unrealistic financial goals for the next generation, crippling debt outrageous inflation. Many born since the 80's see no hope or promise for the future and wait for the socialized silver spoon to look after them.
    1 point
  8. Can't go wrong with a yammy!! Ride safe bud! S.
    1 point
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