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Rob Ford being grilled this morning by TO city council

Old Ironmaker

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I gotta chip in. This guy has a problem with substance misuse…..he needs help.


It saddens me to see some people trying to defend what this guy has been doing…IN PUBLIC OFFICE! And in a lot of cases just smacks of complete hypocrisy, given that much of his 'support' appears to be from 'the right'/'conservative' view holding pundits etc..(I said 'seems' folks).….the same kind of folk that i would not put it past to hold the view that while it is ok for Mr. Ford to get paid out of public funds and abuse substances…welfare claimants should be drugs tested.

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Thanks for the chuckle. You seam to have the gift of a politician. Lots of words, but very little substance. More please.

You and your kind would know. What breed of thinker that would be ? Or do you, in your infinite wisdom don't feel me and my kind would be able to decipher the unsubstantiated drivel that would escape your lips?.



Caller in to a radio talk show said it best. "I'm of European descent and many a politician on that continent has had sex parties with hookers and party girls complete with booze and drugs as well as many other indiscretions and still managed to retain power. Why? Because the majority of the electorate were satisfied with the work they did. Those that are embarrassed about how they look as a consequence of the actions of others are beyond counselling.


One of the funniest angles so far? City council wanting to petition an un-elected provincial leader to remove the democratically elected Toronto Mayor. BOO HOO!!!!!

Edited by moxie
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watch what, this embarrassing charade to keep unfolding? Who else gets a pass on all these indiscretions? Hookers at city hall, doing oxycontin, drinking and driving, smoking crack, hanging around known GUNS AND DRUG dealers, purchasing drugs on city time, lying to the public about it all, using his drug dealer pal to extort the individuals with the video, condemning harm reduction and drug addicts - the hypocrisy is incredible. Why does he get your support for a "mistake" when anyone else engaging in these activities would not. The whole thing is absurd.

This is the disturbing part, he didn't tell the truth for all that time until he finally had to. If the pressure hadn't been put on him I doubt he'd ever admit to it.

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" This of course leaves some of the more serious questions that remain to be answered"


Just curious at just what these "more serious questions" would be?


That would be the questions around the murder of the person connected to the video and the drunk driving allegations.

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You and your kind would know. What breed of thinker that would be ? Or do you, in your infinite wisdom don't feel me and my kind would be able to decipher the unsubstantiated drivel that would escape your lips?.



Caller in to a radio talk show said it best. "I'm of European descent and many a politician on that continent has had sex parties with hookers and party girls complete with booze and drugs as well as many other indiscretions and still managed to retain power. Why? Because the majority of the electorate were satisfied with the work they did. Those that are embarrassed about how they look as a consequence of the actions of others are beyond counselling.


One of the funniest angles so far? City council wanting to petition an un-elected provincial leader to remove the democratically elected Toronto Mayor. BOO HOO!!!!!

and Kim Jong-il got 100% of votes.

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You and your kind would know. What breed of thinker that would be ? Or do you, in your infinite wisdom don't feel me and my kind would be able to decipher the unsubstantiated drivel that would escape your lips?.



Caller in to a radio talk show said it best. "I'm of European descent and many a politician on that continent has had sex parties with hookers and party girls complete with booze and drugs as well as many other indiscretions and still managed to retain power. Why? Because the majority of the electorate were satisfied with the work they did. Those that are embarrassed about how they look as a consequence of the actions of others are beyond counselling.


One of the funniest angles so far? City council wanting to petition an un-elected provincial leader to remove the democratically elected Toronto Mayor. BOO HOO!!!!!



Yes, the "this is the way they do it, so it's ok for us" is a very good position to take.


And using a singular caller to a radio program to justify the mayor's behaviour is also very strong.


Any other straws?

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Ok, now you lost everyone. Comparing Rob Ford to Kim Jong Un has got to be the most ridiculous thing I've heard today. Thanks

Quite the opposite. Not a comparison. Another irrelevant "fact" to compare to "these European politicians" being spoken of. Irrelevant to the situation of Rob Ford.

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That would be the questions around the murder of the person connected to the video and the drunk driving allegations.


So you're inferring that because he has a substance abuse problem, he's probably involved in a murder and drives drunk?


Pretty big leap.

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So your inferring that because he has a substance abuse problem, he's probably involved in a murder and drives drunk?


Pretty big leap.



His substance abuse does not necessarily mean he is probably involved in a murder.


That fact that a person who was closely connected to the video is now dead is the concern. As well as who obtained the video, and how it was obtained.


The alleged massive amounts of alcohol consumed and no driver are also very serious.


These are not pulled out of thin air. These are questions and concerns that have been brought up by the mayor's own staff and close associates.

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His substance abuse does not necessarily mean he is probably involved in a murder.


That fact that a person who was closely connected to the video is now dead is the concern. As well as who obtained the video, and how it was obtained.


The alleged massive amounts of alcohol consumed and no driver are also very serious.


These are not pulled out of thin air. These are questions and concerns that have been brought up by the mayor's own staff and close associates.

Are these substantiated facts or just heresay? Don't you find it peculiar how the laws seem to be made up as they go along? The facts pertaining to a criminal case are off limits but anything to discredit the Mayor are of public interest? He is on trial without ever being arrested on any count. Why would the police not arrest him for the illegal drugs, drunk driving and the rest? Democracy is on trial here and it scares me to think how any of us could be treated like this for not living up to someones standards or practices. Pull it out of your Heinie Kfrog and smell something other than that leftist stench. Please!!! I'll give you back the milk and cookies and if you play nice I might even consider the Nap Mat. I promise.

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Rob Ford is an admitted crack cocaine user, drunk driver, admitted buying drugs today, oxycontinin user, charged for spousal abuse, alcoholic who for months and months was lying about all this, until he got caught.


The Santa Claus parade starts about 300 yards from my home this weekend. Always one of the coolest things living so close. This mayor puts a big black mark on this occasion. ....I'll have to say to my kids .' there is Rudolph, there is Santa, there is our crack smoking mayor who is currently being in a murder investigation"



"Be very careful what you write" Ford sums up today.


I am concerned how an admitted crack user etc.... will affect my children's perception of the Santa Claus parade this year when he goes

by my area. It will become about him and not the enjoyment of the season for children here.


Polls tonight show that 75 % of Toronto taxpayers want him to resign. The other 25 % apparently suffer from 'cognitive dissonance'

or inability to accept reality of truth and needed change of misdirected thought.


Crack smoking Mayor, effect on kids here and Santa Claus parade concerns this Toronto taxpayer.

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I am proud of my record...stopping the gravy train etc.

And all I ask is you forgive....my drug use, my drunken stupors, my drug pusher friends, my crazy family, my irration behaviour etc.etc.etc....

The man obviously has many vices and a mountain of personal issues that need to be dealt with and I think a reasonable man would step aside and get some professional help if only for his wife and children, the fact that he puts his family through this daily gongshow says something about the man.

Yes he was voted in by the citizens of Toronto but I suspect if the good people of Toronto knew then what they know now there is no way he would have won the election.

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Brampton Mayor Susan Fennell racks up $186,000 in expenses


That is news. Somebody that needs to take some time off to recoup. Drugs whatever it's his personal life and yes if in trouble should be charged or in jain. Rumours and a fat stack of people that swear hes up to no good are all that are against him.


The news is the government waste more money than all of you think and there is nothing anybody will do to stop it. Rob Ford is the only politician that has caught my eye in my short life for trying to do the good for the people by taking our money and doing good with it. Put him in jail or let him do his job, how dare those crooks tell him to leave when none of them were fit to be the mayor in the first place.

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Brampton Mayor Susan Fennell racks up $186,000 in expenses


That is news. Somebody that needs to take some time off to recoup. Drugs whatever it's his personal life and yes if in trouble should be charged or in jain. Rumours and a fat stack of people that swear hes up to no good.


The news is the government waste more money than all of you think and there is nothing anybody will do to stop it. Rob Ford is the only politician that has caught my eye in my short life for trying to do the good for the people by taking our money and doing good with it. Put him in jail or let him do his job, how dare those crooks tell him to leave when none of them were fit to be the mayor in the first place.


An example of 'cognitive dissonance'. I am trying to tell you folks that as a taxpayer resident of Toronto, ford has lied us taxpayers., admitting he smokes crack and more than can be listed. I am living here experiecing it as a taxxpyer he has done nothing but but make criminality seem acceptable to children.



'Nuff said.....

I am a resident, taxpayer he lied to us.

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