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"That's all I have to say about that"


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he looks and talks like a smart man, I will be looking him up online later to see what else he has to say.


Oh and I'm waiting for some local OFC'ers to chime in too. In a good or informative way not bashing.

Edited by GBW
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Ok, Ill bite.

1. Alcohol. Happens to be a major issue with a lot of Natives. ( more so per capita then the rest of the country.) doesthat mean every native is a drunk, and that other Canadians dont have these issues? Of course not.

2. Get over it. Wab claims that he is over it, and thats great. Far too many others arent over it, and thats the number one reason they are holding out ther hands. Ive never heard someone say "forget about it" two completely different statements

3. Long hair. Really? Wasnt aware that was an issue with anyone.

4.what are they doing with the 7 billion?

He mentions New Brunswick. Im not sure what the 8 billion is hes refering to, but most there work for their money, and pay taxes for what they recieve.

5. Is a status native required to pay taxes? I have a lot of respect for those that do, instead of mooching from others. But there are a few hundred thousand moching that give the others a bad name.

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He is a very good speaker. He could be a politician. Too bad he is at the CBC :tease:. I followed all the way along until he got to the 7.4B. I don't think it helps his argument to bring up New Brunswick.


People don't ask NB about their 8 billion because it is known. They have a public budget that is debated in the legislature. It is then implemented with standard oversight and auditing. The people can see the successes and failures every year. If they don't like the public and transparent results, they can vote someone out of office.


By bringing up NB he is inviting a comparison that will not stop people asking where the 7.4 billion goes.

Just the opposite.




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"140 years later we're still waiting for the things promised to us"


News flash...140 years ago you were not alive, and neither was I.

Sorry but I have no desire to pay My Great, great, great grandfathers tab so you can prosper.

I can't go back and claim land taken from my family in the world war, and I can't even go back and claim a mistake in my bloody taxes more then 4 years ago....what makes you think you have a right to anything more then you have today simply because your native?


I Don't care one bit about ANY promise made 140 years ago that entitles one race to something more then my children will recieve, if it were up to me (lucky for you its not) I'd say take the deal you have or its gone tommorrow.....

I'm long past saying "get over it" and quite frankly getting sickened more by the minute when I hear all the bleeding heart cries about the poverty when really its all about greed, and more money .

Really I'm leaning more towards hand gestures at this point then words :whistling:


No appologies here...I'm past it :blahblah1:

Edited by Cookslav
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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

wab kinew is an incredible role model and could teach people a lot, both native and non-native alike. i won't get too far into this debate but anyone who believes that natives are just after "hand outs" are ignoring more than a century of colonialism, failed assimilation, racism, and paternalistic dogma. i don't agree with everything that indigenous people believe they are entitled to, but i can also acknowledge the impact that our society has had upon their well-being.

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus
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wab kinew is an incredible role model and could teach people a lot, both native and non-native alike. i won't get too far into this debate but anyone who believes that natives are just after "hand outs" are ignoring more than a century of colonialism, failed assimilation, racism, and paternalistic dogma. i don't agree with everything that indigenous people believe they are entitled to, but i can also acknowledge the impact that our society has had upon their well-being.


Wab is the kind of inspiration the next generation needs to succeed. It would be nice to see that happen without people telling them how much of a disgrace to society they are, In their inherited opinions from hundreds of years ago, defending themselves with guns like the ol' Western's. Not sure what it is they fear in all this is?

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I was in a line up at the local Lows store when the lady in front of me said "I have a native card" she filled out some paperwork and the cashier waived the sales tax on her purchase. ( do natives pay tax or not?)

Edited by krixxer
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They "can" pay tax if they choose to....


In their inherited opinions from hundreds of years ago, defending themselves with guns like the ol' Western's.


No the opinions are vastly different.

The major diffence is what transpired 140 years ago is no longer relevant to the current

situation of our nations people(Canadians)


The segragation of a nation with in a nation is counter intuative to the progress of Canada on many levels.

The fiscal suport and land obligations that benefited natives from 140 years ago are continuted currently except....

For the fact that the funds are being paid by me and my family who like the natives were just born here....so we have to pay and natives get to collect it like some sort of blood line monarchy system.


Like I said in the other post....these treaties were signed long before any of us were born and were signed by a queen of a nation that no longer governs us.

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