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Long overdue fishing session


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I’ve had a couple of chances to get out earlier this year but, between changes in work and looking for a new place, those times have been few and far between. As much as I enjoy getting out, the times I have this year have not been productive. I felt bad too because the past few times i’ve Been on the ice i’ve Had my mom and my girlfriend with me and the fishing has been less then stellar. 

I decided over the weekend to take them both out to my favourite spot on my favourite winter lake. This of course meant waking up at 3 am and being on the road for 4. 

We got to my spot and set up. A little later then I would have liked but it didn’t matter. 

After fishing for about an hour I stick my head out of the hut and see one of the top ups going bonkers. I run over and set the hook. She was on there for sure. I try calling to my mom and my girlfriend but I couldn’t find that happy medium between them hearing and the rest of the lake not hearing. So I ended up pulling in the first  one. 

After that the action was steady. Mom pulled in her first lake trout. My girlfriend figured out the technique and had bite after bite for an hour or so, Landing a few good ones. A few lakers decided to do the ‘death roll’ in the line as they were coming up. Those ones got to come home. 

All in all it was a great day on the ice. Girlfriend is now addicted to ice fishing and wants to go again and my mom loved it. Couldn’t have asked for a better day. 







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Sounds and looks like a great day indeed. Jealous you got your mom out. My mom is very outdoorsy but never shown any interest in fishing so I gave up years ago asking if she wanted to tag along.  Also I see the GF cutting a hole in the last picture. Train  one to cut holes and the other to drag your stuff out. What a perfect threesome:lol:

Enjoy those lakers. I'm not a big laker fan for table fare...but the ones that size are actually quite tasty.

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Thanks guys. Was a blast. 


They wouldn’t let me drill the holes or carry the gear (had hernia surgery a month ago) so it was a pretty easy day. 


Just had some of the Lakers tonight. They turned out really well. Any bigger and they probably would have gone back but they were just about the perfect size. 

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Well done. 


Sounds like a good day all around.

How did you find the conditions?  Slush?  How thick was the ice?  Walking?

Thanks in advance,


Sorry, edit to add, probably going to hit that lake myself this week depending on conditions.

Edited by farsider
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1 hour ago, farsider said:

Well done. 


Sounds like a good day all around.

How did you find the conditions?  Slush?  How thick was the ice?  Walking?

Thanks in advance,


Sorry, edit to add, probably going to hit that lake myself this week depending on conditions.

Hey Mark. The ice was superb. 10-12 inches of black ice. A few minor slushy spots but for the most part the snow was packed and solid. Sleds were ripping up and down the lake with no issue. 

Only thing i’d Say is keep an eye out, with the warm weather coming up it could change. 

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19 hours ago, chris.brock said:

Looks like a fun, successful day.


  I try calling to my mom and my girlfriend but I couldn’t find that happy medium between them hearing and the rest of the lake not hearing

I thought that was funny, well writen.

I laughed at that too.  Good job Jeremy

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11 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:

You can't beat a day like you all had. Big bonus was not having to lug all the stuff and drill all the holes. Way to go me Man. The girlfriend can drill holes and catch fish, but can she cook them? If yes a trifecta. If she owns her own boat well that my friend is a what I call a keeper.

Thanks guys. 

No one touches the fish when it comes to cooking them. I have more recipes then a zebra has stripes. We actually had some of it last night and it turned out well.

She doesn't have a boat but she loves fishing on mine. Just the fact she enjoys coming out with me is more then I can ask. I felt bad. Last couple of outings she was starting to get bored. I think if we got skunked this time she never would have come out again.

Now after having a 20 inch laker almost yank the fishing rod out of her hands, I think she is hooked. 

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Some nice fish jerpears1.

Well done !

I tried so many time to get my girlfriend, now longtime wife, to fish with me. Finally gave up after years of trying. Now I have the kids to keep me company. Yours is definitely a keeper. 

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22 hours ago, jerpears1 said:

Hey Mark. The ice was superb. 10-12 inches of black ice. A few minor slushy spots but for the most part the snow was packed and solid. Sleds were ripping up and down the lake with no issue. 

Only thing i’d Say is keep an eye out, with the warm weather coming up it could change. 

Thanks for the feedback!


Agree, the weather is looking rather wet for the next bit.  Might hold off until it firms back up. 

Looks like your timing was ideal



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