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Here is the letter from the OVMA to the Leaders of all three parties....Dalton refuses to acknowledge the request to respond to them.... Veterinarians do NOT want to be executioners of innocent dogs in Ontario destroying family pets...Almost all people that go into this field of expertise... do so to save animal lives and no where does it state in their Hippocratic oath does it condemn them to kill innocent family pets


Call your MPP and demand 3rd reading in support of Bill 16


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Heads up Montreal....This isnt going to bode well for you....heres an excerpt to spark your interest...but please read the whole article


© By June Maxam


MONTREAL, CANADA—Montreal is embracing a new Nazism but its not against Jews, it’s against dogs.


If you live in Montreal and own a dog, you may want to consider moving.


Unless the people of Montreal take immediate action, a new bylaw being proposed by city government would be even more draconian than the current one which resulted in the death of the much beloved Wicca on Thursday.


The Montreal SPCA says a new bylaw planned to be enacted by the city would provide for automatic and mandatory euthanasia in cases where a dog causes a skin laceration regardless of the context or the severity of the injury.


In order words, if your dog scratches a person, the dog would automatically be put down.


Dog owners wishing to fight an euthanasia order from the city will also only have 24 hours to obtain a behavior analysis from their own chosen expert in order to contest the death order, according to the SPCA.


The SPCA says the 24 hour delay will not permit a dog’s owner sufficient time to obtain their own expert evidence as the wait list for dog behavior specialists in the city of Montreal is generally greater than a week.


“What is so scary about what Mayor (Gerald) Tremblay’s office is proposing is that it means that if, for example, a dog was to bite another dog or a person while defending themselves the dog would be automatically sentenced to death by the City” said Alanna Devine, director of Animal Advocacy at the Montreal SPCA, “and it will be impossible for dog owners to even contest this death sentence because the delay of 24 hours is not nearly enough time to find, hire and consult with an expert in canine behavior”.


Montreal residents should attend the next meeting of their borough’s council, call city hall and send emails to voice their adamant opposition to Mayor Gerald Tremblay’s plan for what could result in essentially a mass extermination of dogs in the city.




The article you posted is password protected and therefore not able to be viewed. But I have to say, it's pretty pathetic for the author to use the term nazism and jews when trying to illustrate a point about dog welfare. It is obvious to me and I'm sure many others that by quoting this article, it only hinders your argument to protect dog welfare. I figured I would do a little quick digging myself and this is what I came up with (in the first two search results).


Here is an article describing June's prison term and being fired as an animal control officer in New York.



"POSTSTAR.COM CHESTER — Posted: Wednesday, November 16, 2011. A longtime critic of local government now works for the town. The Chester Town Board recently appointed June Maxam, publisher of the website North Country Gazette, to the post of animal control officer. JuneMaxam has used the website to blast the town and Warren County, and their officials, for years. She regularly tosses allegations of nepotism and back-door deals at local officials and fire officials.


But June Maxam’s confrontational past is raising eyebrows in and around Chester Town Hall. Chester Supervisor Fred Monroe hasn’t been immune to Maxam’s poison pen. “I know I’ve taken a pretty hard line approach and I’ve won a couple rounds,” Maxam said. “Fred and I have had our ups and downs, but we respect each other.” She said Monroe asked her to apply for the job. Some local officials said they expect criticism when news of the appointment spreads.


Maxam recently lobbed allegations of unethical and illegal conduct at local fire officials and the Warren County Sheriff’s Office. June Maxam is currently appealing the ruling in a lawsuit filed earlier this year seeking to force the Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company to release its financial records.


June Maxam served nine months in jail in 2003 on a felony conviction for falsely accusing her neighbors, Donald and Eleanor Lambert, of harassment. The conviction was overturned on appeal and dismissed in 2005. (June Maxam is the publisher of the website North Country Gazette).


Chester officials said she was chosen based on her record with animals, not her past interactions with local governments.The town makes about $4 per license, and it’s that cash Maxam plans on using to fund her outreach and enforcement efforts. Maxam replaces Bill Mosher in the $6,600-a-year post. MORE FROM THIS SOURCE.


The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press March 27, 2003 – June Maxam, who has published the North Country Gazette in Chestertown, New York, since 1981, is serving a nine-month sentence in the Warren County Jail after a state appellate court in January rejected her appeal of felony convictions for falsely accusing her neighbors, Donald and Eleanor Lambert, of harassment.


“The record reveals that defendant has had a long and tortured relationship with the Lamberts, as well as just about every elected official and police agency in her community,” the court wrote in its decision. “Defendant claims that all of these people have demonstrated animus toward her because she has criticized them in a local newspaper that she intermittently publishes.” In July 2000, Maxam was convicted of two counts of filing false harassment charges and sentenced to nine months in jail, according to court documents. MORE FROM THIS SOURCE.


UPDATE Tuesday, November 22, 2011 …Chester NY board reaffirms June Maxam appointment after hearing complaints. CHESTER – The Town Board has decided to stick behind its appointment of June Maxam to the post of animal control officer, as dissent from local residents and officials continues to swell in what may be the most controversial hiring of a dog catcher in recent memory. Supervisor Fred Monroe said he asked the Town Board late last week if it wanted to hold a special board meeting to reconsider its decision to appoint the controversial website publisher to the job


Included in those displeased with the town’s decision to put Maxam on the payroll are Eleanor and Donald Lambert. Maxam accused the Lamberts of harassment in 2003. The charges against the Lamberts were dropped and JUNE Maxam was convicted of filing false accusations, a felony, and served nine months in Warren County Jail. “I’m livid. If I had a dog, I wouldn’t allow her on my property,” Eleanor Lambert said late last week. “They’re rewarding her for all of the troubles and heartache.” MORE FROM THIS SOURCE.


UPDATE POSTSTAR.COM Thursday, February 23, 2012 9:25 pm. Chester NY parts ways with June Maxam, notorious animal control officer whom supervisor praised has been fired. CHESTER — June Maxam’s short but controversial tenure as town animal control officer ended Thursday night as the Town Board overrode Supervisor Fred Monroe and sacked her.


Maxam’s employment status has been ambiguous for more than a week. She quit last week in an executive session of the Town Board, only to return the following day to pick up the equipment she turned in the night before and began again responding to animal complaints. Many town officials believed that Maxam’s job ended last week when she stormed out of the board room, but Monroe welcomed her back


On Thursday, the Town Board overruled the longtime supervisor, firing Maxam in a 4-1 vote. Only Monroe voted against removing her from the $6,600-a-year, part-time job. “The Town Board does not desire to continue to employ June Maxam,” read Councilman Mike Packer from the resolution. MORE FROM THIS SOURCE.


Jailed for 9 months and fired as dog catcher, June Maxam appears to be the most hated person in Chester NY, most people dId not want her to even be the dog catcher at $6,600 a year, how low can you go. Chestertown is a hamlet (unincorporated village) in Warren County, New York, United States, in the Adirondack Mountains, in the Town of Chester.



Bill Warner Private Investigator Sarasota Fl at www.wbipi.com"


Here is an even more interesting synopsis of her recent trials and tribulations.




I would quote the article, but unfortunately there is some choice words I would rather not have associated with me. It is a very telling read though and provides a bit of a contrast to the article posted above that was written by June Maxam. If you care (I don't) feel free to read it.


I am not even going to bother stepping into the debate about dog welfare in this post as it is obvious this topic is not designed for constructive dialogue, but to push ones own point of view.

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Do you feed your dog spam? I've never seen such a one-way conversation on this forum before.


Nope Pedigree Lamb and Rice in the morning and RAW in the evening...seems to work best for them ....and Ive never seen such a one way conversation either...maybe some people are just reading and dont know what to say



Personally, I'm surprised there hasn't been more response.


Most here are dog lovers and this legislation is a serious afront...


Im surprised to Jer...but ill keep posting ...not to push any personal agenda but just to bring awaeness to this VERY IMPORTANT Bill,,,whether people support it or dont support it ,,thats their choice ...but i hope everyone understands what it is and how it effects them ...even if you dont own a dog that falls under the BSL Law




The article you posted is password protected and therefore not able to be viewed. But I have to say, it's pretty pathetic for the author to use the term nazism and jews when trying to illustrate a point about dog welfare.


I agree ...just as pathetic as the recent post in a popular paper in Toronto by a columnist that is using fear mongering and old blurred statistics from the USA to print in our Canadian paper propoganda to generate hits on their webpage to inadvertently drive up the numbers to charge more for advertising from the sponsors...i agree pathetic is the proper word ( im not going to mention the Paper name or the columnist because i wont aid in their objectives in an open forum...if you really want to know...PM me and ill tell you)


June Maxem is an extremest that ultimately made the mistake of trying to apply BSL Logic to humans....if someone makes an allegation against you regarding your dog...the onus is on you to prove its innocence...she made false allegations against humans...and paid the price of jail...as it should be...but thats not to say that its right for an owner of any dog...to be subjected to BSL on an allegation...the answer to all of this and to improve public safety and dog welfare is to make the owners of any and every breed of dog responsible for the dog...then and only then...will the bite statistics drop...use Calgary as a role model with a 78% drop in dog instances since the inception of their scientifically based format to a problem that was out of hand ten years go...not based on breed ...but based on deed and responsibility of the owner...last night the mail woman that got bit in Toronto by a chocolate lab...no charges are layed against the owner at all...why??? but if it was a dog that looked like a "pit bull" instantly the dog would be euthanize,,,,yet the media turns around and post a picture of a Dogo Argentino standing proud as it states "two of these dogs" were running amuck in BC chasing a postman and bit him....each case is individual....they should all be treated individually...THere are bad dogs out there...and you will find they are attached to bad people or people that shouldnt have dogs (they are called resident dogs)...these are far and few between (thankfully) but the responsible people that have "family dogs" are forced to pay the ultimate price for the others rubber cheques.





I am not even going to bother stepping into the debate about dog welfare in this post as it is obvious this topic is not designed for constructive dialogue, but to push ones own point of view.


This isnt intended to be just MY point of view...it was my hopes that there would be an open dialogue so that EVERYONE would learn what our BSL law is now and what it could be in the future for ALL dog owners...IF BSL is repealed then watch how "people are going to be more responsible with their pets to prevent a bite,escape or any incident...because ultimately they will be held responsible...killing dogs of one specific type doesnt solve problems educating owners along with the consequences of ownership inadvertantly might end "resident" dogs as well (ill post a picture to show the difference)









Shouldn't this thread be moved to 'Announcements'???


IF your asking me ...I dont think so....If your asking a Moderator...use the PM feature and if THEY so choose to shut this down or move it to announcements as you suggest...thats their choice...it is my hopes that they leave thread as it is/where it is and its also my hopes that an open dialogue should happen for the greater good of dogs lives and their owners rights as well as understand BOTH sides of the fence (so to speak)

I dont want to comment on the whistling and counting...but good on ya...im easily amused too

resident Dogs.jpg

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instead of guessing here is the law as per the Ontario Gov regarding your pets




Now to try and open up a discussion... here are 3 questions and in my opinion the answer is shameful


1 Where do you live if govt agents can walk into your house sans warrant, just because you own a dog?


2 Where do you live if neighbourhoods are govt spy networks and ppl can have your dog killed for his looks?


3 Where do you live if you have to prove in courts that your pet is NOT something that doesn't exist or he dies?


Kitchener and Vaughan are having a by-election this september 6...if the Libs win these seats then WE are still subjected to McGuiltys Regime and democracy will continue to fail under his watch...for those of you in these ridings...this is probably the most unique power you have ever had to show your gov your feelings so get out there and vote. When you go to the polls remember the 1000's of OWNED dogs Liberals are responsible for killing and families that have suffered from BSL

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thanks for all the info




keep up the good work

Thanks Strik its refreshing to know someone is reading


For those of you that watched the Commitee video earlier in my posts and found it disturbing to see our Government at work with a "whipped" negative vote by ALL the Liberals at the Committee (they even voted down their own amendments} :wallbash: Here is a link to have your voice be heard to Dalton and ANY MPP of your choice ( its tempting to send to the whipped ones by its wiser to send to the MPP in your area} I hope you take a few minutes and have yourself heard on this matter of tyranny as well as your voice for Hersheys Bill for the 3rd and final reading. If you own ANY dog of any breed speak up and be heard now is the time! FOr those of you who dont own dogs feel free to speak up for your rights as a Canadian to a democratic society ...


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As per request...the "announcement" of the walk in Peterborough has been deleted from this forum...but if anyone here is thinking on attending to show your support for Hershys Bill 16..Feel free to pm me for the details of the Event and ill be more than happy to provide them to you..



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After the vote in Miami today it seems breed specific legislation is still going to be in effect..Its too bad in my opinion but understandable given that it has been in effect for 2 decades..to the "snow birds" that wander down every year make sure your dogs dont fall under their laws of decription


Pit bulls remain illegal in Miami-Dade



Miami-Dade banned pit bulls 23 years ago.

Pit bulls are still outlaws in Miami-Dade County.


Voters overwhelming opted to keep a 1989 ban on American Staffordshire terriers, Staffordshire bull terriers and high-content mixes of both.


“The fight does not end here,’’ said Debi Day, an activist with No Kill Nation. “Plans B, C and D will go into effect immediately. We will not let the "pit bulls" and their owners be forever victim to this discriminatory law.’’


Dade residents voted 63.2 percent to 36.8 percent to keep the ban in place.


Among them, Patrick and Sonia Reid, of West Kendall, who consider the dogs “vicious.’’


"People don't always do what they are supposed to do,’’ said Patrick Reid. “They are supposed to keep them secured."


But on the flip side, graphic designer and mother Lily Sanchez voted for repeal.


“These dogs shouldn't be discriminated. It's up to the owners and breeders on how they train their dog," Sanchez said. "With a 23-year ban, it's time to stop."


Repeal advocates waged a passionate grassroots campaign with the help of celebrities like Shorty Rossi, from the reality show “Pit Boss,’’ and Marlins pitcher Mark Buehrle, who settled in Broward after signing with the team because one of his family’s pets, Slater, is an American Staffordshire.


Dahlia Canes, founder of the Miami Coalition Against Breed-Specific Legislation, the group that spearheaded the ban repeal, was disappointed but not surprised.


“We didn’t think it would pass,’’ said Canes. “This was handed to us [by the County Commission] whether we liked it or not and we had to take up the challenge. We only had a few months to reeducate an entire county that has been brainwashed for 23 years.’’


In February, a group of Miami-Dade commissioners short-circuited what appeared to be a winning effort in the state legislature to abolish the ban, calling it an attack on the county’s home rule authority.


Repeal advocates say that pit bulls suffer from unwarranted stereotyping as vicious killers with nearly supernatural powers of destruction, and that thousands live peacefully as family pets all over Miami-Dade despite the ban.


Miami-Dade Animal Services Director Alex Munoz said in a statement that the department “respects the will of the electorate and its decision to not repeal the ‘pit bull’ ban today.


“We want the public to know that while this ban continues, the department will continue to work with rescue organizations and adopters to find new lifelong homes for ‘pit bulls’ outside of Miami-Dade County.’’


Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/08/13/2951979/pit-bulls-remain-illegal-in-miami.html#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy

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It seems not ALL Media is blinded by our Governments inabilities to tell the truth.


LACED WISDOM: Time to get rid of a bad law


View more by Mike Lacey


Learn more about the upcoming march at http://www.facebook.com/events/146688082136740


Mike Lacey is managing editor of Peterborough This Week and owns a mixed-breed dog that is not a pit bull.


(PETERBOROUGH) You have to give the pit bull crowd credit.

You would have thought that now, seven years later, they would have given up on repealing the Province's pit bull ban.


But not a chance.


So next Saturday (Aug. 25), the Peterborough Pit Bull Co-op will be marching to support Bill 16, which, if passed, would end the restrictions on owning the so-called dangerous breed in Ontario. The march takes place at 2 p.m. at Confederation Square.


The ban, unfortunately, came with a few problems. For starters, there is no actual pit bull breed. As such, a list of breeds with pit bull traits are illegal to own, while any dog with that look -- you know, that pit-bull-shaped head and body -- must be destroyed.


It's really just a general word we use for a dog that looks a certain way, a type of dogism or breedism, if you will.


Which is one reason why humane societies and other animal rights groups were against the law at the time.


After all, the law requires government officials to remove young pups from their mothers and kill them. Sadly, yes, that is what occurs if they happen to find "pit bull" puppies.


But the other problem with the ban is that pit bulls are not even the most likely dogs to bite. That distinction usually falls to the Golden Retriever or Labrador Retreiver -- no doubt a result of the fact the animal is a popular family pet.


And just because a dog is "pit bull," that does not mean it is going to be an aggressive animal. Aggression is tied to a few factors, key among them being whether the animal, if male, is neutered, and whether the owner treats it with love and positive discipline.


I've known many a pit bull over my time. Some were ruthless and frightening, but others were quite gentle and loving.


The difference? Owners.


An unneutered dog with a bad owner is a dangerous recipe.


I can understand the original intent of the ban, but it's a bad law. After all, before pit bulls there were Dobermans. Before them, German Shepherds. You can toss in mastiffs to the mix of dangerous aggressive dogs.


Unless we're prepared to ban all dogs of a certain size, you can never prevent the damage that a large animal with a bad owner can inflict.


And that is where our energy and attention should be focused.



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Wow, I just read this today. Its sad that that's the way it is now. As you know Dave I have a husky. She is a bit of an idiot but wouldn't hurt a human. Now another animal, well its fair game, as far as she is concerned . when we decided to keep her we also decided that she will have to be kept muzzled in public and always on a chain. The only time she runs free is when she swims. I run her daily on my Mountain bike. The point i'm making here is, we know we have a dangerous dog and we take full responsibility and take every precaution possible. Now having said all that there is no way we will ever do this again. Breed specific is exactly how we will look for a new dog later on down the road. None of the above listed dogs for us. Too much work and too much trouble. Good luck on the fight Dave, however i'm afraid your fighting a loosing battle. There are some dogs that you cant control, and i'm afraid the breed specific ones are the trouble makers. Sad but true. Is the law right, I honestly don't think so but tell that to the kids that get bitten and families that loose their beloved family pets that get ruthlessly killed by these dogs. Our Husky will be our last for this very reason..

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Wow, I just read this today. Its sad that that's the way it is now. As you know Dave I have a husky. She is a bit of an idiot but wouldn't hurt a human. Now another animal, well its fair game, as far as she is concerned . when we decided to keep her we also decided that she will have to be kept muzzled in public and always on a chain. The only time she runs free is when she swims. I run her daily on my Mountain bike. The point i'm making here is, we know we have a dangerous dog and we take full responsibility and take every precaution possible. Now having said all that there is no way we will ever do this again. Breed specific is exactly how we will look for a new dog later on down the road. None of the above listed dogs for us. Too much work and too much trouble. Good luck on the fight Dave, however i'm afraid your fighting a loosing battle. There are some dogs that you cant control, and i'm afraid the breed specific ones are the trouble makers. Sad but true. Is the law right, I honestly don't think so but tell that to the kids that get bitten and families that loose their beloved family pets that get ruthlessly killed by these dogs. Our Husky will be our last for this very reason..



This is my cousins Dog Dakota Ron and he lives in Calgary a place that has a 78% decrease in dog incidences since its inception 10 years ago of a scientific based system regarding animals and holding the Owners any dog (of ALL Breeds) responsible and liable for their pets should an incident occur...Last April or May in Calgary there was a little 7 year old girl that was torn apart from 2 Huskies that were set free into the public by an irresponsible owner for whatever reason they couldnt handle the dogs...Who is to blame? Is it the dogs fault they were out in public ruining this little girls life or is it the owners fault for setting them free to cause this incident? More importantly should my cousins dog have to pay with its life for the actions of two irresponsibly owned and handled Huskies ? If this incident had of happened under a Breed Specific Legislated area ...my cousin's dog would pay with its life and set my cousin as a second class citizen for the unconstitutional violations BSL imposes on EVERY dog owner..Based on BREED (looks) and not Deed (actions) his and YOUR dog would be euthanized.


You are right that owning a dog of a "dangerous breed" isnt for everyone and with that comes extra precautions and education which in turn results in a safer environment for the public and your dog.. so that you can enjoy the breed you selected and reap its benefits (its your right) just as it the public's right to have their kids play safely in a park..Killing certain breeds does nothing to solving the problems of dog incidents (Toronto is proof of this) but holding owners liable for the incidences will do wonders for reducing incidences (Calgary is proof of this)

You are a responsible owner of your dog and for that you make the concessions you do (same as me) and i understand the idea of not wanting the EXTRA concessions of owning a certain breed but for me....i cant see myself never having the breeds that i have now..they are just too awesome but im sure as i get older and not so active ill stay with the same breeds but just be more selective in the dogs energy level when the time comes

Yours sounds like it might be a high level energy dog where as my cousins is a medium level energy Huskey that is quite content playing ball for a half hour a day and chilling for the rest of the day.


Heres the sad part of the battle...Dalton McGuinty jumped onto the bandwagon of a soundbite in the media (coincidentally a Liberal supporting group) and used "dogs" as a smokescreen to ensure the public he was doing something to cover up the fact of his Governments incompetence, All CRIME was high in Toronto in 2005 and instead of dealing with the real issues a boogey man (Pit Bull")_ was created and 1000s of dogs and good families pets ended up paying for it. SO is the battle worth fighting? I definatley think so as little or as big as my contribution is to the cause..."If you have never angered anyone ....Then you have never stood for ANYTHING" Winston Churchill...


The architect of Breed Specific Legislation Michael Bryant has killed more people than any "pitbull" while driving under the influence of alcohol


You will never get me to agree that either of these dogs deserve to die because of the way they look so i whole heartily disagree with your comment " the breed specific ones are the trouble makers" and instead tell you that Dogs are a reflection of what they learn in life and how they are handled


Heres what happens to Dakota when he doesnt get his daily fix of playing ball.Dakota2.jpg


heres what happens to my dog when he doesnt get his fix of playing frisbee




Cheers Ron the river is starting to get active ...let me know if you want to give it a go this fall



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Heres an updayte on the Architect of BSL Michael Bryant....typical he would try to make money off of a tragedy...I wonder how much MONEY he will make when he writes a book on BSL and the IGNORANT that believe it :whistling:

Typical self serving politicians never change




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BSL might help prevent future attacks of this magnitude that occur with such ferociousness. I'm not saying that I fully support BSL, but to brand the preposed law as an infringement of our rights is silly. Sometimes the larger population needs to be protected from individuals who raise dogs without proper due diligence, either through neglect or ill intentions, or due to their own naivety. By keeping a pet that has the been bred to maintain attributes best suited for causing physical harm, it is reasonable to assume that that pet has a higher likelihood of harming a human being.


"Woman attacked by pair of pitbulls in Sundre


Mike Tarasko and Don Cook Aug 18, 2012 14:29:01 PM


A 26-year-old woman is in a Calgary hospital after being attacked by a pair of pitbulls early Saturday morning.


The victim was staying at a friend's home in Sundre, when the animals became violent.


The woman was bitten on her arms and face.


Adam Loria with EMS says they were called to Sundre around 2:00 a.m. to deal with the incident.


"We classified her as in critical, life-threatening condition and immediately transported her to the local hospital in Sundre," say Loria.


She was then flown to Foothills Hospital by STARS Air Ambulance with possible life-threatening wounds, but has since improved.


There are reports this is not the first time the animals have been hostile.


When officers arrived, they couldn't corral the two aggressive animals and as a result, one of the dogs had to be put down on-site.


The other will be held to check for rabies and a dangerous dog hearing will be held."









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Heres a reflection back to 2005 with an interview with Michael Bryant regarding putting the "pit bull" ban into legislation...He states in the interview that things were going to be discussed and debated with EXPERTS and go from there...they did NOT do this...the Liberals pushed the bill through disregarding the EXPERTS to accommodate their agenda of creating a sense of security to the public (i hope you read the article above this one)


Corruption runs rampant through the OLP of yesteryear and still does because the Liberals are still disregarding the Experts advice that BSL does not or work and in violation of our Charter...Its important that everyone in the ridings of Vaughan and Kitchener/ Waterloo vote in the this upcomming Sept 6 "Buy" Election to remove the Liberal regime from a majority power and restore democracy in Ontario sending the message to Dalton that his antics will no longer be tolerated... Exercise your rights and send that message!


This issue is MUCH more than just "dogs" and the violations of our Charter of Rights

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Here is an article and video interview explaining the ineffectiveness of the Bad Law as it pertains to Dogs...The man in this story is Bill Bruce. One of the key people in Calgarys success of animal control and the reason their statistics of dog incidences have dropped 78 % even though Calgary as a city has grown to over a million people.Since i posted the video of the the "clown/human and animal killer" Michael Bryant to this one sided discussion...i thought it would only be fair to bring an EXPERT opinion to this thread regarding BAD LAW as it pertains to YOUR pets

Ill post the link to the bottom of this post for those that want to watch the video



Ineffective Laws

Ineffective laws set neighbor against neighbor, discriminate against responsible owners, create unsolvable enforcement problems for animal control officers, waste precious public resources, and do not address problematic owner behavior.


Bill Bruce, advisor to NCRC, and Director of Animal and By-Law Services in Calgary, Alberta, discusses ineffective laws in this video interview.



NCRC Interview with Bill Bruce on Ineffective Dog Laws.


Ineffective Laws are:

Over and under-inclusive. If a dog owner complies with the standards set forth in his community, how many dogs he/she has, or what kind of dogs he/she has, should not be public business. Ineffective laws penalize responsible dog owners while failing to isolate the problematic ones. For example, in a community that limits owners to three dogs in an effort to control nuisance and other issues, a responsible pet owner with five dogs, who does not create a nuisance or threat to neighbors may face a loss of one or more of his companions. A limit law does not address the irresponsible owners who, however many dogs they have, leave them out at night barking, allow them to damage neighbors' property, or worse, allow them to threaten other animals or people.


Difficult to enforce. How can animal control officers know when responsible pet owners are in violation of a limit law, breed-specific law, a time-limit tethering ordinance, or a mandatory spay/neuter law? They can't -- unless they patrol door-to-door looking for violators, which, in the case of a timed time-limit tethering ordinance means making a second stop after the expiration of the time limit. All this is timely, costly, and just not practical. Breed-specific legislation is especially difficult to enforce because it is impossible, even for animal professionals, to breed label dogs of unknown origin.


Learn more about Breed and Behavior and the inaccuracy of Visual Breed Identification for a more complete understanding of the ineffectiveness of breed-specific legislation.


Costly. Ineffective laws waste precious public resources. Laws that target a breed of dog not only waste currently budgeted resources, but demand additional appropriations. Best Friends Animal Society developed a fiscal impact calculator that allows communities to estimate the cost of attempting to enforce breed-specific legislation. A recent study shows why the expense related to enforcing ineffective breed-specific legislation does not produce the desired result of reducing serious dog bite-related injuries. Click here to read about this study. In addition to the taxpayer expense, ineffective, discriminatory laws are costly to individual dog owners, who may be confronted with the high emotional cost of having their family pet taken from them and destroyed. Or they may bear ordinance-imposed financial costs as a result of a requirement that they maintain higher liability insurance limits, or purchase expensive containment systems. Finally, because ineffective laws lower license compliance, communities also lose licensing revenues that could have been used to fund important animal services.


Alienate pet owners from each other and from the community. Ineffective laws set one group of pet owners against other groups of pet owners. Responsible pet owners who may be over the limit law, who own a breed or breed mix targeted by breed-specific legislation, or who have an intact pet in an area with a mandatory spay-neuter law, will be less likely to license pets and less likely to take pets to the vet for fear of facing stiff fines or worse: having their pets taken from them and destroyed. The resulting impact to communities is a loss of licensing revenue, and an increased threat to public health for animals that do not receive vaccines that prevent the spread of disease in the community.



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The main problem is so many losers get pitbull type dogs for all the wrong reasons. My dog can kill your dog look at me I have the toughest dog blah blah blah.My dog got torn up at the dog park by one and when I asked the idiot owner if he wanted to help with the vet bills he asked if I have it on video.What is the appeal of a dog that when it does screw up the results can be devastating? When we talk about the owners being held responsible it is already too late and most of them don't have a pot to piss in anyways. Why are these dogs so popular in the rougher areas of the city? None of the lowlifes ever seem to have a retriever or other non threatening breed. Maybe they need to come up with some sort of IQ test before you can have one. Although if you pass the test you probably wouldn't want one anyway.

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.Its important that everyone in the ridings of Vaughan and Kitchener/ Waterloo vote in the this upcomming Sept 6 "Buy" Election to remove the Liberal regime from a majority power and restore democracy in Ontario sending the message to Dalton that his antics will no longer be tolerated... Exercise your rights and send that message!


This issue is MUCH more than just "dogs" and the violations of our Charter of Rights


Two things...


I believe the Liberal Party of Ontario do NOT have a majority Government right now.


Can you please provide evidence that this BSL is a violation of our Charter of Rights?



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Green Canada this is for you ...enjoy! and please do your homework on the author to try to debunk her impeccable reputation and passion as a person



I read the article you linked Dave, but I fail to see the usefulness of it when it comes to providing support for your argument against BSL. The article is written by someone who has a deep hatred for the Liberal Government it seems. I can commend Selma Mulvey for her overall use of sentence structure and grammatical wherewithal, but there is nothing of substance in her opinion piece that sheds new light on any aspect of BSL. What she needs to do is not alienate every single person who doesn't agree with her 100%.


When there is an issue that is so divisive, we must exhibit compromise, and empathy of the other side. This is especially important when your goal of repealing BSL requires the support of the people who voted for BSL in the first place (ie. voters in Ontario).


Being more open to discussion and compromise, not a one sided push of information is the only way this issue gets serious consideration.

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