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Petition to allow more walleye restocking on Lake Nipissing


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BTW, I just visited the Ontario Out Of Doors forum to see how we were doing on their site.

I invite you to take a look for yourselves. Also, I'd like to stand in support of Tory Fisher, a young NFN resident

who has started his own petition against reckless harvesting of Lake Nipissing. Ye of little faith?......Believe!

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Born and raised in North Bay, moved away about 12 years ago. Have never liked Nippising, rarely if at all fished it when I lived there, and I have not been on Nippising since moving. Regardless, I still put my name down. Trout Lake was my go to when I lived there.


Its a sad thing to see the way discussions about that lake easily turn into a mud slinging contest. Regardless of the position one takes on this, its not hard to see this lake is doomed, if not for the kind folks that put out the effort to help keep it alive. LNSA thank you for all your contributions. Unfortunately its gonna take a lot more like minded people to help turn this around. Keep up the good work.

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Thanks Parnelly!


We're up to 260+ signatures and climbing! Our local MP is waiting to see how we do and is prepared to take this petition personally and put it in the hands of the Minister.

Thank you for your support.

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BTW, I don't know if anyone caught on but I'm not even a walleye fisherman per se. I'm a musky guide.

I still feel this is a good cause worth getting behind and maybe it's the dogmatic GMA (good musky attitude) that keeps me running with it.

It works for muskies, that's for sure!


Danny Colomby / Nipissing Muskies Guide Service/LNSA Executive Member

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Well said Dan, I have personally met with Dan and while most of our talks were about toothy critters it is obvious that he has a passion for the Lake. The LNSA is a group of people that I had a chance to tour one of the Walleye raising area with Kevin while visiting Lak Air a few years back. There is nothing fancy or expensive about it the major improvement that they wanted to show me was an air induction system powered my a windmill. The funding at that time came from a small bucket in the lodge at Lak Air and other grass roots collection points. The point of the restocking is to increase the number of fish for EVERYONE to use including the locals, Natives or most importantly (for the influx of cash) tourist both foreign and domestic.




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Thanks aplumma! It's funny to admit this but the LNSA now has more money than the MNR will let us spend!

That's the problem! We just want to get on with the restocking. Thanks to everyone who has signed the petition so far!

It's all for your benefit too, not just the lodges. I like to think we are ALL Lake Nipissing Stakeholders.


best fishes,



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I am late to this party, but well aware of the situation. Dan, I applaud your dedication (along with LNSA) to the fight. I for one am glad that Chief Marianna Couchie's term as NFN Chief has come to an end. Her ban this year for spearing was just smoke and mirrors as there was nothing in place to enforce it. Again, the moratorium on netting extended into the late spring was probably insignificant as well. Chief Couchie hid behind a few of her senior counsel members who were commercial fisherman. I hope change with continue from a new chief and new counsel.

Still plenty of walleye being caught each night off of the docks and off shore. Just all smaller than the allowable slot limit. The MNR through poor decision making and cuts has done as much or more to hurt Lake Nipissing then the netting. Blair

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If the MNR is your stopping point to stock more fish then turn to the NFN to stock the fry you raised. I'm sure they will be not only be willing to stock them but to also net them as well.


BTW from what I understand stocking fry has a VERY low rate of return.......something like only 1%. Wouldn't you be better off stocking fingerlings ?


Also Lake Erie bounced back once the commercial fishermen were bought out on the US side. So buying out the commercial fishermen on the Nip is really the answer but for some reason we all dance around that problem all while it's staring us in the face.

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Again, thank you to everyone for their support! We have one good kick at the can here! Nipfisher, you said it! Lew, we have to keep our muskies fed now, right? MisterG, all good points! The guys netting Nip aren't interested in money. Maybe it has something to do with the land claim settlement they got 3 or 4 years ago. They are exercising their treaty rights...period. it's their way of life and they'll hear none of the options. We've offered to help set up their own hatchery. They refused indignantly. They're still hurtin from the events of this past century and when you read a bit of that history, you'd sympathize too. That being said, it doesn't make what's going on with the ghost nets or the fish dumps anywhere near acceptable. Gill nets kill indiscriminately where hook lines or trap nets would be a much more humane and eco-friendly method of commercial fishing ...if it has to be done at all.

Regarding the mortality rate of released fry....the DNR and their affiliates south of the border discovered a little trick that raised the survival rate of fry drastically! They simply released them over deep water, far away from the shorelines where most predation occurs that time of the year. It really works! As for fingerlings....we'd love to raise and stock fingerlings....and we have to a much lesser degree. It also means getting the permits from the MNR. Heck, they're barely letting us do the minimum and effectively shut us down this past spring.

That's what this petition is all about! We're also asking for an official apology from the Minister for his false allegations that we over harvested our quota of eggs last season. We don't for the life of us know where they got that idea from but it's pure Bull, probably concocted by some sulking MNR employee who didn't like the tone of the LNSA when we suggested they're not doing their research on restocking. Let's get on top of this. Let's tell the Minister what we think and what we know!

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BTW, I'll be writing an article for the up coming issue of The Nipissing Reader all about the virtues vs. the issues with restocking. I'll be working with Scott Nelson the statistics guy, and Gary Preston, head of our restocking team and Nipissing fisheries historian, on this. BTW, Scott is a tireless researcher (not to mention busy lodge owner) and has attended several seminars across the province on the latest walleye restocking techniques and success data. It'll be a compelling read and I hope a few of those stewing MNR people at least give it a read. Watch for it in mid June!


Danny C.

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It seems to me that the MNR is trying to break the NFN by reducing the walleye population on the Nip so it no longer makes sense to commercial fish there, then buy them out. If so, then your efforts are contour-productive to what they have in mind.

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Thanks Aplumma. Yes, I'll put a link to the article where ever it winds up. Mister G, I agree with you. Problem is...the MNR isn't divulging their 'secret' motive and therefore we are still waiting after 2 decades to see their 'management plans bear fruit. So far we've all been disappointed with their efforts as Nipissing's current state illustrates. I suppose it's something that the MNR couldn't exactly come right out and say publically either if this was the case. To that end, yes, restocking would be counter productive. It's just real tough to watch lodges and related tourist businesses fall like dominoes while the MNR acts unilaterally and clandestinely behind the scenes. The restocking avenue though would at least put fish on everyone's plate and possibly bring everyone together in time to take part in the putting and not just the taking, until we can come to a more equitable solution to the problem. Check out Tory Fisher's petition to the NFN on Google. He's pushing for a complete eradication of commercial fishing on Nipissing. Let's give it time and let it happen. They also want Bob Goulais elected as the next Chief. I've spoken with Bob Goulais regarding his 6 point plan to stoop gill netting on Nipissing. Go to www.bobgoulais.com and hear what this guy has to say. It'll be an older post from early a few years ago. It's more than any of us would ever hope for or expect from that community but he's trying to make it happen through his own means. He made it clear, albeit politely, that we are not to intervene in his process. Interesting stuff. Politically and scientifically, I think restocking is the way to go...for right now. The lake doesn't HAVE to die to resolve the issue in my opinion.

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LNSA, I feel for you guys up there.....you're between a rock and hard place....I hope something breaks your way SOON........it's been a LONG time since I fished the Big Nip and always enjoyed it, but to be honest there is no way I'm traveling that far to pound fruitless waters when I have too many other choices to choose from.

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Thanks Mister G. BTW, the Govt. only responds to interest. If people threaten to walk away, it only sends the message that this issue isn't important enough to stick around and fight for. I do realize though that this isn't as close to home for some as it is for others and, if you're an avid fisherman, why WOULD you want to stay where the fishery isn't supported? I hear you. We ARE between a rock and a hard place. Thanks Double Header for your support! Any donations are appreciated, just shoot us an email to [email protected] to make the arrangements. Once again, Thank you!

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