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Fishing with Kids!

Mike Pike

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Ok, so now that I figured out how to post full-size pics, I have a bit of catchin' up to do. Here is are some pics of a day out with my niece and nephew.


My cousin and his family came to visit from Pittsburg and the kids wanted their Uncle Mike( Pike )to take 'em fishing.


The morning started on the pier in Port Dover but there wasn't a perch to be found anywhere so I introduced the kids to 'runnin' and gunnin'! lol We packed up and hit some area ponds where I hoped we'd find the fish to be a little more cooperative.


My cousin helps his son scout out a good spot.



We were rewarded pretty quickly. Here's my nephew proudly displaying his first Sunfish.



His sister concentrating on her line...



...and then gets into the act with a Sunny of her own.



After the kids had caught a bunch of Sunfish and Rockbass, my newphew had surprised us all with his first Largemouth. Check out the excited look!



The family's newest Bassmasters!



A great day out introducing the kids to fishing. Oh, and nature! This big ol' Leopard Frog was pretty happy to sit around and pose for as many pictures as we wanted to take!


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That is a simply awesome report! I introduced my son to fishing this year... at the tender age of 22 months.. what a thrill! I remember sitting in a boat pee'd off I wasnt catching while the boat next to me was... but when it came to my son... I could care less if I even had my line in the water... I was just having fun sharing in his experience.


awesome report.



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Great pictures Mike Pike. Looks like a day your niece and nephew will definitely remember. The smiles on their faces says it all.


That frog was smiling too. Probably pleased he wasn't the bait. Bet he has lost a few family members of his own that way.


Oops, hope it is okay to say that on OFC? Don't like to be controversial, especially being new. Just a personal choice of mine. No problems with other anglers who choose to go live.

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Hi Mike, my best days fishing ever bar none, my son had been asking about fishing and showing some interest in my fishing so I decided it was about time he had a go, and took him to the tackle shop, to buy his first rod and then to a little lake i know .


It went something like this.


Float fishing maggots on a size 14. He is throwing bread in for the ducks, ( none actually on the lake ) but I had to tell him there was because he wanted to throw some thing in the lake, anything? and I didn’t want him to throw stones in and annoy anyone else.


His float goes under; you’ve got a bite, (stares at me like he should know what that means). Your floats gone under!, (likewise). Pick the rod up and pull it you’ve caught a fish, finally some movement, he feels the fish on and starts jumping up and down, right reel it in, like he knows what a reel is yet! Turn the handle, turns it the wrong way, other way that’s it.


Beaches the poor little thing. I unhook it (barbless of course) he is running around shouting I caught a fish, I caught a fish, so I go to return it, cries no I want Mummy to see it. So it goes into a bucket for Mummy to see.






Photo shoot a bit later, he is holding the fish a bit too tightly for my liking, anyway better than dropping it i suppose. Then I have to try and explain that we have to return the fish as mummy can't get here, lots of crying as he wants to take it home for mummy, excellent.




My sons first fish 3oz chub, I enjoyed watching him catch it more than anything ever, he caught 5 fish during the day and dad caught nothing, I will one day tell him that I had no bait on the hook but this is just part of life, you get so into looking after the children that nothing else matters.


I really wish my dad could have seen it, he died just before we actually knew Lisa was pregnant , I like to think he's still around somewhere and maybe even saw him catch his first fish?


Regards Clive

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