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Pickle Lake with White River Air


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The Background


About 18 months ago our group started discussing a trip for Aug 2014


Leveraged many of the expert opinions on this board and those who go out of their way to post reports - I used many in my research - special thanks to Mike Borger, Fishlogic, Moosebunk and Chris Brock


We looked at many options and many locations - and after many chats decided that we really wanted to try a fly in outpost experience with a few qualifiers...


We wanted to be able to drive there in under 11 hours, the camp had to have a generator, running water and indoor plumbing and we wanted a numbers lake w big fish potential


After chatting with many great outfitters, soliciting feedback from others and balancing that against our criteria we decided we chose White River Air and specifically their deluxe camp on Pickle Lake


Pickle is a smaller lake, about 2 miles (split by a very shallow narrows) and 3/4 of a mile wide located about 40 miles from White River Air's base on Tukanee Lake



The Journey

We met up early on the Friday to begin our trek up - our plan was to make enjoy the ride but get to White River as soon as we could.


A not so quick stop in the Sault to pick up a flat of worms at the Trading Post (thanks Adam) and score a few secret lures (very helpful gentlemen in the shop knew Pickle specifically and gave us the great tip of stocking up on metallic jig heads and harnesses due to the dark stain in the lake)


Once we got past the Sault it was an eye opener for 4 guys who had never been past Sudbury on 17 - the views along Superior were incredible and the ride flew - until we got stuck an hour outside of Wawa with a crash and sat on the highway for 2.5 hours...


We checked into the White River Motel @ 9:00 PM - headed to our cottage for the night, a few pops, excited discussion and it was time for bed


Up early - ready to be at the Air Base for 8 - get there, pay our bill and head down to the dock to talk to Dan - head honcho at White River Air and Chief Pilot - Dan said we wouldn't be going out until 10:30ish - so we headed back into town for breakfast and one more supply run at the local gas station (we also met a fellow OFNer LocoGringo coming out from his trip - nice to meet you!) We actually were finally on the plane at 11:45


The Flight

I have to admit - I was nervous about the flight- so was my brother - our running joke was to hum or sing a few lines from 50 Mission Cap to each other


Our gear was weighed along with our beer - Dan had been great with us - from the get go I was honest and said as newbies I couldn't see us coming in under the 125lb per man weight limit - we wanted to know how much the overage charge was - but Dan said not to worry, he'd get us in and we wouldn't be charged. Sure enough we were well over - but Dan didn't blink - our group of 4 plus another group of two were loaded up onto the Turbo Otter and we took off


Other than being a bit claustrophobic in the beginning (I was up near the front of the plane, squished between two large back and front and wedged against a mountain of gear and the window side to side) I thought it was awesome


15 minutes later we touched down on Pickle lake - and unloaded ourselves and helped the departing group load up.


Pickle Lake

I could go on for hours about the nuances of our time on the lake - in a nutshell it was incredible


We had a cabin that had hot and cold running water, 2 generators (1 for the pump, 1 for the cabin), 6 beds plus a futon (my home for the week) for 4 guys with a kick ass patio overlooking the lake w a front seat view of sunrise and sunset


Our boats for the week were serviceable 14 foot lunds with 6 horsepower Yamaha two stokes - no issues at all with the engines but there was another boat and motor on site


The Fishing

The fishing was also spectacular - for us at least. There is a very healthy population of walleye (mainly 12 - 16 inches) in Pickle and an abundance of snot rocket to mid size pike. We had planned to eat a lot of fish in our meal plan - and within our first our on the lake we already had 6 14 - 17 inchers ready for the next day's fish fry


We didn't keep track of our numbers but a fair estimate would be 60 fish per day between 2 boats - this number dropped once we realized we could catch dinner fish or small pike whenever we wanted and started focusing on bigger fish


The lake has two bays to the southwest and northwest of the cabin where you could troll down the middle w a rapala or run into the reed and cabbage beds and catch pike all day long


In the main lake the deepest part was 47 feet with an average basin of 30 feet - eventually we would figure out that focusing on the steepest breaks with the wind into them was our best tactic for walleye - either jigging, drifting with a bottom bouncer and harness or trolling bouncers and crank baits


Our biggest 3 walleye for the week were

  • 27 inches (caught by me - a new personal best) - 1/4 ounce jig tipped w a minnow
  • 25 inches (caught by my bro - a new personal best) - drifting 2 ounce bottom bouncer with a harness
  • 23 inches - 1/8 ounce jig tipped with a minnow
  • We probably had another 3 or 4 walleye that were over 20 inches

Our biggest pike was 33 inches caught trolling a minnow bait

  • We had another 3 pike over 30
  • I think there are bigger pike in the lake - but we weren't able to find them - and considering we all caught more pike in the first 2 days of our trip versus the rest of our fishing lives - we aren't experts

Top producing baits for us were

  • Jigs with 4 inch grubs and paddle tail minnows tipped w a minnow or crawler (1/8, 1/4, 3/8) in chartreuse, pink, gold, yellow and orange
  • Crawler harnesses on 2 ounce bottom bouncers - colour didn't matter as long is it had some metallic in it
  • Crankbaits (Trolls to 20, J 11, Cordell Minnow Diver, Floating Rapalas)
  • Spoons (Silver Minnows, Williams Wablers, Red Devils and 5 of Diamonds)


There are two parts to the lake - and since we were so busy exploring the first part - I don't think we gave the other section (getting to it was a bit of a pain as the boats didn't have shallow drive) - it has a deep basin in one bay that is 60 feet deep


We did catch respectable walleye and pike in that section - but we only fished it for 4 or 5 hours max


The Wrap Up

Our trip out was delayed by a day – the plane couldn’t pick us up due to fog and a very low ceiling – we unpacked a bit and headed back out to fish – for fun and for dinner. We actually got onto a good larger fish bite – and my bro picked up the second biggest walleye of the trip @ 25 inches (sadly - think this is when we finally put the last piece of the bigger fish puzzle in place)


We were out the next day early but alas our delayed departure wasn’t done- car trouble outside of Thessalon and a 4 hour wait for a tow, then rental car pick up, gear switch meant an expected arrival of Saturday at 11 PM turned into a 6 AM arrival on Monday


I will honestly say that it didn’t diminish the trip for any of us though – yes it was a pain, added some pressure on the home front – but we had enjoyed ourselves so much it was just a bump on the road – not a trip killer


Things Learned:

  • We loved the experience - I don't think we want to do anything else now besides an outpost
  • Wear gloves/don't get cuts/keep your hands clean -and have a good first aid kit I got cut up on 2 fingers and both thumbs in the first few days on pike and one 23 inch walleye - nothing big - put bandaids on but wasn't diligent enough - by Thurs AM my thumb had enough of an infection that I needed to open up cuts to get some iodine in it - it worked but for about 4 hours I thought I was in bad shape. Once taped up - and effort was used to get a glove on the cuts - I was fine but in future I will wear a landing glove more and if any small cut arises be way more focused on keeping it clean
  • It is more work than a lodge - getting firewood, cooking, cleaning, fileting fish, filtering water, dumping fish and garbage all take effort
  • The fishing was much better/easier for us than what we experienced at larger drive to lodges (Brennan Harbour) and drive to lodges (Lady Evelyn)
  • Being the only people on the lake is special - people told us so but until that first night I didn't get it - now I do – not sure if its serenity, the quiet, sense of ownership you develop about “your lake” but it was contagious and addictive
  • Plan for the unexpected - everything we read said take an extra meal or two in case you get weathered in - sure enough the day we were supposed to fly out the plane couldn't get in and we were there for 1 more night (we had beer and food but cigars and smokes were in high demand)
  • People leave stuff - the 4 gentlemen before us left us with a 3/4 full bottle of Baileys, a huge tin of Folgers coffee and about 20 dozen fresh minnows (there minnows weren't ready when they flew out and their check in flight was delayed by 2 days) - there was also extra spices, aluminum foil, toilet paper and zip loc bags (realize this may just have been luck on our part - I wouldn't count on it for future trips)
  • Overall White River Air was a good company to deal with - for the life of me I cant remember the name of the woman who registered us and chatted with us on the phone primarily - but she was amazing - and Dan is brief but fair. As newbies I would say our only negative surprise or peeve was the waiting around – it felt like we were told to come at 8 when there wasn’t a hope in heck that we were flying out until 12 that day. I am assuming that’s par for the course – and no biggie just that we hadn’t expected it and would have planned our schedule differently if we knew that ahead of time


We do these trips every two years - so 2016 will be another fly in - maybe further north -Nakina, Armstrong, Red Lake - but we have lots of time to plan – our challenge will be we are far from roughing it – when polled we all felt like a generator, running water and indoor plumbing are a must for our group - realizing we prob limit our options that way – but that’s cool – I have already begun my research J

Again many thanks to all of the members of the forum who answered questions and provided advice – special thanks to Mike Borger who sent numerous emails, offered tips - it was extremely helpful. Also Fishlogic – the worm set up in the Frabill Habitat using the Fat and Sassy pre made bedding (and the reco to use the Trading Post) was awesome




Here are a few pictures of the trip:

The Cabin and the Group



The Plane Ride


Our view off the patio in the AM and Evening


Fish Pics - first 2 walleyes are our largest









And finally - a dusk fish shot- my favourite part of any trip


Edited by gordy28
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I can't see the pics for some reason.


But if it's the same Pickle Lake I am thinking of (a small town 10 hour north of T-Bay..??) Than I used to live there as a young child. Not sure why I can't see your pics.


Great report man!

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Really enjoyed that Gordy! Great to hear of any fly-in reports like this, but especially so when it's something new for those who experienced it.


Your walleye numbers were good with some solid fish too. That is a pretty small lake overall and it treated you well. In future you will find many fly-ins like this one are equally productive. It's a great and funny feeling when you can just sit back in the boat and set the hook into walleye after walleye like they're spring perch or crappies loaded up in a sweet spot.


Thanks for the report. Try not to wait two years, so git'er done in 2015 dood. These are days you carry with you forever.

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I don't think Chris should be mentioned in the same sentence as Mike, Drew and Adam, but cool!


Yep, you guys are officially hooked! The first one is the most magical, and the planning is half the fun. It is more work than a lodge but the feeling sitting around the campfire at the outpost, after dark, after a great day on the water, more than makes up for that.


Maybe Bill Barilko just loved it so much, he disappeared and stayed there.

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Great report bud, I know how much this trip was anticipated!! It sounds as though despite a couple of set backs you had a good time and I'm glad!!

FWIW that's very unusual for Dan to say 8am then not flyn until 11:30. They're usually super prompt. I've flown with him twice this year and both times we showed up at the airbase at 7am and were in the air at 7:30.

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Thanks all

Can't seem to quote on the iPad but will try to answer all questions


This pickle lake isn't the town north of tbay it's a small lake about 40 miles north of white river ont


Chris as one of the more active trip reporters you provided a wealth of insight


Would love to do a trip annually but our deal at home is to alternate between bigger family trips and fishing trips while kids are young


White river air doesn't sell bait but there is a bait shop in white river. To mikes point we didn't need them tipping w worms worked just as well


I hear ya about the delays mike hopefully it was just a busy day


In terms of the colours of the fish one cool thing was that we caught a bunch of "blue walleye". Very cool


Thanks for all the comments and glad people enjoyed it


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Hey Gordy


Great report and well done on the "Fishing"


Fly ins are addictive!! LOL


You do have to deal with weight limitations, Its pretty hard to come in under 100 lbs per man if you are bringing in beer at 22lbs a case.

Great your outfitter was accommodating I look for that when I am researching.


Weather will effect your flight times, Not much you can do about Mother Nature




When the float plane leaves you on 'your' Lake Its is a very special feeling, I can't wait til next time!!




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Sounds like a great trip regardless of the little bumps. Those smiles in the photos really say it all!


Thanks for spending the time to put together and post your trip report. It's always nice to get a taste of the adventure from places we may never get to experience for ourselves. Also, I have a list of outposts with indoor toilets if you want it!! Lol.

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I can't see the pics for some reason.


But if it's the same Pickle Lake I am thinking of (a small town 10 hour north of T-Bay..??) Than I used to live there as a young child. Not sure why I can't see your pics.


Great report man!


you're thinking of a different pickle lake - this lake is near wawa/white river



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Gordy, it was our pleasure to meet you guys just before you flew out. Our flight in was scheduled for 8 AM but due to fog we flew at 2 PM with White River Air.

On the flight back all our gear did not make it so we waited for the next plane and that's how we met you. When the next plane arrived there were no fishing rods and after two weeks we are still waiting for them. This was not White River Air that dropped the ball but the lodge which left them on our cabin porch and assured us that we would get them on the next plane out. The lodge advised that a trip just to return our rods was $500 so they would ship them the following week.


Our numbers on the walleyes were maybe a little better than yours and most of our fish were 15-18 inches. We didn't catch any walleyes over 20 inches as you did and our pike fishing was not good. We would only catch one or two northerns per hour and they were small. Based on conversations with other fishermen in camp we were catching many more walleyes and fewer pike than they were. This I believe was due to the Lindy Rig and night crawlers when they were fishing jigs and minnows. Also we lucked on to a couple of hot spots unknown possibly to the camp.


I have been on 40-50 fly-ins and in my opinion the fishing is better in the Armstrong area but it is 350 miles further and more expensive. Considering that I might still go back as I generally go twice a year and I am retired

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