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Tube jigs - stinger hook


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I still have yet to land a laker using a tube bait, its probably becuase I only give it a try for a 5 minutes and then go back to a spoon or jig and minnow ... so just wondering if any folks here rig up the tubes with a stinger and if so do you run it through the hollow opening or outside of the tube ...

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You can also stuff the tube with a chunk of Alka Seltzer , I've seen the difference first hand .. I don't know why it works but it does , anyway.

I second the Northland trailers .

* edit , I third the Northland trailers .

Edited by Randy from Sturgeon
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I make my own using high quality small trebles or #4 Walleye hooks. Take a lengths of Braided line 8-10 lb test and double it over. Tie up your favorite braid not so that the doubled over line comes off the eye of the hook only about 4 ". Use the doubled over line to make a loop not over the tube hook below the barb.


Works like a charm and very easy to put on/take off. I have been playing around with tying a longer lead (10") and using a very small size 8 offset worm hook (Got a pack of VMC at Lebarons one day). I put a 2"-3" Gulp minnow on behind more like a "dangler" hook and have had some success

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Thanks for the tips ... as I said I don't give the tube enough of a chance and end up going back to what has worked before ... I'll try and stick with it this weekend and see if I can ice one on a white tube like every article i have read seems to suggest ... LOL

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I saw guys on Ottawa River use similar set ups...so i kind of came up with my own.

I am going to test it later this evening when it warms up a little bit and on the weekend.




Its just a trout hook on a hair rig and instead of loop i just tied up a trebble hook at the end. In theory it should work lol

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If it was me I would stay away from those pre-made stinger hooks (Northland) for lake trout. Big lake trout are strong with a hard mouth and I have seen those hooks bend/break , you wouldn't want to lose a trophy laker on a weak hook (they are fine for walleye) I tie my own with a little bit of fluorocarbon and a medium size treble , never a problem .

Now i'm not really discounting Drifter's recommendation cause i'm sure he has caught more big lakers then I ever will but I have seen those hooks fail on a lake trout !

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If the Lakers are biting this weekend its going to be interesting... I have a tube rigged with the Northlands stinger setup and another one with homemade treble setup, may have to try the fly setup as well , so many choices now .... I have the gopro rigged on a pole for the underwater shots .... collecting too much gear again !!!

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50 lb braid is the way to go. If you are using a minnow. Run the jig in the tube, tie the braid to the eye and a red treble hook. Now the stinger is never the correct length so you can wrap the braid around the hook until the correct length for the size of minnows. Braid has no memory so it doesn't affect the minnow.


If running a strait tube I preferr a spinner bait trailer hook left loose.

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Northland stingers work fine. I have used them but tend to just make my own now. Tie some mono (same test or abit stronger than mainline)to a small treble and the make a uni knot at your desired length. Slip knot on tube jig hook shank. Wet then pull tight.

I've never used braid but I don't see why it wouldn't work.





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