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Good on you Jean


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Im not a psyhic, but I think we will be thanking Harper when it turns out some of these refugees are al quaida or other no good terrorists.


Put them through the same process as anyone else.


Why should Syrian refugees hop in front of any other refugees in the queue?


Also big Jean is campaigning for Trudeau now. His statement is purely political in nature.


Didnt know poli threads are allowed on this forum.

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Since 1900 this country has been run by a liberal government 21 times, they were not in power 12 times.


So ya, if they get in power again, I can't imagine how we are 'screwed' like the fear mongering blue sports team likes to make us believe. Harper government is no longer the coalition they were when they first combined...nearly all (if not all) the true PC members have defected, leaving us with the current Alliance party run by Harper, which never really gained traction in their time because they were essentially republicans, and they were so out of touch that they were vocally anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-immigration (government should have no say in that, and a true conservative government actually stays out of peoples personal lives!!). Vote Can-republican if you want, but this current government is way further right that what you believe Canadian conservatism is; its scare me way more than a deficit. Come to think of it, I'll personally be in deficit for 20 more years until my house and woodlot in the country, in a low-tax unorganized township are paid off. I'd love to have a real conservative government as an option. These guys just want power and to shut-up any opposition.


Really, I'm not afraid of a minority Harper government, but this majority crap has to go, even a majority liberal or NDP government scares me.. too much power in this hyper-partisan era.

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nearly all (if not all) the true PC members have defected, leaving us with the current Alliance party run by Harper, which never really gained traction in their time because they were essentially republicans, and they were so out of touch that they were vocally anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-immigration (government should have no say in that, and a true conservative government actually stays out of peoples personal lives!!).


You are so right Rod Caster


The fact that the religious right part of the Alliance is sticking by Harper again is a sign that they don't believe in anything really except holding on to power. The base elected him to quash a few things and he FAILED and rightly so but he still failed. Running deficits is supposed to be a big no no yet Harper still has conservatives defending his doing so.. The saddest part though is that as you say conservatives are supposed to be anti government and for freedom of rights. With Bill C-51 we are giving up so many hard earned freedoms and increasing the governments ability to charge and detain people with no due process because Harper screams the BOOGEY man is out there.. Boogey man has always been out there and always will be in one form or another, but once you give up a freedom you NEVER get it back. Lastly should anybody really listen to the guy who hid in the closet, when the Boogey man was nearby, where was the tough action instead of talk then?

Edited by Canuck2fan
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The fact that people are afraid of the boogey man or afraid that the boogey man is hiding amongst the refugees just goes to show how well the fear mongering works. There are plenty of people living in North America already who are well capable of being terrorists. Just because they have a brown skin complexion and read a slightly different version of a book written thousands of years ago does not mean they all want us dead. You must be the same people who complain about security at airports but have yourselves convinced it's for the best because some guy lit his socks on fire on an airplane a few years ago. But just wait until someone bombs the security line! All these knee jerk reactions and fear of the outside world is what is lowering our status as a nation. And Harper is letting it happen. And all because of "the economy" - but mostly to make sure his friends get paid.


And as for "the deficit" - I'd rather a government spends slightly more than what they have. What good does a surplus do? Prove that they can just take our money and do nothing with it? And who does the deficit get paid back to? The world bank? I hate to break it to you guys, but the world bank has been printing money since it was conceived. It's all based on nothing. Just some numbers some bankers made up a few decades ago.

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And as for "the deficit" - I'd rather a government spends slightly more than what they have. What good does a surplus do? Prove that they can just take our money and do nothing with it? And who does the deficit get paid back to? The world bank? I hate to break it to you guys, but the world bank has been printing money since it was conceived. It's all based on nothing. Just some numbers some bankers made up a few decades ago.


So true...


After trying to find out the logic behind the way money is "created" these days all I can say is Bernie Madoff had NOTHING on the world bank...


I could never figure out a country like Canada could owe anybody anything unless it was somehow a scam, because the Bank of Canada's charter clearly stated at one time it's chief mandate was to create enough money for the government of Canada to do what was needed... without interest attached.


Somehow the World Bank changed all that not just for Canada but for almost all the western nations and "debt" has been piling up ever since. Since every dollar was now being created with interest attached to spur growth or some other Bull...


A lot of financial "experts" are saying the debts of most western nations are so massive they can NEVER be repaid. The interest payments though are a great financial reward for the insidious lot that came up with the scheme....

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And as for "the deficit" - I'd rather a government spends slightly more than what they have. What good does a surplus do? Prove that they can just take our money and do nothing with it? And who does the deficit get paid back to?


It could be used to pay down the $600 billion in debt owed by the federal government. This would reduce interest payments and in the long term allow the government to provide more services without increasing taxes.


The money is owed to many different people. E.g. anyone who owns Canada Savings Bonds owns part of the $600 billion in debt. Treasury bills are another form of debt used by the government.




p.s. If you like governments that spend more than they bring in then you should be happy with the past performance of Harper :D

Edited by JohnBacon
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So Harper and Chris Alexander are going up on an elevator on Parliament Hill. About 1/2 way up Harper sniffs the air, turns to Chris A and says "Did you just fart, Chris"? To which he replied "No, but I will if you want me to"!!



Loves to have those 'Yes men' around!!

Edited by SirCranksaLot
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So Harper and Chris Alexander are going up on an elevator on Parliament Hill. About 1/2 way up Harper sniffs the air, turns to Chris A and says "Did you just fart, Chris"? To which he replied "No, but I will if you want me to"!!



Loves to have those 'Yes men' around!!


Heard the same joke but it was Wynne and Justin , guess who was the yes mam ? :tease:

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If I'm going to be honest about the debate, I couldn't stand it. It's just the same rhetoric over and over again. I was honestly trying to decide between the NDP and the Liberals, and after seeing Mulcair with his head slightly off kilter and pompous attitude and half truths, I honestly thought Trudeau did better. At least he was fired up about something. That, and the local NDP candidate that handed my wife a pamphlet outlining the NDP's goals of bringing manufacturing back, but didn't know about the factory that closed down just up the street...


Unfortunately I know if I vote other than conservative in my riding my vote likely won't count. However, we have a strong MP in the Conservatives who opposed things like Bill C-51, puts forward private members bills, and listens to his constituents. So it wouldn't be the end of the world if he was re-elected. I just hope there's someone new driving the bus in Ottawa. That's all.

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Yup, talked about it extensively this weekend past with all my friends while helping a friend move into his new place and we were all either NDP or liberal, but could all agree Harper's time is up and for us as 25 year olds, this is the most meaningful vote we've been able to be a part of, as well as being younger last election around I really didn't educate myself as much as I should've but have changed that now

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rough debate tonight.


not going to declare a winner...plus i don't believe it is possible to have a "winner" at a debate.


the loser was definitely the globe and mail...what a joke....


we'll see how this all turns out....


Yeah, it was very poorly moderated. Trudeau, and to some extent Mulcair, were constantly trying to over shout the other candidates while they were answering questions. They need a moderator that can keep the other candidates quite while one answers a question. Let the others refute their point afterwards if necessary.

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