So the other day im fishing with my buddy who likes to collect swimbaits for bass and it occurs to me...Why in the heck are musky fishermen still using such oldschool weird looking baits?
For those not aware, there is a big movement in the bass industry especially amognst younger anglers that is simply called the "swimbait movement" Quite literally though, this same movement just does not exist in musky fishing.
The oldschool baits, Yes...i get it, they work, Ive caught musky on blades and weird looking stuff, but ive also caught musky on big rubber paddle tails that to put plainly, just look like poop when in comparison to what we are seeing on the bass swimbait market these days.
Am I on to something here? Is musky "swimbaiting" the next frontier? or is it deeper than that, is musky fishing dying off with the 50+ crowd and boomers? Is musky fishing just not as "cool" anymore?
Whats your take on this?