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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2019 in all areas

  1. You also have to take the mindset into consideration. If the pond is full of alligators, you don't go swimming in there. If you build by the water, sooner or later you're going to get wet. I lay a fair part of the blame on the local municipalities that allowed construction there in the first place.
    2 points
  2. A report on CBC news this morning talked of a First Nations community on the Albany River in northern Ontario that has had to be evacuated each and every year for the past 17 years. Their Chief said that they have been requesting that the entire community be relocated to another area for years. The cost to the taxpayers has been 15 to 20 million dollars per year for damages and temporary lodging for an entire town. The definition of insanity comes to mind.
    2 points
  3. Here is a link where many scientists and countries have raised the need for research before widespread roll out of 5G. https://www.jrseco.com/european-union-5g-appeal-scientists-warn-of-potential-serious-health-effects-of-5g/ Another concerning the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration Agency) https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/is-5g-dangerous/ No 'Youtube' stuff but some insights that it is probably a good idea to not sleep close to celphones and such. More in the article but I wanted to at least pass along their one tip. The FDA is currently reviewing new research being done since it is unsure of the effects on people. Crazy why such a big rush to get this 5G all over. Souldn't be in such a hurry IMHO.
    2 points
  4. They need a forward(s) that can punish opposing D men physically. When they forechecked like crazy in Game #1, Boston didn't have an answer for it. Combine that with 1 or 2 more key guys on D and things will be on the up and up.
    1 point
  5. peacock tilapia sorry yeah looks like mayan cichlid after i searched them lol
    1 point
  6. Why do people let their aquarium fish go into lakes? Worst crime possible for the environment.
    1 point
  7. yeah people who buy in a known flood area sure bare most of the cost of moving their house to high ground
    1 point
  8. We have some local areas along the Lake Erie tributaries that seem to flood every couple of years, horror and tragedy stories on the news about the home losses and such, but they keep on allowing them to rebuild there. It's not like those areas are unknown, or the risks and dangers of living or building there? Flood me once? shame on you! flood me repeatedly? shame on me?
    1 point
  9. Must be nice to get a cell unlimited data package. We don't get those up here in the Republic of Canuckistan!!! ?
    1 point
  10. I think it’s rime to remove homes from part of the flood plane and lower the land near the rivers to allow much more water to flow. And maybe where there is dams and flood control in place , be proactive rather then reactive cause this is starting to happen every year or so if insurance pays. The rates go up, so we all pay and it just keep happening if taxes pay to solve the problem we all pay but maybe the problem gets fixed
    1 point
  11. Gonna get bad for lots more folks pretty soon too. https://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca/news/article/rising-lake-ontario-levels-are-a-delicate-balance-niagara-river-intake-flooding-along-st-lawrence
    1 point
  12. I think Dozer has it. They seem a bit small for spawning peacock's.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. I got a call from an old friend that moved from Hamilton to the Ottawa River ( Westmeath) after he retired. His wife and he had to evacuate their riverside home on Lake Coulonge that they built 4 years ago. The basement is full of water and the water and ice is 1/2 way up their 1st floor. He says it's a wright off. We live on the waters edge on Lake Erie. We haven't had a beach for the past 7 years. The water is even higher this spring as it is right to the breakwall where we once had 25 feet of sandy beach. That has caused severe erosion all along the lake. I paid $3500.00 last year to repair the armour rock breakwall as the fall storms of 017' undermined the hill behind the breakwall and the erosion was only 15 feet from our deck. That makes for some sleepless nights.
    0 points
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