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Some Interesting Facts About The Mnr From Opseu


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It will effect every ethical fisherman and hunter in the province. I'm glad you found the report and posted the link here. Every member of this board should read the report and sign the petition.


I am not a strong union supporter, but on this issue, I am 100% behind them.



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While at Quinte I spoke with a fellow who happens to be a good pal of an ex-MNR fish scientist I knew back in the 80's.

Turns out the scientist left due to having had enough of the cuts and crap going on.

Guess you can only take so much crap until you bail.....


The good ones already left or are in the process of leaving/early retiring/getting golden handshakes....... which will leave a buncha status quo maintainance yespersons to do the bidding of politician advisors/consultants.


Sad fact is that when the last political party got elected in Ontario, that's when they got to see how bad the books really were. Hydro, SARS, Walkerton issues all cost cazillions, and especially due to these we're in a real cost-cutting time now. :(


My opinion anyhoo.

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With video cameras, digicameras and celphones that take pictures, get the photo evidence and forward to MNR.


If the violators can be tracked down by MNR/OPP via licence plate/boat registration and be identified committing a violation in a photo, case closed. :thumbsup_anim:


My guess is that part of the argument to reduce field enforcement is the mandarin attitude of... "Well, it's their own resources they are protecting by reporting offenders, so why have overpaid COs in the field doing what anglers and hunters should be doing?" :blahblah1:


Sad to say, but we better get used to the fact that less field enforcement is going to happen, so we all must become partners with MNR on this vital task. :(

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Signing the petition is something to support,unfortunately I have little faith it will change anything


Prob is until we as Canadians lay the boot to Politicians,its will never get fixed

Fact is till we as Canadians tighten the screws to those supposed leaders,we will not progress

at some time,sociaty will have to take back its tax dollars and management or we will all loose


Maybe if politicians brought more sandwichs to work then lunch on our tax dollars there'd be more left to use as expense budget for CO's


A branch of Co's had 15 000$ a year for expenses in doing there job,a minister have 3 or 4 times that amount to go and lunch out and treat their buddies


I think they spent more money at last nights liberal party than the MNR has as a budget,does not matter which party you believe in or support

Its all blind faith


Prob is wasting is occurring from the top to all levels of goverment and divisions

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I had heard of this several months ago (actually can't recall exactly where) ... kinda wondered if it was really true, but then, considering government in general, I guess nothing is ever really a big surprise. :dunno:


It's definitely not a good thing; even more amazing for Canada frankly ... can think of few places on earth that would rely on natural resources for so much.


Well, one thing is for sure, if this is the case, even those of you who detest the idea of tattle-taling, will hopefully be watching and willing to turn in folks who overharvest the resource.


I always try to look at the bright side of things. Who knows, "IF' the caring angling public pays attention and is ready and willing to turn folks in who take more than their share (legally too) fish, possibly the focus mainly on that - could be positive.


One thing I've always said, that besides checking to be certain folks have licenses, it always seemed like way too much effort by CO's is concentrated on nailing people for silly little stuff (like not enuf cushions, or a paddle or ..), while folks that blatantly overharvest fish get little attention.



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Well said Pete! And I gots 2 of yer rods and keep promotin em as the best deal around!


Time for us to do a little more to police our own ranks folks. Let's all quit the whining and keep our equipment and senses alert to help desk-bound COs get the needed evidence against offenders.


I plan to keep a digi camera and my photo-celphone with me at all times along with a pen and something to scratch down licence plates with.


Oh, and by the way, there are two levels of gov't involved here. The Feds and the Provincial gov'ts.

BUT COs are Provincial and are the ones cutback. So when you're talking gov't cutting CO expenses, it's the Ontario Provincial gov't to chase after. The Feds give $$$ via transfer payments to the Provincial gov't, but who knows if the $ gets to frontline staff Cos as opposed to some other Provincial priority..... like the Caledonia native controvercy.

Edited by cisco
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