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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2019 in all areas

  1. I finally mastered the Meegs presentation. Thank you misfish godfather. LOL No ones more happier for you then I buddy. Well done
    5 points
  2. I buried salmon guts and bones under my weed plants and they grew into bushes!! And didn't taste fishy!!
    3 points
  3. It's not just fanatics, it's everyone. From the players to the coaches to the parents, to anyone who roots for a team. Nothing wrong with some emotional investment in a team. Sure beats sitting back and attempting to ridicule people because of it.
    2 points
  4. Geezus. Another unbelievably bad 1st period. That’s it. I’m out. I am now a good hockey fan only. Leafs suck. Their fans are dumb. This thread is stupid.
    2 points
  5. It is absolutely illegal to barter fish and wildlife in Ontario, and I was just joking. But you are free to GIVE somebody a taste of whitefish...............? Doug
    1 point
  6. For me its being all in for the long haul. I've been a Leafs fan through thick and thin and will be until the day I die. My best memories of the Leafs aren't of the wins or the losses, even if they were a legacy franchise like Detroit or Pittsburgh, Chicago etc it wouldn't be how many times they won the cup, or the most memorable wins. It would be watching the games waaaaaaaay past my bedtime with my dad because they went into double OT. It would be cheering with him when they scored and discussing why they blew it with him when they lost. I could have been a fan of any team or any sport but the reason why I'll always stick with the Leafs was because of the memories with my father, not how successful or inept the franchise is. So yes, it is 'we' because this sport that has absolutely no effect on my life whatsoever was part of the reason why my bond with my father is so strong and why family is so important to me. (Asside - My dad is alive and well. I know some of how I was wording stuff sounded like he had passed, but I told him he isn't allowed to until we see the Leafs win a cup together.......... he might have to figure out a way to be immortal at this rate)
    1 point
  7. A little slow or you found my stash! Oh wait! Can I even call it a stash any more?? Supplies??
    1 point
  8. ...at first I thought "who the flip fertilizes weeds?"...a little slow this morning I guess
    1 point
  9. First 2 posts after a Leafs loss: 1. Former Leafs fan who hates them but still watches the games. 2. An actual fan who doesn't think signing Tavares, Matthews, Marner. Nylander is a good idea. I concur its never good to be boo'd off the ice after losing to one of the NHL's bottom dwellers. But hey, teams do have god awful games from time to time or maybe even 2 of those in a row. In the big picture they are still top 5 (points wise) in the league and unless something drastic happens, are locked into to playing Boston in the first round. Are the Leafs a cup contender? Maybe? Depends what team shows up... but I wouldn't give it a hard no on being able to compete. Regardless... 2015-2016 we finished dead last. Seasons 3 removed from that finish, 70 games in we are top 5. Crazy to think though... top 5 in the league but 3rd in the division. So you have to remember it could always be worse..... you could be a Sen's fan. Jack Hughes is going to look great in a Av's jersey. GLG
    1 point
  10. I can see your still not happy with me after this morning. Not my fault you were 15ft away from the spot. LMAO. Was a fun morning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Never caught a walleye before, are they anything like a pickeral
    1 point
  11. Glad you enjoyed it Dave, the "fish Whisperer" aka BB, was the Slay master today, He he topped 12 whities on the ice today. So now he needs to get rid of the BB! I'm definitely up for some Erie fishing this summer. Will be in touch! Rob C
    1 point
  12. ........... You know Moxie made fun of you too in that post....... right?
    1 point
  13. I Is it as Pathetic as 185 pages of the blah blah blah from fanatics inane banter for a hockey team on a FISHING Forum? Besides it's only around playoff time bout the time they shine up the golf clubs.
    1 point
  14. Thanks Brian. I see that you have done well on Simcoe this winter.
    1 point
  15. Just as I figured. Better hope they win the cup cause I'll be back to whack the leafs fan moles if they don't.
    0 points
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