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Marathon Report... NF


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The past 4 months of fishing really hasn't existed for me because I had been too busy training for this past weekend Toronto Waterfront Marathon. There are only a few members that know that my passion for running and having an active lifestyle is one of my biggest passions, even more so then fishing, and yes I know this is funny because this report is on a fishing forum.


Prior to the run this past Sunday, I had ran in 15 runs. 7 road races, 7 obstacle course races and 1 duathlon. The Sydenham Duathlon was my highlight because it was my first one and I managed to finish second in my age group Males 30-34. The training was my main focus and I cranked it up the last 2 months to ensure that I would be able to finish the grueling 42.2km course that laid ahead of me.



However this past spring, a person close to me was battling thru depression and I thought that if they could battle this that I would have no problem running a Full Marathon. So I signed up for the Toronto Waterfront Full Marathon, which was held this past Sunday ( Oct 18 2015). Every year Scotiabank puts on a charity challenge for the marathon and little did I know while I was signing up for the marathon that one of the featured charities was The Ontario Shores Foundation for Mental Health. So I felt like it was only fitting to pick this charity to raise the money for.


So in Late April it was official that I was going to be running in the Marathon, now In the past I had ran in the Toronto Waterfront Half in 2012 and in the 5k last year 2014




It was a great experience and accomplishment that I have to thank fellow board member Jeremy84 for getting me into these races. Overall it was a great race weekend from the expo to race day itself. It was a very long day, starting with getting down to the event early to avoid the chaos (26,000 runners) and get a parking spot as close to the event as I could.


The start area is still one of the best out there, having the event site in one corner, the washrooms (port-a-potties) lining one side of the starting chute.The corrals where well marked and the course marshals and volunteers in each corral where excellent and well informed, at least in the green corral.


At most of the big runs like this one they have pace bunnies, who are there to run the course in a certain time at a certain pace. I decided to run the race with the 4:25 marathon run/walk bunny. I was able to keep pace with her and the group of fellow runners for the first 23km, before I had to slow down to shake out some muscle stiffness.


Somewhere in the following 2 km my knee started to act up, so it slowed me down, to a pace that made me doubt if I’d be able to finish. At the first aid station I went to the First Aid workers did not have any tape. I was finally able to get it taped up around the 32km if I remember right. They got me taped up and I was able if not for the tape I know I wouldn’t have been able to finish.


I was warned of the dark places that my mind was going to go to during the race, and as I right this I know there are parts of the race that I just can't recall because I was mentally zapped. With that there were a few people out on the course that were there to run people in to the finish, so I had one of them run with me to help me with that final push. I'm thrilled that I managed to push thru the pain of my knee being blown out and all my muscle screaming at me to stop. I was hoping to have a finished with the 4 hour and 25 minute pace that I started with however I finished the race in 5 hours 5 minutes and 43 seconds. 3 days later and it is finally sinking in that I ran a full marathon.


I decided to make this report for those wondering where I have been over the last few months.


Pictures to come

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One of the best none fishing reports I read . I read this during my lunch hour, but no time to post a reply. Back when, I decided to do the cross country runs in public school, It took alot for me to commit. My first full experince was unreal. Back then they had the Bell cross country runs. Back then, it was, cross country. Corn fields,hay fields and through forests trials. There was one race that really had me hooked . That was till I got to high school and played football and hockey.


I was a fast out of the gate guy. First mile I was good but once I got passed by a bunch of runners I would just slow way down and just finish the race way back in the pack. Thats a mind set thing like you said.


Then this one race I got what they called, your second wind. Boy what a feeling and I felt nothing. I just ran and ran as fast as I could. ( ya like Forest LOL ) That one race is the only time I ever experinced that. But I can say, it was so cool to experince.


Congrats to you for doing what you like. Even if it aint fishing releated. Theres more to life then fishing. Well, so they say.LOL


Good on ya Brian. :clapping::worthy:

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One of the best none fishing reports I read . I read this during my lunch hour, but no time to post a reply. Back when, I decided to do the cross country runs in public school, It took alot for me to commit. My first full experince was unreal. Back then they had the Bell cross country runs. Back then, it was, cross country. Corn fields,hay fields and through forests trials. There was one race that really had me hooked . That was till I got to high school and played football and hockey.


I was a fast out of the gate guy. First mile I was good but once I got passed by a bunch of runners I would just slow way down and just finish the race way back in the pack. Thats a mind set thing like you said.


Then this one race I got what they called, your second wind. Boy what a feeling and I felt nothing. I just ran and ran as fast as I could. ( ya like Forest LOL ) That one race is the only time I ever experinced that. But I can say, it was so cool to experince.


Congrats to you for doing what you like. Even if it aint fishing releated. Theres more to life then fishing. Well, so they say.LOL


Good on ya Brian. :clapping::worthy:


Thanks Brian,


I also did Cross country back in high school, just didn't have to run thru any farm fields. Yes I love the feeling of getting my second wind and for most of the shorter distances I run 5-10km I always seem to get one.


You can ask Jermey84 just how competitive we get at these runs, more so you can ask him how much I have improved over the last coupe of years, especially this year.

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I go for a 3 mile fast walk every morning before sunrise and was just thinking a few weeks ago how tough it must be to run a full marathon which is 8 or 9 times further than I walk.


Congrats on finishing that run, you should be very proud of your accomplishment.

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I recently started running again. My goal is to be in shape to do at least a half marathon by spring. A few friends of mine want to do a tough mudder (which google analytics seems to have picked up on because every banner ad on this site is for tough mudder) which if done right involves a 12 mile run. I used to do cross country and forgot about the runners high you get once you finish a tough run. It's definitely something I look forward to next spring. Good on you for completing this.

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Great storey, I cannot imagine what u were experiencing during that run,,

But the great thing u brought out of this race is it is not getting first, second or third that matters,,,,,,,challenging yourself and accomplishing what u set out to do gives u something much more important than a ribbon or medal and that is the inner deep down sense of accomplishment that u will carry with u for a lifetime, this is a storey that is inspirational to many regardless of what there challenge is

Thank you

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I recently started running again. My goal is to be in shape to do at least a half marathon by spring. A few friends of mine want to do a tough mudder (which google analytics seems to have picked up on because every banner ad on this site is for tough mudder) which if done right involves a 12 mile run. I used to do cross country and forgot about the runners high you get once you finish a tough run. It's definitely something I look forward to next spring. Good on you for completing this.


The funny thing is Tough Mudder is what got me back into running and training for it back in 2012 when it first came to Toronto. It was a fun run and Obstacle Course Races have exploded in popularity in recent years, with the Spartan Race series and Warrior Dash just to name a few others.


all the best for your Half Marathon, if you want or need any tips feel free to PM me

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Very cool!! I was mildly dissapointed when I opened the thread and found you weren't fishing in the town of Marathon on the north shore Superior. :)


I used to be an avid runner, I know how tough that is. :good:


awesome achievement !!! but I was thinking we'd have a trip report about fishing near Marathon, Ont. lol ;)


That is why I have NF (Not Fishing) in the title line. But with both of your guys comments it make me want to go to Marathon, Ontario to fish now

Edited by DynamicBear
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