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Canadian supplier of tinned marine wiring ?

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Hey folks, I’m looking for the last bits needed to do my boat rebuild/customization this winter. I’m having a tough time finding 6ga tinned marine wiring.

I’m a bit leery of ordering from the US right now due to the mess that’s going on with the election fiasco not to mention the brokerage fees.

open to good over the counter suppliers in the Milton-KW, Gullah to Hamilton corridors also

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10 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

Not sure if you are Amazon “averse” but you can buy anchor marine wire in all gauges and lengths on Amazon. That’s where I got mine

Thanks. I’ve got a shopping cart ready with Amazon.CA but it’s limited in product vs Amazon.COM. I couldn’t find anything in my budget on .ca. 

 I do have a current Amazon.com order pending and if comes in without a brokerage and delivery fiasco, than I will look there for the wire. (Though I much prefer to support other businesses than Amazon if I can help it) 

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Thanks again guys, Holland Marine was the last piece of the puzzle. I was able to pull some things back out of the shopping carts and I’ll be buying the remaining items semi-local. 

I haven’t done the math, but I think I’ll actually be saving money, or at least not being too much more invested. And I’m able to buy cut quantities of wire instead of full rolls. 

can’t wait to start the build


Edited by Hack_Fisherman
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