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The jays have been saying for a few years that grass is coming to the dome. They know it's an issue, how big is the debate.


Sure, the turf is better then 20-30 years ago, but it's not the same as grass.


Playing a game or 2 per year as a teenager is nothing like 81 games as a man. 81 BP's, 81 warm-ups, and on the "rest days" it's the same 81 days, just on grass. The "miles" add up.

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Pro's and Con's here. You're also out of the elements, you are able to "feel" for the game better than when its cold and/or raining. No Sun, wind etc.


It actually makes playing easier as the stadium is always consistent. Chances of getting a hit are increased from the fast surface, singles into doubles, doubles into triples. Runners are faster on turf, more steals etc.


I actually prefer grass but Im just saying there are pros and cons to both grass and turf. I doubt for one second any Pro out there is complaining about playing on any field though or making into a big deal.


I also think the game is way to slow, and their back and knee problems mostly stem from just standing around for 3 hours. I loved playing the game when I was young, but watching it puts me to sleep. A game much better played than watched IMO.

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Pro's and Con's here. You're also out of the elements, you are able to "feel" for the game better than when its cold and/or raining. No Sun, wind etc.


It actually makes playing easier as the stadium is always consistent. Chances of getting a hit are increased from the fast surface, singles into doubles, doubles into triples. Runners are faster on turf, more steals etc.


I actually prefer grass but Im just saying there are pros and cons to both grass and turf. I doubt for one second any Pro out there is complaining about playing on any field though or making into a big deal.


I also think the game is way to slow, and their back and knee problems mostly stem from just standing around for 3 hours. I loved playing the game when I was young, but watching it puts me to sleep. A game much better played than watched IMO.



if this were the case, every player on every team would be complaining. they play on grass all through the minors, all through spring training, and then when they make it to the show, they have to adjust for a damn fast ground ball cause the turf doesn't slow the ball down at all. makes it harder for rookies to succeed.


the game is slow because pitchers and batters make it that way, very few pitchers get the ball back and toe the rubber right away, they take a few seconds and walk around the mound, then get set. theres no reason why a game should take more than 2.5 hours to get through, i mean growing up playing, would take an hour 45min to get 7 innings in.


they're done things like put a 30 second limit between pitches, i think that can be brought done to around 20 seconds, and maybe bring in the rule of if the catcher is on base with 2 outs, you can bring in a substitute runner so the catcher can go get suited up, we used to do that when i played......but that could a spirit of competition thing, where teams would have a special super fast runner just for that.

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They are enforcing the rule this year about batters not leaving the batters box between pitches, something that's always been there just never enforced.


And holding teams to stricter timing between half innings for warmups so there isn't 2 minutes of commercials for every 5 minutes of action (this isn't the NFL after all). One thing about the Jays is they have some of the fastest working pitchers in the league. If Mark Buehrle went up against Mark Buehrle every night games would be over in 90 minutes.


Another thing I think they could introduce is relief pitchers not needing warm-ups when they finish their bullpen warm-ups. There's no need for them to throw more once they get into the game.


I personally feel a pitch clock would be the worst idea ever because then pitchers would feel pressured to throw and quality would go down.


Aside from all that, a lot of this has to do with the way the game is played these days. Cy Young's 2 no-hitters had a combined 5 K's on the ledger while yesterday's Jays game Jays batters struck out 12 times, and a lot of people thought they batted well. 12 K's! Getting an out in 3 pitches takes a lot less time than a 7 pitch strikeout. On top of that, a lot of teams are coached to push pitch counts, since the entire league seems to be run on this obsession with pitch counts rather than looking at actual fatigue, or working towards longevity. Just go out and throw as hard as you can 100 times and worry about TJ surgery later. Then, as stated above, you have to use 6 pitchers (like the Yankees did yesterday) which slows things down even more...

Edited by netminder
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They are enforcing the rule this year about batters not leaving the batters box between pitches, something that's always been there just never enforced.


And holding teams to stricter timing between half innings for warmups so there isn't 2 minutes of commercials for every 5 minutes of action (this isn't the NFL after all). One thing about the Jays is they have some of the fastest working pitchers in the league. If Mark Buehrle went up against Mark Buehrle every night games would be over in 90 minutes.


Another thing I think they could introduce is relief pitchers not needing warm-ups when they finish their bullpen warm-ups. There's no need for them to throw more once they get into the game.


I personally feel a pitch clock would be the worst idea ever because then pitchers would feel pressured to throw and quality would go down.


Aside from all that, a lot of this has to do with the way the game is played these days. Cy Young's 2 no-hitters had a combined 5 K's on the ledger while yesterday's Jays game Jays batters struck out 12 times, and a lot of people thought they batted well. 12 K's! Getting an out in 3 pitches takes a lot less time than a 7 pitch strikeout. On top of that, a lot of teams are coached to push pitch counts, since the entire league seems to be run on this obsession with pitch counts rather than looking at actual fatigue, or working towards longevity. Just go out and throw as hard as you can 100 times and worry about TJ surgery later. Then, as stated above, you have to use 6 pitchers (like the Yankees did yesterday) which slows things down even more...



this all has to do with the state of pitching now, batters are at the disadvantage for the first time in a long time, gone are the days of the Maddux's that paint corners with 85mph fastballs, pitchers now are painting corners with 95+mph fastballs, and then dropping 85mph curves and change ups in the mix, Aroldis Chapman for the Reds, topped out at 106mph last year


i think the 100 pitch count was developed to get the most out of your starters for the entire year, rather than going into september worn down, and then having to go into possibly late october. I agree that it seems like a low number, especially once you start throwing 10ks in a game, i mean thats 30 pitches right there, which realistically is more like 45-50 once you factor in balls and foul balls and thats only 3 and 1/3 innings of outs, factor in a couple of walks, and few base hit, you reach 100 pitches damn fast. I say give the older pitchers a pitch count, let the younger guys throw 120-130 pitches, their body can handle it. what was it stroman threw into the 10th last year and barely looked gassed

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Does anyone know how long it takes to roll up that turf and lay it down again? They must have done it when they held monster truck shows, there's no way they would put a load of dirt on top of it. If it doesn't take long, why can't they have natural grass, and lay the turf over top for things like football games? Covering natural grass for a day shouldn't kill it.

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Does anyone know how long it takes to roll up that turf and lay it down again? They must have done it when they held monster truck shows, there's no way they would put a load of dirt on top of it. If it doesn't take long, why can't they have natural grass, and lay the turf over top for things like football games? Covering natural grass for a day shouldn't kill it.



takes about 6-8 hours to pull it out, problem with the previous turf, was that all that sand in there compacted, and when they stacked it for events and football games, it made is compact even more and basically deteriorated the blades of grass so they didn't stand straight up anymore. its why after the first season, the field looked like crap and looked like patch work with different colours, its the way the turf blades layed. if i remember correctly, their longest piece was 170ft long and weighed over 12,000 pounds


they're looking at going to natural grass for 2018 the argos lease expires after the 2017 season, they need to retro fit the stadium for grass though, its not an issue of growing grass indoors, its an issue of can the stadium withstand having natural grass, its needs a drainage system put it, an irrigation system, a new humidity control system, since grass puts out a lot of humidity, they would also need to look at putting glass panels in the roof for the winter months when the dome is closed

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so basically none of the prospects they got for Halladay stayed with the team, they traded one for Dickey, the other for another minor leaguer who we then traded for Gose, which they traded for Travis.

No they picked up Devon Travis their second baseman of the future for Gose who came out of the Halladay deal. Unfortunately AA was put in a position and got what he could. It's not the worst trade ever though

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"remember what the Jays got in return for this guy?? why didn't they keep him!!!!! :("





Because they wanted to win now (2013) and he was a solid prospect that was key to the deal.


Can't make trades wanting aces and expect to give up a bag of sunflower seeds in return.

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It's great to hear some guys are right into the game. After reading this thread I think I might lift my embargo on baseball and try and get back into it. I do miss baseball. My 84 year old next door neighbour is the Jays #1 geriatric fan and she has always invited me to watch a game with her. I don't know if my wife will be jealous! Ha. She does not miss a single game they play. Are all the games televised? Do they have a MLB package? Her winter home is where the Jays have their camp, is it still Dunedin? As long as I don't hear about any 400 million dollar contracts I might be OK.


Who is the highest paid ballplayer in the majors today?


Lots of questions if I'm going to catch up.

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As long as I don't hear about any 400 million dollar contracts I might be OK.


Why should you care? It isn't your money. Unless a highly paid player (or highly paid anyone, for that matter) whines about not making enough, it's between them and whatever owner signed the contract.

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Anyone see Lawrie strike out 4 times on 12 breaking balls last night? I honestly wonder why Oakland wanted him.

I never liked him. He does not pose the power to be a 3rd baseman. When he was playing for the Jays I always wondered why he wasn't at 2nd base. He has the speed and the defence for 2nd base with a decent bat for that position. Other than that, if 2nd base doesn't work out, he should be sent down to the minors.

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I never liked him. He does not pose the power to be a 3rd baseman. When he was playing for the Jays I always wondered why he wasn't at 2nd base. He has the speed and the defence for 2nd base with a decent bat for that position. Other than that, if 2nd base doesn't work out, he should be sent down to the minors.



not sure why certain positions need to have cookie cutter build, ie 3b has to have a big power bat. Lawrie has great speed on the bases, and a great range, its like having 2 short stops on the left side, its rare to have a third baseman with that much range. He's a solid player, brings a lot of energy, hits doubles and singles, and can score from first base


look at the KC Royals in the playoffs last year, they're top HR guy had 5, but only 7 RBI, they had 11 HR total in the postseason, but hit 28 doubles, their opponents combined hit 19, they also stole 14 bases, their opponents combined stole 4. speed wins games in todays game

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They dont need to have cookie cutter builds, I didnt mention anything about his physical characteristics. But certain positions need to be complimented with certain areas of expertise.


Lawrie's bat, speed and arm were best suited for a 2nd baseman. Thats where he will shine, but only he if he doesnt strike out as much as he does. Every position on the field has a predetermined set of skills needed to place the correct player in each spot. There are exceptions, but reserved for only the exceptional player.


IMO, Lawrie should not be in the majors. He reminds me of a guy I played with when I was younger, Scott Thorman. Drafted number 1 by the Braves. A true Giant at his age, with pure talent. Unfortunately, the Braves brought him up too quickly because they invested so much money into him that they needed him to pay back on their investment, and in the end, he did not perform.

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my question is what does his bat have anything to do with what position he plays? all his bat does is determine where he bats in the lineup, he'll never be a top of the order batter, hes a 6-8 hitter, someone to turn the line up over.


you had aaron hill, then goins/kawasaki, kelly johnson and izturis, none of which have the arm for third base, thing is, lawrie has a good arm for third

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