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Who is going to pull the trigger?

Big Cliff

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I recommend you check your sources. You're reading a known Republican propaganda piece. It is owned by Richard Mellon Scaif, a billionaire 1% whose family dynasty includes banks and oil companies. He is known to fund Republican candidates, but I'm sure he does that out of the good of his heart because I doubt he wants anything in return for his money. Rich people are generous like that. He's also a really crappy human being based on the details that became public during his divorce hearings.


I say this sincerely with no intent to insult: have you given any thought to where you get your news and what their agenda might be?

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If ignorance is bliss...


What are we at war with?


Who exactly is at war?


What is the plan to defeat terrorism?


Why are we at war with terrorist?


Well, for one, its governments at war and not us.


Do they have our best interest at mind, or theirs? Also, who else is calling the shots to ensure this war?


From the point of a business model, the war on terror is brilliant!


To the ignorant, we fight for freedom, democracy, religion etc.


This is all wrong...


We(world governance) is fighting over resources, control, dictatorship of other nations.


Well most civilians cannot or will not frasp the concept that these are illegal wars, at the expense of our money, our innocence, our bloodshed.


They fear not who they kill our mame


The goal is to stay in business(war)


Anyone that encourages the western view on this illegal war, sign up to fight! Get your grandkids to sign up to fight!


But dont cry foul when some dont return.


The soldiers are not brave in their missions, they are brave to realize its time to come home.


Even before the industrialization of the western world, plans were already churning.


The priveldged developed great strategies to become super rich and influencial.


Even ww1 and ww2 were complete farces, so was every war after it.


Follow the money, who owns what and has to gain from such turmoil?


When you figure it out, you will realize humanity has been dealt a piss poor hand in a game we didnt even realize we were playing...

Edited by manitoubass2
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Again, that's not really relevant. I identify as neither left, nor right. I read many news sources and time permitting I look up who owns the source. I try to spend as much time learning about them and their agenda as I devote to their writing.


I noticed you have no comment on the source of your article though. That says a lot.


There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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You ever talk to anyone that's been there?

Directly? No. I don't know any Canadians currently deployed in Syria.


Neither do you though, since there are no Canadian Forces members in Syria.


I knew a guy who drove a supply truck in Afghanistan as a part of the Reserves. He said it was a sh!t show and no one knew what the hell was going on. For him it was a paycheque when he signed up. He retired from the Reserves as soon as he got back. He said he wouldn't fight any more "bankers wars".

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The irony is delicious.


We have killed 210,000 Syrians, half of whom were civilians and therefore NOT part of IS


BUT you want "THEM" them to stop fighting and co-exist with US? (Nevermind the fact they are victims of both IS and "the coalition", and are NOT actually trying to kill us AT ALL).


Can you not see the irony?

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The irony is delicious.


We have killed 210,000 Syrians, half of whom were civilians and therefore NOT part of IS


BUT you want "THEM" them to stop fighting and co-exist with US? (Nevermind the fact they are victims of both IS and "the coalition", and are NOT actually trying to kill us AT ALL).


Can you not see the irony?

Some people get it???

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Uhm, out of that 210000 number, I have to wonder how many Asad killed before we got there... you do realize that his father evoked genocide on his people during his rule and was it not all in the name of religion? The same could be said for what was modern day Syria.

No doubt that part of the world is a complete mess and frankly, that mess is spreading through out the world. And we are being told to help spread that mess by inviting them here.

As I stated earlier in this thread, as it seems that we have no choice in this matter, I truly hope that these refuges can and will assimilate into Canadian society. Unfortunately given what's happening in Europe, I don't see that as a goal of these immigrants. Just the opposite actually.

As a business owner, I would not hire someone who brings baggage to the work place. I have no intention of opening up a prayer room and allowing my employees time off with pay, to deal with their daily religious requirements. I won't in any way deal with a person who has religious convictions that get in the way of my doing business legally and ethically.

I won't hire someone who's beliefs don't allow themselves to treat EVERYONE equally... and if the majority of businesses think the same way, we are going to be bringing these people here destined to fail. We will create slums that can only create divisiveness and lack of opportunity.

Thanks, but no thanks.


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Uhm, out of that 210000 number, I have to wonder how many Asad killed before we got there... you do realize that his father evoked genocide on his people during his rule and was it not all in the name of religion? The same could be said for what was modern day Syria.

No doubt that part of the world is a complete mess and frankly, that mess is spreading through out the world. And we are being told to help spread that mess by inviting them here.

As I stated earlier in this thread, as it seems that we have no choice in this matter, I truly hope that these refuges can and will assimilate into Canadian society. Unfortunately given what's happening in Europe, I don't see that as a goal of these immigrants. Just the opposite actually.

As a business owner, I would not hire someone who brings baggage to the work place. I have no intention of opening up a prayer room and allowing my employees time off with pay, to deal with their daily religious requirements. I won't in any way deal with a person who has religious convictions that get in the way of my doing business legally and ethically.

I won't hire someone who's beliefs don't allow themselves to treat EVERYONE equally... and if the majority of businesses think the same way, we are going to be bringing these people here destined to fail. We will create slums that can only create divisiveness and lack of opportunity.

Thanks, but no thanks.


I acknowledge that "only a portion" of those 210,000 deaths were caused by the coalition, and we'll never know exactly how many.


But I do know it is exponentially more deaths than they have caused in our country.

Edited by Dutch01
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Our country has not taken part in ethnic cleansing (except for our historical treatment of First Nations people) because we are not a religion based society. We do not kill people who do not agree with us, we tolerate. They don't.

And you are correct, we will probably never know how many were killed by the coalition nor will we find out how many Asad has killed. The fact that they have not dropped bombs on us is irrelevant. Their stated goal is our destruction. The goal of the religion is world dominance.

If your neighbour told you that he intended to burn your house down with you in it, but hasn't gotten around to doing it yet, would you invite him over to stay with you for a while?


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The goal of the religion is world dominance.


This just isn't true.


There are over one million Muslims in Canada according to Statistics Canada's 2011 National household survey. These are Canadian Citizens with the exact same rights as you. They are as Canadian as you. This is a country governed by the rule of law, meaning until and unless they break the law, they are innocent.

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This just in, it is the stated goal of all Christians to put all gay people to death:


Leviticus 20:13


If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.






This is what it looks like when you lie and distort.

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There have been several mentions of the Nazis in this thread. Many ordinary Germans were manipulated by propaganda to support the atrocities done to Jews. (In fairness to Germans there were many resisters too).


Right now we have a new Nazi to fear (Trump) who has just advocated a policy of registering all Muslims. Sound familiar?


Bush once said you're with us, or the terrorists. This is known as a logical fallacy (because we are not limited to only A or B.). Using the same failed logic, I can claim "you're either with freedom, or with the Nazis who want to register all Muslims."


The shoe is on the other foot, now the republicans have become the fascists they claim to hate.

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This just isn't true.


There are over one million Muslims in Canada according to Statistics Canada's 2011 National household survey. These are Canadian Citizens with the exact same rights as you. They are as Canadian as you. This is a country governed by the rule of law, meaning until and unless they break the law, they are innocent.

As I have said in previous posts, I hope that they can integrate into our society. (The refugees)

A Canadian citizen is a Canadian citizen in my eyes, we are all equal and free. We are about to hand people who are getting at best, a cursory vetting, the keys to our great nation. If even one of these 25k are a bad seed, we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

RE the quote... I did not mean that all who follow the faith are trying to kill us, I meant the extremists in the middle east. Sorry for the confusion, I'll leave the original post as is so the thread makes sense...

I wish a safe weekend to all.


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