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Joe, Art take note


I'll admit it I have a heavy foot when it comes to interstate travel and generally get a ticket every two or three years, this year I have received two, but this could be costly.




I generally get them spread out enough that it doesn't hurt my insurance.

Those fines would really hurt the wallet though.



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In Ontario they are contemplating taking your vehicle from you if you are going 50 km's/hour or more, over the speed limit. And I mean taking it. For good. How's that for an expensive speeding ticket??

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I think that's just great, maybe those that can't follow the simple rules now have an incentive. I couldn't believe the amount of OPP cruisers out today giving out some free passes to traffic court. Some people must just be plain stupid, see the fuzzmobile sitting on the side of the 400, doing at least a 130...what are they thinking.

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If the cruisers were actually patroling the highway, cracking down on the unsafe lane changers, tailgaters and morons who just have to get ahead that extra car length I could support it. But it's much easier to "collect taxes" sitting at the side of the highway with the radar going nabbing the guy going 125 or 130. You will never convince me that is real policing. Things will not improve until our government stops relying on speeding ticket fines and starts to crack down on those who really cause tragedies on our roads!

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I like the law - as long as it is not me getting the ticket.....


This is not a money grab for the Government (or state in this instance) they are using this as a deterrent. The only way for a deterrent to work is to ensure people are apprehensive about the outcome - this I'm sure they would be.


People know they can get away with speeding and other types of aggressive driving in Ontario, or at least play the lotto (i.e. hope they don't get caught) when they decide to do it. We have probably all done it at one point. I'm sure it has happened a lot where one (myself included) has got a speeding ticket and said they will never speed again. I know there are times now I speed (within reason), so what happened? I can guarantee that I would not speed if I were to potentially get a $3,000+ fine.


There wouldn't be more cops policing it, but more of a deterrent to stop people doing it in the first place.

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They need to do something about the agressive lane changing,tailgating guys here.The average guy doing 10 to 15 mph over on the interstate is just keeping up with traffic is not the problem.I generally dont pay much attention to the speedo,I drive as fast as the rest of traffic so I dont get run into.Thanx for the heads up Phil.


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In Ontario they are contemplating taking your vehicle from you if you are going 50 km's/hour or more, over the speed limit. And I mean taking it. For good. How's that for an expensive speeding ticket??


I think that Fantino wants you charged with street racing automatically for going 50KPH over and that you lose your car for 7 days.... Which to me is more than fair. As someone who makes the majority of my living driving I welcome seeing anything that will get people to stop street racing... I hope the two clowns who are under arrest for killing that truck driver on the 400 get 20 yrs no parole. It might start to set an example.

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I think that Fantino wants you charged with street racing automatically for going 50KPH over and that you lose your car for 7 days.... Which to me is more than fair. As someone who makes the majority of my living driving I welcome seeing anything that will get people to stop street racing... I hope the two clowns who are under arrest for killing that truck driver on the 400 get 20 yrs no parole. It might start to set an example.

No, those two *%@*(words not allowed to be aired), should have to work and wages garnished to pay that unfortunate truck drivers family for the rest of their lives. They would be driving "black cadilacs" for the rest of their lives for transport. For those that don't know what black caddies are...work boots, not cars.

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If the cruisers were actually patroling the highway, cracking down on the unsafe lane changers, tailgaters and morons who just have to get ahead that extra car length I could support it. But it's much easier to "collect taxes" sitting at the side of the highway with the radar going nabbing the guy going 125 or 130. You will never convince me that is real policing. Things will not improve until our government stops relying on speeding ticket fines and starts to crack down on those who really cause tragedies on our roads!


Couldn't agree with you more John!


Joe I tend to set the pace :thumbsup_anim::D


I don't bob and weave though.



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I like the law - as long as it is not me getting the ticket.....


This is not a money grab for the Government (or state in this instance) they are using this as a deterrent. The only way for a deterrent to work is to ensure people are apprehensive about the outcome - this I'm sure they would be.


People know they can get away with speeding and other types of aggressive driving in Ontario, or at least play the lotto (i.e. hope they don't get caught) when they decide to do it. We have probably all done it at one point. I'm sure it has happened a lot where one (myself included) has got a speeding ticket and said they will never speed again. I know there are times now I speed (within reason), so what happened? I can guarantee that I would not speed if I were to potentially get a $3,000+ fine.


There wouldn't be more cops policing it, but more of a deterrent to stop people doing it in the first place.


I wish that you were correct, HOWEVER, the one's that are nabbed in the speed traps are not those (in general) who cause the carnage on our roads.


The only way to catch the idiots who consider our roads a "playground" is with more presence through real policing, not through collecting "tolls"!

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