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Steelhead gear


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I know it is a bit to early for steelhead but I'm looking to prepare myself this year for the steelhead season. First off I want to buy a 10' rod but it will obviously not fit in the car because it's too big. Just wondering if it's supose to be a 3 piece rod or do you acutally have to try and fit the rod in your car like that. My second question what lb line do you run as your set up and what kind of line? I was thinking of just getting another spool of 8lb fluro fishing line and using it as my main line and my fluro. ( don't know if it's a good idea) I will only have one reel spooled for steelhead so I want it to be ideal for all conditions even when the water is gin clear. Any advice anyone, Thanks in advance.

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Hi Xrap, depending on what size rod your looking at it may not come in 3 pieces. My 15 foot and 12 foot float rods are both 3 pieces but the remaining 3 rods I own are all less than 10 1/2 feet and they are all 2 pieces. Maybe invest in a rod tube or Crappie tire version which is PVC plumbers tubing and two caps for the ends this way you can open the window and let what doesn't fit in the car stick out the window. In respect to line you are correct water colour is something to consider at all times. Going with a 10 foot rod will allow you to drop you line weight to 6 lb and tippet depends on clarity (2lb, 3lb). Hope this helps, good luck

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What kind of car do you have? Hatchback? 2 seat sports car? Can you put the backseat down (if you have one)? Can you thread your rod inside the car through the middle?


As far as lines go, I've got 8lb mono spooled on my reels. If the water is gin clear, I tie on a fluorocarbon leader. I find pure fluorocarbon mainlines unpleasant to fish with, especially in colder weather...It's stiff and kinks a lot.

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As mentioned most rods over 12ft can be gotten in 3 pieces. I have a bunch of 11.5ft two piece rods and have yet to find a car where they wouldn't fit in the passenger compartment. On a couple of occasions it has meant putting the rods between the front to two seats. One car they would only fit by putting them on the floor of the passenger side. You just have to be creative and have friends who realize that they might have to ride in the back because nothing is more important than you getting your rod there!!!


As for length of rod, if you are thinking of chucking spoons for salmon as well as using the same gear for some bottom fishing with a slip sinker and a bit of float fishing 10ft is the minimum. A shimano convergence 10ft or 10.5ft will do all three. Not as well as a combination of rods but for starting out it will work.


As for line go with a good mono mainline. Look at Raven's Main Line 40% cheaper than Berkley's XT and twice as good in my opinion. To do everything like chucking spoons for salmon use 8lb. As for leaders I have yet to find a fluorocarbon leader I can trust as much as good old 4lb XT for steelhead 6lb XT for Salmon. Not using Fluoro might mean a few less strikes but I know when I get a hit with XT I will not have a 50% chance of a breakoff...


If you plan on going after those lake O salmon make sure any reel you have will hold 240 yards of 8lb as a minimum....

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i keep my steel-heading simple and it produces many of fish.ive got a 2 piece 10.5 shimano convergance rod. a quantum spinning reel loaded with 8lb main and 5lb flouro coated pline lead connected with a surgeons knot no need for swivel.#12 hooks some split shots roe,bead head jigs and pink worms run it under a float and presto youve got steel.happy hunting.

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Some good advice here....

So just to emphasize, as MJL has said already don't spool your reel with fluoro. Its properties are more condusive to being used on a baitcaster or as tippet or leader material.

Spool your reel with any quality 8lb test mono. Run your float and the bulk of your split shot on your 8lb mainline if your floatfishing, then tie on a lighter (4,5,6lb) tippet either using a tiny black swivel or direct to your mainline.

As far as long 2 piece rods in the car, unless you're driving a Smart Car it's not an issue. Put the rod between the 2 front seats, reel on the floor beside the passengers legs, rod tip pointed toward the rear of the car.

No problem at all...

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I have 8 lb mono for my mainline...and depending on the clarity of the creek/river, I'll use from 4 to 6 pound fluro leaders. It's a lot cheaper losing a hook and a few pieces of shot, then floats...mind you, I snag a LOT in the waters I fish....LOL.

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If your going to use floats l recomend the Raven balsa floats more for the retrieve aspects. Its the only float l have used that did not cause drag on the return and hardly any splash on entry.

l know you were thinking of a 10' 2 pic but if your going to do anyfloat fishing l would go to the 13' 3pc rod. More reach, longer drifts and you will be flippin or swinging the roe bags into the holes. Peace Ken

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My wife has a Honda Fit and I have a Mazda Protege. I have a 13' 2-pc. and can get it in both cars with the seats folded down.


There are a lot of recommendations here for 8lb mainline. 6lb is also very common, and that is what I use. As for which brand of mainline, the suggestions above are good. There is also a thread about this if you do a search. Definitely do not spool your line with flouro. It will kink and do all kinds of crazy things. I use the Raven 5.6 lb flouro. and find it works very well. Drennan is also very popular among steelheaders, but is more expensive.


Shimano Convergence 10.5 is a great rod for the price ($70). If you are considering using a longer rod, I bought the 13' Quantum PT float rod - $120 - and am very happy with it. I began steelheading last fall, so I'm still a newbie. I did some research and got several recommendations for the Quantum PT.


Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions.


Good luck and good fishing!

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