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Pick-Up truck safety...NF


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With all of the mandates for better fuel economy it is going to be a battle to make the trucks as safe using newer lighter build materials and processes. Hopefully the manufacturers  will keep an eye on safety as well as fuel economy as we go forward.


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For safety I always bought either pickups a full size SUV or full sized vans because they were higher off the ground and they had frames underneath - when I sit in a car it feels like my butt is dragging on the ground -  most cars just fold up like paper when in a crash - a semi would flatten them out like a tin can -

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Don't eat this, you're gonna die, don't drink that, you're gonna die, don't go there, you're gonna die, don't fly in this plane, you're gonna die, don't go into the water you're gonna die, don't drive this you're gonna die and for God's sake don't breath the air you are going to die, for sure. I think you get my point. 

Basically fake news bought and paid for by the sellers of Ford F-150's and Dodge Ram with Honda chipping in a few bucks. 

If I was ever in the passengers seat who was driving?

A Cop. 

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Although I don't drive a Tundra, I have the greatest respect for that vehicle. It is indeed, probably a simple matter of the Tundra being late in it's redesign and that this deficiency will get addressed in it's next makeover.

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