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NFL, CFL, anything Football thread

Old Ironmaker

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In my wifes pool at work they 'had' 215 people to start but after the Ravens and Saints lost this week it's down to only 35.......NEVER see a Survivor Pool drop so fast in all the years we have played it.


BTW it cost $10 to get in so someone will win $2150 in a few weeks.........nice non-taxed income IMHO

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In my wifes pool at work they 'had' 215 people to start but after the Ravens and Saints lost this week it's down to only 35.......NEVER see a Survivor Pool drop so fast in all the years we have played it.


BTW it cost $10 to get in so someone will win $2150 in a few weeks.........nice non-taxed income IMHO

Oh wait..... Was I supposed to send $$$?

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Not good news out of Tiger Town today. Zack Collerus is going to be lost for the rest of this CFL season with a torn ACL. I am sad for Collarus, he's good young QB and exciting to watch. At least he will have a chance to rehab this. It was a retirement slip not too many years back for an athlete if they tore that ligament. It holds the leg together at the knee and keeps the lower leg from moving forwards and backwards. Basically a dislocated or separated knee.


In this QB driven sport it comes down to what QB's are still playing well in November. The Cats won't make the playoffs I predict unless they trade for a bona fide thrower. Look for Kevin Glenn coming back to Hamilton in order to save this season. But who do they give up? 2 starters including a Canadian. Plus???? #16? Or they go south and find a QB. Tim Teebo was told when getting cut go to the CFL and get some reps in. Teebo time? I don't know if they can afford him, he won't play for 100K CDN. Then there's the tight CFL salary cap to consider so going south is unlikely.

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My guy Kiko Alonzo of the Eagles is out with a partial ACL tear as well. Not good for the kid. It looks like Buffalo was right and so far got the better deal, they questioned his durability. The talking heads are saying a guy like him that goes full out every play has a tendency to get injured, I get that.

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My guy Kiko Alonzo of the Eagles is out with a partial ACL tear as well. Not good for the kid. It looks like Buffalo was right and so far got the better deal, they questioned his durability. The talking heads are saying a guy like him that goes full out every play has a tendency to get injured, I get that.

As I said he's too light to play the middle......too bad because he's a nice kid. I wish him well.

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A torn ACL has nothing to with being heavy or too light. It happens especially knees but does help if you have legs like an Elephant but then they call you an O lineman. But you are right he is too lanky to play the inside Mr. G. I just like his pit-bull mentality. Can you imagine him at safety if he was faster? I hope he makes it back to Philly just in time to miss the playoffs.

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I'm interested in what happens in Philly because of all the changes made by the great Chip Kelly.....he's probably a great guy but I'm sick and tired of hearing his name in every sports radio show on the dial.


Meanwhile in Buffalo the T-Rex got out coached everywhere but loose and twice last Sunday.


Maybe everyone over estimated da Bills because of the win against the Colts when you look at last nights game against the Jets da Bills might be the old Bills after all.


Could be another 9-7 season for da Bills with them just missing out of the playoffs AGAIN. What do you think ? ? ?

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G, man it's 2 games. You can't win the Super Bowl after 2 games and you can't lose it either. Remember when KC crushed the Patriots I think in game #2 last year. If I remember the Pats were 2-2 after 4 games. Too early to tell about anyone. Giving up a record 475 or some such ridiculous yardage is not good, granted. The Bills actually went up 1 spot in the power rankings on some site, what ever power rankings are. (I actually know but who cares). But 8 sacks, 110 yards in penalties, allowing 500 yards, not pretty. If you go back Buffalo out played NE in the 4th, but you need to play the other 3 too! Bills fans are blaming everything from the officiating to the Doug Fluttie curse in a loss. It's the defending SB champs you lost to not the Saskatoon Hilltops.


This is the first year I'm actually watching as a fan of Buffalo since those Super Bowl years. Time will tell. I like how NY looked last night especially with 2 rookie D linemen in the middle they played well. Revis and Cromartie on the corners, that's just not fair. It must be lonely out there. Fitz can hold his own, especially in Jeopardy.

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G, man it's 2 games. You can't win the Super Bowl after 2 games and you can't lose it either. Remember when KC crushed the Patriots I think in game #2 last year. If I remember the Pats were 2-2 after 4 games. Too early to tell about anyone. Giving up a record 475 or some such ridiculous yardage is not good, granted. The Bills actually went up 1 spot in the power rankings on some site, what ever power rankings are. (I actually know but who cares). But 8 sacks, 110 yards in penalties, allowing 500 yards, not pretty. If you go back Buffalo out played NE in the 4th, but you need to play the other 3 too! Bills fans are blaming everything from the officiating to the Doug Fluttie curse in a loss. It's the defending SB champs you lost to not the Saskatoon Hilltops.


This is the first year I'm actually watching as a fan of Buffalo since those Super Bowl years. Time will tell. I like how NY looked last night especially with 2 rookie D linemen in the middle they played well. Revis and Cromartie on the corners, that's just not fair. It must be lonely out there. Fitz can hold his own, especially in Jeopardy.

I agree with a lot of things you have to say here and I think da Bills are going to be the most exciting since the Kelly years but they have a LONG way to go.


You can't be totted as the best defense in the league and play like last week.


The reason da Bills are more exciting this year is T-Rex........the reason da Bills will not make the playoffs is Doug Whaley and the proofs is in the pudding. Look what this one man has now down to this team.


Acquire Doug Marrone to be da Bills head coach, trade away 2015 first round pick to Cleveland to move up in the draft to acquire Sammy Watkins and he hasn't come close to showing he deserved to be picked so high. Acquire McCoy when Marco Murry was out there. And what the heck is going on with trading for Matt Cassel, then waiving him, then signing him, then trading him for a less pick to Dallas. My God I feel sorry for that man.


Nope, they haven't proved in my eyes any better then 9-7 at best.......................But I could be wrong and that's all the fun in watching da NFL . . . . . :)

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Mr. G. When I was in high school my favorite NFL team was the Browns but if I didn't cheer for Buffalo I didn't get supper. Jim Brown was reason #1. Plus our school football uniforms were identical to Cleveland's, home and away including the pumpkin heads. I learned that the original Principal of the school was a huge Browns fan in the 50"s but they called the teams The Glendale Bears, he tried Browns but was shut down, So of course my second team was Da Bears, it didn't hurt that Butkus was in the middle then. So I played RB and inside.


I think the lowly fans of Cleveland deserves better than the likes of Chip Kelly, I just don't like him, period. He reminds me of Dick Jauron, a deer caught in the headlights look to him. They must have a spinning wheel in the coaches office, who starts this week? Spin the wheel. OK Johnny Football, wait spin again.


If Ernie Davis could have continued to play Cleveland would have been unstoppable.

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OI, I loved your story about you not getting supper if you didn't cheer for da Browns......LOVE IT.......


I also played MLB in high school and my youngest son played it high school and college and then went onto coaching linebackers in college. He might have advance to the NFL but found a girlfriend/wife and the 12-16 hours per day of coaching were a bit too long for the small pay checks that colleges pay their assistance coaches. I don't blame him in the least.


But you lost me with Chip Kelly and da Browns................best I know Chip Kelly never had anything to do with the Cleveland Browns except for MAYBE a coaching interview.

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Too much sun today. I have to go back and check but I would have bet Kelly had something to do with Cleveland, Sorry, an oldtimers moment. edit: yep too much sun or Smirnoff's.


Great to hear your son had a shot at coaching at that level, 1 out of several 1000 at least. A former team mate and friend is coaching with Hamilton. He gave up a great paying job as a C.O. to coach at the University and pro level for 1/2 the salary then with a young family. He has a very understanding and supporting wife. He has dragged her and the family across the nation coaching at the University and pro level. I see him getting a head coaching gig soon, I hope.

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I learn something ever day. Tom Cofflin head coach of the NY Giants just challenged a scoring play by the Washington Redskins. A scoring play is not challengable (new word). He looses a time out because he challenged it. With all the money these guys get on the coaching staff you would think someone would know ALL the rules besides the zebras.

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Some coaches and most players don't know all the rules.....If I punt to you and one of my team mates touches the ball in a attempt to down it but does not down it, you can pick it up and run AND fumble it to my team, it's still your ball. Think about that one as it's a rule in the NFL and college and high school. MOST coaches, players and fans don't know that. I learned that from my high school coach.


Baseball is even worse, where most coaches and players don't know MLB rules. Funny but true. I umpired for 8 years before giving it up because of bad knees.

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