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Checking in from FLA

Old Ironmaker

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Went to Key West this AM for brunch. The folks here got hammered by the Hurricanes. Damage everywhere, some places no longer exist, it is tough just to look at I can't imagine loosing everything. Their attitude down here is "I know what I signed up for." Damages to properties is a known, if you have never been effected you either haven't been here long enough or you haven't been here long enough.

We haven't gone out on any charters, yet, there is a cold front (high of 70F today) and nothing much is hitting and many of the regular charters have sustained damages to either their boats or the marinas where they are slipped so they have suspended operations. Plus my back is still wonky and don't want to end up laying in bed for a week. We are going to head up to 41 and across Alligator Alley tomorrow morning to friends in Naples for a week or so.

A side note, a B&B on Duval Street in Key West is going for up to 500 bucks a night, or more!!! It has changed so much here since I first came in 1976, I remember exactly because it was the US Bi-Centennial year. Walmart and Wallgreen's have invaded, there was a time you thought you were on one of the islands, now you know you are in the good old North America. Plus it seems to be a place for the Rich and Famous not the laid back citizens of the Conch Republic. My little raw oyster bar, was 25 cents each a few years back, off Duvall St. is now an Art Gallery selling stuff from China. Sad to see really, it will be my last time coming to Key West at least.

edit: I did wet a few lines in a canal at the end of the road from the camp. A few bite offs and some small Jack's. A big bag of cut bait is still 5 bucks. Just a casting float, some split shot on a Flouro leader and some dead bait on a Circle Hook. You can catch small fish all day and Tich doesn't mind fishing like that. Once and a while you will get lucky and not get a bite off and land a nice Ray or Sea Trout.

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Hello all. Checking in. Albert, Mom, Dad and I had co ownership in a condo in south Fla. (Charlotte Harbor) from 87 until 2005. When Mom and Dad's health insurance got ridiculous we sold. I could have bought it out then but we wouldn't be using it as often as those members of the Family and their kids and friends that didn't own it if you get my drift. The best was when my 22 year old niece told us my wife and I couldn't use our place because her boyfriend another 2 couples and she would be down the same 2 weeks, of course we relented as to not start a war. I have 52 weeks vacation my wife gets 5, they get 2. The value went down about 40% a few years latter so we made the right decision in the long run to sell pre recession plus I no longer needed permission to go to our condo. 13 years latter the value hasn't rebounded to 05' prices for the same condo there. 15 minute walk to the fishing pier which was great plus the bait shop is on the way. Who cares about a walking score for Bars and Bistro's, a bait shop close by is priceless. Plus what you don't use as bait can go on the BBQ.

Went to a pier with our host this AM and got into some nice Sea Trout, largest about 3 lbs. Man those 2 front teeth will do a number on a hand. For those that have never seen one picture a nice sized trout with 2 upper teeth 3/4" long. They are dotted with circles like a Speckled and each circle has a perfect cross in it. My thrill of the day was a 23" Snook just before we left for lunch. They are a feisty fish. Medium spinning tackle with 12 pound braid and a flouro leader. I got the Snook on the tried and true black and chrome F-10 Rappala. Those things work all over the world. We were checked by 2 different crews of Fish and Game. All they wanted to do is talk about Musky once we showed our permits. Pics need to be downsized.

It is a bit strange being questioned by a Game Warden with a 9MM Glock strapped to them and a bullet proof vest.

77F this afternoon. Went in deep enough to wet my Plums this afternoon.

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Up early this AM. Brian you can't score 3 points and expect to win a game, even a Hockey or Baseball game. If your D can hold a playoff NFL team to 9 points one would expect you came out with a win and move on in the tournament.  Rookie Head Coach, rookie GM, 22 players on the 53 man roster that never wore a Bills uniform before. And you break a 17 year playoff drought. The longest of any of the 4 North American pro leagues and you finish above .500! A stellar year for a Da Bills.

Don't blame me for being a Bills fan, Mom is from North Tonawanda so I'm a Bills fan by DNA.

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Got into Buffalo at 5AM. Delayed in Washington due to weather. Nice to be home. I decided to come home now rather than stay a few more weeks and suffer alone. Fishing took a back seat, my back is pooched. Looks like I am going to have to do something about it. Out since the 1st week of December, I am breaking down and seeing my Doc Tues. It's nice to get away to warm weather but it is nicer to come home. We don't have a lot of stuff but I like being near it. It sure is cold here, plus "free" Health Care. Where's all that 60F weather I was reading about the other day?  Bunch of fibbers.

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Thanks amigo mia. -6, yea right maybe -16.  I have never been to Curacao, I hear great things about the place. Been years since Aruba, even then, early 80's,  it was dear compared to other Islands. My favorite was Turks and Caicos before anyone knew where it was. Pristine. It had 1 landing strip on Provencal then you took Island hoppers to get to where you had to go. Cottage like bungalow's. Hardly any roads, the best diving on the planet. Piracy was a big thing there back then. Kind of unsettling when the dive Capt's 1st mate had a 30 cal on board and the guy that took care of the cottages had a sidearm strapped to him.  My brother had the great idea that we would run a security business for tourists and the boats that brought goods to these outpost camps. His and my young wife didn't buy into it. A businessman from Burlington was looking for investors for the 1st western style Hotel then. Canada was considering taking it on as a territory. No idea what is there now but I recommend it if it's considered safe, I'm sure it is. Have a great time with your daughter paesano mia.

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