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Centre Island Carp July 11th


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July 11th. I haven fished the island for sometime now and was desparate

to get into some bigger fish. Cause this summer so far I have been playing

with smaller fish cause the location is closer to me since I moved. And

checking the weather report they said there is a slight chance of strong

thunder storms later in the morning. Well I decided to test my faith in

almighty once more. Plus I haven't fished the locations at the island for

some time now.

So I'm not even sure if the carp are where they are supposed to be at this

time of year. So I decided to give it a try. Urbanangler was supposed to

meet me there but couldn't make it the last minute. It was really windy in

the morning. And if a storm did blow through it would have been a real

nasty one cause of the winds. I walked along the shore looking for anything

that moved.


Saw some bass still busy doing their thing. Nice to see!! :thumbsup_anim:

Then I saw some carp crusing around. I tossed in a micro plastic jig. As it

fell and landed on top of a milfoil the fish headed towards it. And my blood

started pumping. I knew that a micro jig wont be able to hold a carp but

I wantted to have some fun and knew that whenever I wantted to release

him I just had to horse him in and the hook would starighten out easily. He

slowly moving in and looks down.. gulps the plastic and....


He makes a run!! Around and and up and down the bank wrapping as much

weeds as he can to put pressure on the hook. Sure enough with all the

weeds around my line between me and him. The jig straightens out. Just

as I though it would happen. :clapping: Time to move on... to the famous carp

pond. Saw some fish in there too. Boy was it easy pickens there. Take

a look. They were in about 1 foot of water right up close to shore. Mind the

land mines. Alot of it too I might add. (duck droppings)


I drop some corn in there. Right infront of thier noses. They spooked abit

but couldn't resist the smell of sweetness. And came in. Just as it got

closer to my hair rig I was getting ready to set the hook. It moves in picks

up the hair rig. I see it disapear and go for the hook set!! Out comes the

hair rig in mid air and there goes the fish.


Talk about getting all excited. I guess I was just too pumped. Ok over to

my next location. The winds started to pick up at this point and everything

gets darker and the clouds move in thick!! The clouds to my left were

getting darker but on my right side it was still sunny.


I tossed my hair in and waited and watched the clouds come across my

path. No rain yet. I knew if it started to come down I'd have to pull out

my rain suit in a hurry. It got really dark. You can see in the next pic. And

yes the fish were turned on!! The darker it got and with no rain made for

a interesting day. Surely with conditions like this I knew smething big will

surface from the deep. They always do come up when its dark. So beware!! :unsure:

A slight tug and slack on the line. Hmm must be a gobie. Then and other tug

and out goes the line like frieght train snagged it !! Short fight and this guy

shows up from the deep.


I said to myself ok they are here. But not much. I landed it and took a quick

pic with what little light there was. The clouds were moving pretty fast by

now. And I didn't see any dark clouds in the sky heading my way and no rain

coming down. Infact it started to get brighter and only few rain drops.

Not enough to run for cover.Then it finally happened the monster showed

up. The line took off again like I snagged a missle. It took a very long run

to seek out every weed patch there was in sight. But I had 14lb fireline

which cuts through weeds very nicely. Which it didn't this time. So I had to

take my time. And sure enough I landed the monster. During this battle I

didn't even know that the clouds had moved off and the sun was coming out









I'd say he was the biggest I landed this year. It might even topped the

biggest I landed last year also. It had a huge gut on it. Hopefully I'll be

heading out again with urbanangler this time. I need a camera man. :thumbsup_anim:









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Nice one dsn. How big was it (weight, length etc)? Sure looks like a 20-25pounder.


Hope to get out there with you one day - I could do the whole cameraman thing in between catching a few of my own! :P



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great job dsn! that fish looks like a high 20?


it's amazing enough how you did ur action shots while fighting your fish ... how the heck did u take a shot when u were setting the hook?? we gotta get together sometime so u can teach me that lol!!

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Great stuff DSN quality work, so you use the hair rig then, I know it is not a secret any more like for about 20 years but I just wondered do you think you get more takes using it as your fish see so little pressure I wondered is all. Any one use boilies as bait. Just wondering how you guys do it we all have different styles.


regards Clive

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Great stuff DSN quality work, so you use the hair rig then, I know it is not a secret any more like for about 20 years but I just wondered do you think you get more takes using it as your fish see so little pressure I wondered is all. Any one use boilies as bait. Just wondering how you guys do it we all have different styles.


regards Clive


The Hair rig method I used to use all year round last year. But this year in the earlier season didn't work as well. Cause the fish weren't that aggressive on the takes. Plus when you have alot of smaller fish around (smaller carp 2-3lb range) and gobies around the hair can be a useless. So I started off using the old placing kernels on a hook method which worked great. I tried using bollies that day but nothing. So I switched back to corn. The corn was brighter under the cloudy sky and was very visible in the dark waters. I got more hits on that than with bollies for that day.





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I tried using bollies that day but nothing. So I switched back to corn. The corn was brighter under the cloudy sky and was very visible in the dark waters. I got more hits on that than with bollies for that day.


I'll sell you 1 of of my magical pineapple boillies for $30. Or 5 at $100. At those prices, you can't go wrong!

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I'll sell you 1 of of my magical pineapple boillies for $30. Or 5 at $100. At those prices, you can't go wrong!


Ahhh no thanks!! I might take them and think they were jaw breakers and start eating them myself. :P



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Great report DSN, I'm not sure a camera man would have done any better.


you can tell by how the pics I took, how they change from bright then got dark and then brighter again. Because of the clouds.

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You guys ever try peanuts popped up off the bottom say between 2" and 6" the popup is a piece of cork shaped to look like a peanut. In France i used to catch virtually every night on this method I used to always have 1 rod ( we could use up to 4 rods in France) with this setup and nearly every morning 5AM I would have a run it was spooky how regular they were. Nothing touches peanuts except carp, try soaking them in different flavoured dips I used to use quite large peanuts, 3 or 4 plus the cork, I used to think they will never take that but they did, we could buy a 10kg bag fresh from a birdfood wholesaler for a few quid and they would last for ever. They are virtually indestructible and you can cast them way out without worrying if they have flown off.


I presume gobies are crayfish of sorts??


Just wondering.


Regards Clive

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Cheers MJL getting the hang of things slowly :thumbsup_anim: they seem like nasty little beggars. We have the American Signal Crayfish which has all but wiped out our native crayfish apart from up Scotland way last I heard anyway they are here to stay so we just got to get used to them shame though. <_<


Thanks for taking the time

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