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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2019 in all areas

  1. Great year for summer mushrooms. Got another nice batch of chantarelles tonight and a nice chicken of the woods. Tasty treats.
    2 points
  2. At the end of the day it’s all about choice. I like to ride a motorcycle and some people think I’m crazy. Other people willingly jump out of a perfectly good airplane and I think they’re crazy. While this is going on, some guy who never takes on unnecessary risk gets flattened on the 401. Do what makes you happy and don’t condemn others based on your personal preferences.
    1 point
  3. I use to work on bikes at my shop, when I was younger. I'm actually still licensed to do safety inspections on bikes; but I do not touch street bikes anymore. Seen way to many people hurt or killed on them; that I no longer want to be apart of someone I helped get into an early grave. Here's one example of why. There was a whole family that were/are customers. The Grandson bought a bike and brought it to me to safety it. I refused to and the kid left mad as hell. Granddad called me and said that after all these years of us dealing together; they were done with me. A month or so later, I see the grandson pulling into my lot. I could see the bike's fairing is all scraped up with large cracks all over it. He gets off the bike and walks towards me; saying he laid the bike down and could I help him. As he turned to walk back to the bike; all I could see was a shredded, blood soaked T shirt. I told him to get into my truck and took him to emergency. They spent close to 4 hours sanding and picking gravel out of his back. Granddad showed up at the shop the next day and apologize to me and said he now understood why. This kid was lucky but I have so many more things I could tell you of what had happened to others that weren't. Before anyone brings this up; yes people can get hurt while driving their cars. At least they're in a crash shield and with 99% of today's vehicles having air bags; the chances of being badly hurt or killed are much much lower then riding with the wind in your hair. Dan.
    1 point
  4. Nice outing! Where did you launch?
    1 point
  5. Hey bud. Nice going, and nice canoe!
    1 point
  6. Gino--great pics, nice boat, wally's for dinner, great day !
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Good shootin. In the weeds still?
    1 point
  9. The idea that animal ag is a major contributor to GHG emissions (many people still believe the ridiculous claim of 51% worldwide) comes from retracted reports from the FAO that were shown in propaganda movies (what the health/cowspiracy - both by the same 'activist' director Kip Anderson) where they compare animal energy inputs (moment its born to the moment it goes in your mouth) only to the tailpipe emissions of the energy industry and transportation. Frank Mitlohner showed how these studies the comparisons were wrong; the studies were since amended to much lower numbers, but the cat was out of the bag... and the movies stayed the same. Frank Mitloehener did a great job at pointing out the problems in the reports, leading to a re-calculation. http://theconversation.com/yes-eating-meat-affects-the-environment-but-cows-are-not-killing-the-climate-94968 They also count animal water as consumptive only, ignoring that they piss out or transpire the water, thus; recycling it (especially on pasture) back to nature, so they'll say 'cows use xx gallons of water. Cows don't 'use' water, they consume it then excrete it. Methane from cows is a flow-through gas, meaning that it is not accumulative (unlike fossil fuel based methane), but rather part of a cycle (like the normal carbon cycle in nature - think trees growing, rotting, turning to CO2 then taking in CO2 to produce cellulose based trees again). Cows replaced large ruminants of the past, the ones that were market hunted to near extinction in the US/Canada. The US/Canada by far are the worlds most efficient producers of food cattle (Aussie/NZ do good too). Feed lots are not the best thing if you care about animals more than people; they are also quite unsightly, but they sure are efficient. Cows are awesome. Let's continue to improve the process, but cows themselves are not a 'problem'. If we start eating foods that are 1/2 as nutrient dense and bio-available (plants), then we will need twice as much food, most of it trucked in from far away, and keep in mind that the majority of food waste comes from plant foods. Also, to wind down this too-long post, keep in mind that ruminant animals largely thrive on feed that is not suitable for humans. We generally do not compete for resources. They can grow in the forest or on grass land, in semi-arid conditions, and fertilize the soil. Humans can't eat trees or grass and plants need animal fertilizers (or mined chemical fertilizers) to grow.
    1 point
  10. Bluffers is no different. Water is in the lot there as well. He got another nice one on the weekend,
    1 point
  11. I remember hunting leopard frogs at night for the old man to use the next day. I never could, I'd usually just release them
    1 point
  12. some guys absolutely love froggin, To be honest my hookup ratio when i started frogging was probably sub 10% Personally theres just other ways I would rather fish in the slop. Some guys seem to stick em all of the time while frogging, personally I have a heck of a time getting the fish to hook up. From my experience when you get a solid frog bite, You are going to see the frog get eaten and its not going to come back up even if you wait for 2 seconds. Then you gotta set the hook really really hard to make sure it crushes and gets the hooks into them. Top water in general is a big time percentages game, thats why I always keep a follow up bait rigged, If i get a blow up that misses, I stop, wait 2 seconds then give the bait one twitch, and wait again. If nothing happens I immediately reel in as fast as possible and throw them something to eat like a senko or a ned rigged craw. If you are fishing heavy weeds immediately chuck a whacky rig exactly where the blow up happened and to be honest better than 50% of the time the fish will hit that follow up bait.
    1 point
  13. I agree with there's no excuse; but I'd also would like to know what the "innocent" boater did? When I had my 16' tinny, I cannot count the number of times that I've been cut off, all but capsized or damn near run over; by these innocent cabin cruiser drivers/owners. Something set that drunk off; but again he shouldn't have done what he did. Dan
    1 point
  14. So im out this weekend and we've all heard about the high water lvls on the lake, well Welland river at least 3 ft lower bass and pike are almost non existant even old docks that were submerged were visible on surface by a few inches, guys if you have a boat and fish the rivers and creeks be very careful what you've boated passed before might rip a outdrive off now, no one needs to dry dock they're boat for the summer due to major repair. The area most i'm talking about is leaving Niagara area heading towards Port Robinson.
    1 point
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