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Another NF Hydro One topic - Late/no bills.

Rod Caster

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I've been in my house 7 months and have yet to receive a hydro invoice. Thousands of people have similar or worse situations (meters reading wrong or no good proof of what the readings actually were and then getting massive bills). The Provincial Ombudsman is investigating into this matter; that is good.


I decided to call Hydro One today, checked my balance via automated system and it quoted me 'Your balance is,...zero". I dialed 0, reached an operator and opened with "Hi Kim, I was just calling to thank you for providing me with free power for the past 7 months".


Kim was nice and knowledgable and assured me that the problem should be fixed 'soon' and that Hydro One would not only provide some kind of dividend for my troubles (100% off my first bill maybe?? haha) but also that they would gladly negociate a pay-back plan. My impression was that the 'pay-back' plan is negociable since there really is no protocol for this type of situation. Keep that in mind if you find yourself in this position.


I'm not too worried about it, but I'm sure this is going to screw over lots of people.


The way I see it: if I can confirm that my meter readings seem normal for my daily usage (they did, Hydro One provided the readings to me), then basically I've kept my money in my pocket for the past 7 months and that the payments were deferred; it's the opposite of a pay-check tax deduction. So long as I reserve that money until they figure out their stuff, I'm in a better position and can either put that money into a debt (house line of credit) or invest it in a liquid account.....


Anyone else find themselves in this position?

Edited by Rod Caster
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I have sent in pictures of our meter, in Temagami, going back to March 2013 with no response or billing correction. I then did so again in October and went after them seriously, day after day, as I've been "estimated" every month since the smart meter went in. I am now at over double BILLED to date than what the meter reads.. that was installed Sept 2009. So.. I've paid them for enough hydro to get me to Sept 2016 basically, so should have no bills until then (but I know they won't work it out that way). It took me until late November to get them to stop sending bills with past due and interest on top.. and I even got two demand letters for immediate payment. So I went after them again and told them "to go disconnect me then, but get the guys to read the meter before they do" ! They told me I would get a corrected bill soon... that was November 29th ! Haven't seen a thing since..

Edited by irishfield
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I've been in my house 7 months and have yet to receive a hydro invoice. Thousands of people have similar or worse situations (meters reading wrong or no good proof of what the readings actually were and then getting massive bills). The Provincial Ombudsman is investigating into this matter; that is good.


I decided to call Hydro One today, checked my balance via automated system and it quoted me 'Your balance is,...zero". I dialed 0, reached an operator and opened with "Hi Kim, I was just calling to thank you for providing me with free power for the past 7 months".


Kim was nice and knowledgable and assured me that the problem should be fixed 'soon' and that Hydro One would not only provide some kind of dividend for my troubles (100% off my first bill maybe?? haha) but also that they would gladly negociate a pay-back plan. My impression was that the 'pay-back' plan is negociable since there really is no protocol for this type of situation. Keep that in mind if you find yourself in this position.


I'm not too worried about it, but I'm sure this is going to screw over lots of people.


The way I see it: if I can confirm that my meter readings seem normal for my daily usage (they did, Hydro One provided the readings to me), then basically I've kept my money in my pocket for the past 7 months and that the payments were deferred; it's the opposite of a pay-check tax deduction. So long as I reserve that money until they figure out their stuff, I'm in a better position and can either put that money into a debt (house line of credit) or invest it in a liquid account.....


Anyone else find themselves in this position?

Lodge a complaint with the ombudsman as many others have done. The bigger the $#!t storm the longer the focus can be kept on another incompetent arm of a proven incompetent provincial government. Keep the heat on hi and steady before they have a chance to turn it down.

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You should see the hydro bill holiday some businesses are getting. I know one shop owner. Runs a lot of 220 equipment. Over the past 2 years his hydro bill has shrunk to $30 a month. He called several times to inform them there is a problem. How hard is it to realize there is a problem when a business running at $3-400 monthly usage is now only burning $30 a month

Edited by bigugli
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Hydro (g)one has to be the most corrupt businesses on the planet. The g in front of the one comes frm a buddy that works there. Hydro gone. We have perhaps the best power producing means anywhere and we get screwed over and over. We have tons of flowing water for hydroelectric power. We are central for shipment of coal. We are located next to miles and miles of huge waterbodys for nuclear cooling. We have it all. Yet our power bills are amongst the highest on the continent. I hate hydro one.

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It was last April, Chad... that I got a letter from Hydro One stating they were having problems processing bills in the North. I finally thought they were adjusting my bill was all, with my emailed in meter reading photo so I'd be good for the summer without paying... but that never happened and it hasn't got better since.

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It was last April, Chad... that I got a letter from Hydro One stating they were having problems processing bills in the North. I finally thought they were adjusting my bill was all, with my emailed in meter reading photo so I'd be good for the summer without paying... but that never happened and it hasn't got better since.

Is McGuilty secretly running the show over at Hydro one? Must be. That guy couldn't process a Ham Sandwich.

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Typical of hydro !! The problems are never ending and good to see the media is all over them about all the horror stories and wrong billing !!! And they say that problems are almost impossible to solve they are all crooked pr:ck$ and cause a lot of grief to people who don't deserve it ....

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