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The road trip is winding down

Big Cliff

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Well, Thursday will be our final full day here (for this trip at least), I'd like to stay longer but there are some issues at home that I have to attend to so we will be hitting the road early Friday morning and should be home late Saturday or early Sunday depending on the weather and road conditions.


I have to say this has been a fantastic vacation, I have been fishing almost every single day, caught so many different species I have lost count, caught so many fish I could have fed a small country and above all met some wonderful people along the way.


I am sun tanned, wind burnt and water logged from all the time I spent in the pool, I haven't done so much walking in many years, Sue actually used her pidometer and figured out I had actually walked over 6 miles in one day (and that didn't include doing the mall shopping thing). That might not seem like a lot to some of you young ones but for an old fart like me 6 miles seems like a long way LOL. (I think back to my army days and a 10 mile run was just a warm up LOL)


I keep looking at the weather back home and I feel so sorry for those people that are having to cope with the extream cold weather, snow, and super high heating costs. I know my heating cost is more than 2.5 times what it was last winter, I'm one of the lucky ones, I can still work; what about those people that are on a fixed income. Lets see, freeze to death or go without eating?????


Once I get back and have full internet access, I'll try to post some more pictures, the internet where we are is very slow and not very stable.


Wish you could all be here to share it with us, it is the only thing that could have made it better.




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