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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi all, Got out on Saturday twice. I headed out at sunrise by myself to try for some crappie before the family was awake. Only stayedd for an hour and caught nothing except a breathtaking sunrise. Scooted back for breakfast and then chilled till after lunch when I headed out with my son Jack to meet some friends and have a shot at some walleye. Jack spent most of the couple of hours riding around on mum's Tundra (he says we should give her the old Bravo back...LOL) and chopping trees down with his machete. He did fish for a bit and landed a 25"er. He made sure everyone knew it was the biggest of the evening. Pike and whitefish were also around and we headed back just before dark. Perfect day with spring like temps of +5C.
    1 point
  2. He decided he was going to play ‘big dog’ and hold out all of this time. Then the team even back payed him this season for the games he didn’t play. So now we are saying ‘let’s give him a few PAID games to get into shape’? Lets pay all the players for training camp and pre-season then. I honestly don’t care when he is supposed to be ready or how many games he supposedly needs. I’m happy to have him back but when he acts like his you know what don’t stink and he was worth holding out for 2 months, i’m Holding him to a higher standard because that’s what he essentially promised us by holding out.
    1 point
  3. To me, he looks like he's in his "playoff form"... out to lunch! HH
    1 point
  4. Why not? He,s an athlete. Should of been on the ice everyday staying in shape while he was sitting out.
    1 point
  5. I’ll give him 7 million dollars worth of slack. He bet on himself. Time to prove it.
    1 point
  6. Anyone have or know of a documented case where a dog has died from eating chocolate ????? Waiting......
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Do hunter's learn a bear's life story before they decide to shoot it? I am not a hunter so don't know how this all works. If I were a hunter that came across a bear I would likely say "Hey...a bear" Then I would shoot it. Probably would not take the time to determine whether the bear had a tough life or an easy life.
    1 point
  9. you mean to tell me the scugog locals havent brought out their pick ups yet?
    1 point
  10. I've been using the Amsoil 10W30 for over 25 years, it meets all the specs.
    1 point
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