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Check this out! No more cable bills! All the tv you can watch!


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Got the new G box hooked up and it looks like it will useful for movies and some TV shows but don't think it will cut the mustard for sports I will fiddle around with it a little more and see what I can find...if anybody has some tips let me know.

If your on facebook to the the xbmc hub support page. Post a question lots of folks will answer

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It is pretty straight forward, takes a little time to figure out the navigation but It will be good for movies and TV shows and some other interesting and strange content. But as a few have said live anything is touch and go, I have not found anything " live yet" lots of broken links so it looks like I may have to hang on to a basic sub. from the evil empire!!! :angry:

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It is pretty straight forward, takes a little time to figure out the navigation but It will be good for movies and TV shows and some other interesting and strange content. But as a few have said live anything is touch and go, I have not found anything " live yet" lots of broken links so it looks like I may have to hang on to a basic sub. from the evil empire!!! :angry:


if you are looking for reliable sports, especially live you will have to $ubscribe to internet based streaming services.. such as NHL Gamecenter. $99 / year.

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As i said in previous post these are definitely worth the 100 bucks to watch a movie ,ppv sports(free in low quality better than nothing) or even old favorite TV shows, I however couldn't ever imagine it replacing some sort of regular broadcasting!


I'd also like to say I haven't experienced these boxes on anything other then my 6MBps(line max is 7) service from bell, and am totally jealous that someone can actually get 45Mbps :worthy:

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just a follow-up to my last post: spent yesterday evening tinkering with the Gbox. HDMI sound isn't transmitting so I went to AV cables. Links didnt immediately work (1channel.ch, project free tv), but some tinkering got it done.


It's definitely not a no-brainer. I grew up on computers and know my way around, but I couldnt see my father being able to work with something like this without myself or a sibling being around to help out. Still, pretty solid little device.

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Ya I spent some more time with it yesterday...got some of the live sports feeds to work but the video quality is poor some of that may be related to my lousy internet speed.


It does take some getting used too and the broken links can be a PIA but for a 100 bucks it will pay for it`s self in no time just in movie rental and download fee savings.

I can`t really see my wife getting into it though she gets frustrated pretty quick with technology.


I have to try and find a feed to watch the Pacquiao fight tonite.

Edited by lookinforwalleye
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just a follow-up to my last post: spent yesterday evening tinkering with the Gbox. HDMI sound isn't transmitting so I went to AV cables. Links didnt immediately work (1channel.ch, project free tv), but some tinkering got it done.


It's definitely not a no-brainer. I grew up on computers and know my way around, but I couldnt see my father being able to work with something like this without myself or a sibling being around to help out. Still, pretty solid little device.

This is what i was talking about with the Future TV he has taken the software and made it fool proof. Even the elderly can use it. He is now offering a 30 day free trial go to the top of the first page here on OFC ,click on the link and download it..See for your self...This latest news is in the works and still not not announced. But i happen to know he is going to allow multiple downloads for multiple computers on one subscription, so meaning that if you have 3 tv's and 3 computers with hdmi out you will only need to buy one subscription. Were with the droid boxes you need a box per tv. at $150 a pop that can get expensive..

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just a follow-up to my last post: spent yesterday evening tinkering with the Gbox. HDMI sound isn't transmitting so I went to AV cables. Links didnt immediately work (1channel.ch, project free tv), but some tinkering got it done.


It's definitely not a no-brainer. I grew up on computers and know my way around, but I couldnt see my father being able to work with something like this without myself or a sibling being around to help out. Still, pretty solid little device.

Mind if I asked where u purchased it from? Mine worked out of the box. That said is hdmi audio is not working the box might have a defect... Or possibly your tv. Or it could be a simple setting that needs to be changed.


I have little issue with any of the providers.... Some links with the provider do not work sometimes... But there are always a lot more to choose from... Just did a marathon of the first season of game of thrones with no issues.


Once navi-x is done upgrading their servers, you will have a huge repository in addition to what links u currently have.... You know u can add additional providers right? Especially handy for those of different descents looking for news and movies from "home"



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gerritt, you mentioned your marathon of GoT.


I downloaded the HD version of seasons 1 through 3 rather easily through BT.


wouldn't it be just as easy to download 'anything' you want to watch via bt than go through one of these setups?

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This is what i was talking about with the Future TV he has taken the software and made it fool proof. Even the elderly can use it. He is now offering a 30 day free trial go to the top of the first page here on OFC ,click on the link and download it..See for your self...This latest news is in the works and still not not announced. But i happen to know he is going to allow multiple downloads for multiple computers on one subscription, so meaning that if you have 3 tv's and 3 computers with hdmi out you will only need to buy one subscription. Were with the droid boxes you need a box per tv. at $150 a pop that can get expensive..

1 computer per TV..... Plus keyboard, mouse and all the cabling required is a lot more $$$$ and alot more hydro and a lot more space required then a simple little box no bigger then three DVD cases stacked..... Then you have a monthly fee.....or bill I guess... Take no offence but your system costs a lot more to purchase, requiring a computer be hooked up to your tv, a lot more to operate requiring a lot more hydro to power the computer and then tack a monthly "fee" on top of that....


And I should add should the person that is supplying you with programming could disappear at any given time....


And your service along with it. All he is doing is reselling you programming that is already available for free!


In my case this little box uses a lot less power then a computer with a 350+ watt power supply, I can use ANY provider I wish and I pay nothing monthly. I can choose from thousands of free providers each with thousands of links.You are stuck with one.... The person you are paying monthly....


I see this as a no brainer.


I have seen this sort of thing in the past, it did not work well then. Selling hardware and selling service are two vastly different things......


I am more comfortable with owning hardware that can be used for a thousand of purposes.... Your service has only one.


Happy watching :)



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gerritt, you mentioned your marathon of GoT.


I downloaded the HD version of seasons 1 through 3 rather easily through BT.


wouldn't it be just as easy to download 'anything' you want to watch via bt than go through one of these setups?

Steve, BT is under constant attack, look at pirate bay for example. Look at the people being drug through the court system for downloading things via BT.....mostly from the folks in the music industry and the producers of movies like black hawk down.... They are going after ordinary folks that used BT to download their content and then reseed... The premise of BT.


That said most folks prefer on demand... And don't want to spend the hours it takes to download an entire season or a single episode for that matter... We tend to be I want it now society..


This new method for entertainment has yet to be regulated.... That said I can see it come in the future as cable co's catch on... Nothing is downloaded with an intent to redistribute, it is available freely. This is where I have issues with those selling a service....


They will be the ones targeted and their customer list will be given to the courts.. We saw this when people were doing satellite... Hardware can be used for a hundred different things... Service can't.




Edit to add: next time your in quinte send me a pm... We still gotta get out fishing

Edited by Gerritt
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I never really considered the movie producers going after the "little guy"...almost like the "it can't happen to me" theory.


Quite often I download HD seasons of TV shows....not really movies, although I did download the two hobbit movies recently.


thanks for the info and heads up.


oh, quinte, a few friends are looking for a mini vacation location this summer....all the wives are coming though....so we were thinking quinte...send them to the wine tours, etc, and we fish.


I'll let you know what the plans are :)

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1 computer per TV..... Plus keyboard, mouse and all the cabling required is a lot more $$$$ and alot more hydro and a lot more space required then a simple little box no bigger then three DVD cases stacked..... Then you have a monthly fee.....or bill I guess... Take no offence but your system costs a lot more to purchase, requiring a computer be hooked up to your tv, a lot more to operate requiring a lot more hydro to power the computer and then tack a monthly "fee" on top of that....


And I should add should the person that is supplying you with programming could disappear at any given time....


And your service along with it. All he is doing is reselling you programming that is already available for free!


In my case this little box uses a lot less power then a computer with a 350+ watt power supply, I can use ANY provider I wish and I pay nothing monthly. I can choose from thousands of free providers each with thousands of links.You are stuck with one.... The person you are paying monthly....


I see this as a no brainer.


I have seen this sort of thing in the past, it did not work well then. Selling hardware and selling service are two vastly different things......


I am more comfortable with owning hardware that can be used for a thousand of purposes.... Your service has only one.


Happy watching :)



In most cases folks are running a computer anyway.No need for a mouse or any other equipment if you have a laptop with HDMI out.. We run 2 laptops and a droid box in my spare room..We have future tv running on my laptop HDMI out, XBMC running on my daughters laptop HDMI again, and the droid box hard wired to the router directly..The only one of the 3 that works flawlessly and consistently is the future tv. The driod box has to be constantly left on for updating, cause if you dont it has to update when you turn it on and is completely useless when updating. I find myself constantly having to be restart the Droid box more often then the xbmc on my daughters laptop due to freezing issues.. Now that doesn't mean that all droid boxes freeze im just reporting my issue with mine. Regardless of witch one you choose, that is right for you.. XBMC rocks!

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I can see this being short lived like FTA lol.


Here is the latest post from XBMC facebook page


There is a growing (and worrying) misconception caused by some websites and people who sell HTPC devices with XBMC pre-installed. These often contain add-ons from we which we would like to clearly distance ourselves, and for which we will not offer support of any kind. We will not call these add-ons by name.
However if it all seems to be good to be true like watching content (movies and tvshows) for free, you should start asking yourself if this can still be considered legal. In some countries it can be considered clearly illegal.
It a regretful development that in our eyes, the most awesome media centre there is, is clouded by such a development. These few people are giving and spreading a misconception of what XBMC is and stands for, and are giving it a bad name. We would like to remind everyone that XBMC should be seen as a media centre platform for which you must provide your own media obtained through a legally obtained manor, PVR or by using add-ons which do not clearly violate copyright laws.
Hopefully we can break this tide and restore and improve our good name that we worked so hard for. As always the only and official news and XBMC versions can be found at from http://xbmc.org/about/ Please help us and spread the word of the true purpose of XBMC. Thank you.

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Yikes..Just trying to distance themselves from the impending Doom..I talk to an XBMC hub admin quite often on Facebook they plan to have all the boxes disabled within 3 to 6 months..So enjoy it while we can...The newest and next release will be too big and complicated for them to run it..Should be interesting...

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Glad I only bought one....

I wouldn't get too excited..Its not illegal in Canada so were doing nothing wrong...For now..Sadly if XBMC stops the TV apps from working it will effect us in Canada..

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According to G box the device they sell is legal...they clearly promote the product for free movies and TV.


When I asked them on their FB page about this they basically said it was indeed illegal for me to use the box as they promote which is a device to download content.

So essentially they can legally sell this device but it is illegal to use.

Sounds like a deceptive game G Box is playing, I guess they are a little sensitive because they deleted my questions on Facebook!!!

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According to G box the device they sell is legal...they clearly promote the product for free movies and TV.


When I asked them on their FB page about this they basically said it was indeed illegal for me to use the box as they promote which is a device to download content.

So essentially they can legally sell this device but it is illegal to use.

Sounds like a deceptive game G Box is playing, I guess they are a little sensitive because they deleted my questions on Facebook!!!

Ha ha ha are you serious?

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Mind if I asked where u purchased it from? Mine worked out of the box. That said is hdmi audio is not working the box might have a defect... Or possibly your tv. Or it could be a simple setting that needs to be changed.


I have little issue with any of the providers.... Some links with the provider do not work sometimes... But there are always a lot more to choose from... Just did a marathon of the first season of game of thrones with no issues.


Once navi-x is done upgrading their servers, you will have a huge repository in addition to what links u currently have.... You know u can add additional providers right? Especially handy for those of different descents looking for news and movies from "home"




Sorry for the late reply. I purchased directly from Matricom.


In general, the box sucks. I realize your milage may vary, but a wireless mouse + laptop will go much further in my experience. I've experienced issues with sound, wifi, broken links, repos that are empty, and a very inconsistent amount of support from the developers.


Again, YMMV but I really think xbmc on a laptop is the way to go.

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