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Roy halladay


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I can never understand why anyone would wish death on anyone else.


I have had people who have wronged me, cheated me and stole from me. People I wouldn't have a nice word to say to or about even if I was getting paid for it. And I never would wish death on any of them.


I donmt understand how someone can say they are rooting for the wall. Did Earnhardt run over his dog or something?


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Let's start banning sports cars too.


Proper training, maintenance, attitude and respect for your machine prevents this sort of thing.

No we shouldn't ban all sports cars only the ones that explode in flames when hit from the rear as they did the Chevy Corvair in the 60's and another that I think was a Ford that had the same issues, Mavericks I think, someone here remembers. We shouldn't ban all sports planes either, just the one that have claimed 3 lives in the past month. Like I said I can't quantify the ratio of crashes to flight hours of the Icon A5. That number would be interesting to see. This sports aircraft has a very limited number of them in the air and an unusually high number of crashes. Yes they should be grounded and if found to be unsafe to fly banned. I agree 110% that proper training, maintenance attitude and respect for any machine makes it safer to operate but the Icon A5 was marketed to be flown irresponsibly in my opinion.


It might all be a moot point as this company is most likely going out of business. With all the recent crashes and bad press whom in their right mind will buy one now?

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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I don't wanna say anything bad about Roy, he's deceased and left a family and alot if friends behind.


But, many said he was flying the machine in very risky ways. Can't blame that on the plane that possible couldn't handle such manuevers.


Kinda like letting me lose on the Autobahn in a super car, odds are I'm gonna end up in an obituary.


But OI I totally agree the marketing is waaaaay off. I'd also agree they aren't around this time next year.


Very very irresponsible marketing IMO

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I won't comment let alone criticise on how Mr. Halliday was flying because I don't know. I do know that you wouldn't let a 16 year old that just got their licence let loose on a public road or track in that Bugatti Supercar that can hit the same speeds as a Formula 1 and Indy car. I think that is a fair comparison in my mind.

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I won't comment let alone criticise on how Mr. Halliday was flying because I don't know. I do know that you wouldn't let a 16 year old that just got their licence let loose on a public road or track in that Bugatti Supercar that can hit the same speeds as a Formula 1 and Indy car. I think that is a fair comparison in my mind.

Yeah, that basically echoes my views

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OI.. you're way off track and out of line IMHO. Take that from a guy that got a call from Parry Sound OPP to do the accident investigation for TC and to collect my best friends belongings for his wife some years back. Similar style aircraft (amphibious rear pusher), that crashed into the rock face on the back side of Picnic Island,. He went through his windshield breaking his neck and instantly killing him.


Sometimes crap just happens to the best of them. Not once did I think I should immediately call for a grounding and ban of all similar aircraft. Mother nature got him and some poor choices, one being not wearing his seat belt during landing because he was afraid he'd drown if he flipped.


As for Icon... they're probably not going anywhere soon. You won't see many, if any, cancelling their long awaited orders for their new toys!

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Yep , the Icon A5 kills another needlessly. Sad day for the Halladay family.


..and their test pilot! Their entire marketing style is wrong, selling them as PWC's with wings.. trolling for the young / hipster / with money.


Roy paid a premium to take delivery of serial #001 for the 2018 model year, that and who better to advertise their aircraft for free. His was the first hull that Icon actually did the composite layup in their new inhouse facilty (2017's where outsourced). I was actually hoping to see that it was an inflight break up due to improper composite work, but it appears Roy was hotdogging and stuffed it into the bay. The NTSB report will tell the tale, but that will take a year probably.

I think out of line is a bit harsh Wayne. It was you that questioned the integrity of the plane above. I quote "Yep , the Icon A5 kills another needlessly." You said that not me and taking your experience into consideration I took that to mean this thing isn't safe. I misunderstood your view obviously.


I've been around a while too and at 25 years old had to go to a friends Mom's and kid brother and sisters home to tell them I just identified their loved ones body on the side of the road after a car accident coming out of the plant, I waited for the Police to accompany me and they never showed up, not even latter that night, December 13th 1979 4:15 PM. I was as well the G.F. from the department that went with H.R. the Police and a Minister to a co workers home to notify them that their husband was killed on the job because I knew the families well, twice. We all have tragedies we can recount but would rather forget Sir.


If I offended you it wasn't my intent. It was my intent to vent when I hear of what I feel is a needless death. I won't apologize for my personal opinion.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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