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Eskimo Ice Auger repair in T.O. or Durham?


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Hey folks,


With brand spanking new float coat in hand, I now have to eliminate a problem with my auger, before I destroy my new coat.

I have a three year old Eskimo Mako 43 Viper 8 in auger. It has worked well, ok, the engine/motor run very well, but the gear box at the bottom, is leaking grease.

It happened a couple of years ago, when FishnSled and I decided to hit Lady Simcoe on a day with -28C temps. The auger fired up ok, but I think the grease in the gear case froze, because I had to help get the blade going, by hand before it would turn on it's own.

Ever since then, it sends grease flying whenever I use it... suffice to say, my old float jacket looks like it has been run over by a very old truck, many times!

As it is out of warranty, I'm just lookin for a shop that would get me back to just cutting ice, instead of a grease shower.

I live in East Toronto, near the Pickering border... I prefer to go to Durham, if I can!

(I would have called Eskimo, but they are eatin Turkey today!)


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Pretty sure it's a seal Brian. I can't see any crack, mainly because it's all covered in grease!

It's coming out of the bottom of the gear box, right where the blade inserts into the gear box.

I thought of Cliff as well, but that's a little too far into Durham, if I can avoid it.


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Why the grease froze,I don't know.It shouldn't of,but by the sounds of it the lip probably froze on the shaft and tore a hole in it.Any small engine shop should be able to replace that and the grease with something synthetic.If you were closer to Toronto,I would do it for you. Gear boxes are one of my most common issues as a call in.

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I can't even remember a seal in mine while tearing it apart... I'll have to go look at my old pictures. No matter.. no reason for grease to be flying out of there.. shouldn't be much in there to start with and it certainly shouldn't be slinging out on your clothes.

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Nope.. no seals in my Jiffy Joe... bronze bushing on one shaft and bearing on the clutch / drive shaft. If you don't find someone close Joe.. if you get it to me the week of Dec 9th downtown (I'll be at Sinai all week) I'll take it home and go over it.... actually rethinking that.. if you can get it to Leah next Monday night to Wednesday (she'll be in the city and at Sunnybrook Wed afternoon) she can bring it home and I may be able to bring it back the week of the 9th!



Edited by irishfield
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Yah.. it's a sealed bearing B, but it's inside the case anyhow. The only output shaft.. that runs the auger.. is through the bronze bushing on mine and at least on mine it has enough of a casting rise that the grease shouldn't be going out through there.




Like I said/typed Joe.. if you can meet Leah at Sunnybrook (appoint is 2:30.. she'll be there a bit before that) on Wednesday, throw it in the back of my F150 and I'll have a boo at it when she gets back Wednesday night / Thursday.

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As always Wayne, you are to generous! I called a couple of repair places yesterday and from whatI have learned, only authorized Eskimo dealers/repair facilities, can get parts from Eskimo. That really sucks, butI will wait until Monday to find out directly from Eskimo, what my options are.

Again, thanks for the offer... I'll update this thread later...


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As always Wayne, you are to generous! I called a couple of repair places yesterday and from whatI have learned, only authorized Eskimo dealers/repair facilities, can get parts from Eskimo. That really sucks, butI will wait until Monday to find out directly from Eskimo, what my options are.

Again, thanks for the offer... I'll update this thread later...



ardisam was great with customer service for me, express shipping on a warranty item (arrived to northern BC in 4 days), that's a first in my experience...let them know which parts you need and I bet they'll ship them

Edited by bare foot wader
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Joe... they're just bearings.. I can buy them most anywhere. Only uses two sizes R10 and R12 (5/8 and 3/4 ID / 1 3/8 and 1 5/8 OD), all I need to see is what the larger ones are for race width, being spec'd out as "double lip". (and I just checked my shop desk and I have 5 of the 3/4" x 1 5/8" in the drawer, pending ripping your auger apart for match verification.. lol)


Meet Leah Wednesday at Sunnybrook in front of the Odette Centre off of Bayview Ave onto Wellness Way..... throw it in the back of my truck!

Edited by irishfield
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Joe... they're just bearings.. I can buy them most anywhere. Only uses two sizes R10 and R12 (5/8 and 3/4 ID / 1 3/8 and 1 5/8 OD), all I need to see is what the larger ones are for race width, being spec'd out as "double lip". (and I just checked my shop desk and I have 5 of the 3/4" x 1 5/8" in the drawer, pending ripping your auger apart for match verification.. lol)


Meet Leah Wednesday at Sunnybrook in front of the Odette Centre off of Bayview Ave onto Wellness Way..... throw it in the back of my truck!

Now that is an offer you would be foolish to refuse! I would gladly help you but Wayne's offer is much better than I could do for you right now.

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First of all, I would like to thank all who have chimed in here and especially those who offered up to help! Truely one of the best facets of this place are those folks who offer their time to others.

A special thanks to Wayne and Brian... thanks so much!

I have found a local guy who will do the fix for me. After contacting Ardisam this morning, I was able to find a guy who is 10 minutes from my house... that's saves everyone time, a valuable resource these days!

Thanks again everyone!



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I would think that you have more than enough things on the go Wayne, to get your hands dirty with! LOL

Again, thanks for the kind offer...

On a side note, as I was taking the auger off the motor/engine, I managed to ruin yet another jacket by smearing grease all over it! Damn, I have lost count of how many jackets/coats/sweatshirts I have ruined with grease, with that flippin auger!


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Can't worry too much about a little grease on your shirt Joe :D

That's why I only wear black. I manage to get anything else dirty just by looking and not touching.

I can't believe the amount of grease this silly thing has flung out at me in the last three years! Monkeys flinging poo would stop in dis-belief!

Any suggestions on what to use to get that bearing grease out of clothes?


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