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my step dad and i met up with dsn today at our usual area, was a slow start till dsn yells hes got one on, lands it, a nice medium sized carper, after my step dad and i join him, we fish that spot for awhile, he says im gonna go check the other spot, next thing, hes battling a big carp,i help him land it, this forced my step dad and i to move over, again we fish for ahwile, then dsn says "im gonna check the other spot, and bam another on, all the time all my step dad and i are doing is wetting the line, later on we got many smaller ones, dsn ended up with 6 or 7, i got 2 or 3, my step dad caught his first carp...



dsn leaves at around 12, so do the carp , haha, we get a few small ones after, but what happend next was incredible, as im fishing a dock i sit my rod down, and turn around, next i hear someone screaming HEY u got a fish, doh! my rod flies into the water, i just manage to grab the but end of the rod, fish lost, rod caught, ok so now i got my hope back up, nope, not a nibble for 2 hours, so i again lay my rod down, the rod once again goes for a swim DOH! as im watching my rod being dragged along the bottom, im stripping down to my boxers, im ready to go head first, lol, no need, the carp helps me out byt swimming toward the dock and not away, i put my whole arm down and got it! fish still on haha, fish landed, was an interesting day, WTG dsn, nice catches...


here is dsn's big carp... sorry bout the yucki background, was sizzling out there today,

no photohsop, imaging editor had to do, haha



  lookinforwalleye said:
now fisherman are hidng carps spots whats next hiding rock bass spots?


whats it to you, do u think carp are garbage, if so, im not gonna argue with you, y post if u just wanna start an arguement?


urbanangler, to minimize the chance of donating your rod to the carp gods, you can loosen your drag so it acts very much like a baitrunner.


Nice fish...Sounds like you guys had a great day


it would work if you find a Y-shaped tree branch and it would somewhat stop the rod from going into the water when a fish pulls on ur loosened drag


i'm ready for a 40lber to drag me for a swim anyday :D

  Victor said:
it would work if you find a Y-shaped tree branch and it would somewhat stop the rod from going into the water when a fish pulls on ur loosened drag


i'm ready for a 40lber to drag me for a swim anyday :D


yep, too bad it was on a dock,


Im hoping to get into some carp on Sunday, it will be my first time, my buddy Jackel loves to catch them and fishes for them every weekend in the spring. He is shooting for a forty pounder, he has already got a 30+ lbder. He says they are really fun to catch so I hope I can get one. If I do I will post it.


Interesting background colour you have there!



I wont block out my background in any pics I post but I do understand why others do and it is not a big deal to me. I took alot of flack last year posting a pic of my first ever muskie, I didnt block out the background and I said the area we were fishing, it is a well known muskie spot. I was asked to remove the area and the name of the person who took me out, I did this out of respect for him because he had taken me out and taught me how to fish skis. I did not however remove the pic. He is a really good guy and apparently he got alot of e-mails giving him crap for taking me to this area. None of the crap he got was deserved.


I dont think anyone should give someone grief over blocking out the background or not blocking out the background. It is a choice and should be respected either way. This is just my opinion.





Nice report. I know carp only drag in the good rods, if they made a mistake they return the rod to you, like what happened to you...LOL just kidding. I can never have enough carp porn, thanks for sharing.


You're VERY lucky to get your rod back . . . TWICE? Sounds like you have a decent spot . . . no problem here with you concealing it, carp ARE becoming QUITE popular . . . . judging by how many reports we are seeing these days! When fishing message boards first came into being, you could literally give out coordinates, nobody bothered . . . . but . . . today, post a few shots of even some decent rock bass & sunfish you caught, I guarantee if the spot is identified, it'll be fished out in very short order! Hell, today even identifiable spots where you catch carp will draw crowds! And it's not so much the spot being crowded, it's just as much the noise & the garbage many people leave behind . . . which gets to locals teed off, they get up a petition to their local council .. . WHAM!! There are 'NO PARKING,' & even 'NO FISHING' signs go up . . . another spot gone! Areas adjacent to Lake Simcoe are a good example . . . . you can count ALL the decent shore spots, still accessable, on your fingers, and still have a couple left! The spot I'm presently fishing has a garbage can, and the few people who know, and fish the spot regularly use it ... . but that small group of 'weekend wonders' who show up Saturday & Sunday and leave their crap behind . . . by Sunday night the place resembles a garbage dump! A local resident's dog found a piece of fishing line in the grass Monday . . . WITH A HOOK ATTACHED . . . . . just laying in the shore grass . . . needless to say . . . she wasn't too impressed!


Quite interesting background indeed. You went with your instincts and likely had some divine guidance. It turned out well as when you look at the resulting shape it is a "cross" with DSN in it - very appropriate.


The City are installing parking meters in the lots at the waterfront parks soon. That could discourage a lot of people driving down there with a lot of carp gear and buckets of bait.


Why bother cropping out background shots of carp spots???


If you had spent the time and expense, however slight, to chum an area only to return later to find some yo-yos fishing the same area you would understand why...


There are some areas we know that are chummed on a regular basis but we ask if the person would mind if we fished that area even though they don't own the water...only common courtesy...they usually don't mind as they know we will chum the area also...

Posted (edited)
  Fish On said:
wasnt it just a few months ago you were complaining about photoshopped backgrounds :wallbash:


i was asked to photoshop it, u have a good memory


thnx guys for ur replies

Edited by urbanangler
Posted (edited)

Photo shopping Crap pictures how disturbing is that.


lots of them everywhere

there like rats

Lots in Oakville and Bronte

even more down at the refienery in clarkson even a path down to the spot

Edited by BITEME
  lookinforwalleye said:
now fisherman are hidng carps spots whats next hiding rock bass spots?



This is the reason why I didn't feel like posting anything. :whistling:

Posted (edited)

Nice one!


Great post!


Not a carp guy myself,(I think they should be culled by the thousands) but there are definately choice spots for better-than-average carp.


Good to preserve spots and share with friends. (but maybe humanely kill the odd one)


This is another successful example where 2 members felt comfortable to share spots.



DSN is holding the fish.


Stop harrasing Alex.



The mystery of the spot is the alure.

Edited by SNAG

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