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Feel Better About Pipelines? NF


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Well with ANOTHER pipeline break sending 3000 barrels of crude into a trib heading for the Red Deer River---I'm not feeling secure about a Northern Gateway pipeline doing the same in those crystal clear rivers across BC


This Cons Mess we have keeps saying we need to build the economy----never saying what's the cost????



Just today I'm driving in Ottawa----come to a 4 way stop---with your typical octagon red sign---white letters saying STOP


but underneath painted Harper---all 4 corners


They want to keep pushing this lunacy in this budget-----removing environmental Protection to the point that Brian Mulroney is now up for sainthood---for his actions as a PC PM by comparison


Again I'm not leaving this world better than I found it for my kids

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I used to be a conservative but now I'm really torn. Problem is the Libs have a tradition of being outright criminals and the NDP are beyond stupid. We really need the Greens to develop some political smarts to give a reasonable alternative to gangsters and tools.

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Well Snidely---you do not really have Grandma'a Conservatives anymore


You have the Northern Republican agenda---fear and greed---pushing a dollar driven scheme to suck as many $$$$ as possible today cause they won't be around to answer for it tomorrow---leaving our kids the mess


I watched the interview with the Albertan who'se land is now black with oil----needless to say devasted

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I normally don't bring this up


In the late 1600's my ancestors landed in Conneticut----lived there for some time but staying loyal to England---headed for what would be Canada---you know that 1776 squirmish---fought in that 1812 disagreement


Even had a platoon named after them---Jessup Rangers---you can look it up if bored


After 1812---they were given lands in the Prescott area for service---even retained to show newcomers to Canada how to hunt and fish and live with the land---(I always said it was in the genes)


So fighting for Canada has it's roots in my clan-----It's very hard to watch it being dismantled to make the chosen few wallets fatter


Devasting to see what was fought for and was a Canadian source of pride----black


What are we going to say when those BC salmon/steelhead waters go the full Exxon Valdez


When it hits----then it's too late

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I think the photo has been debunked as not current but is most likely one from Alaska where someone took a potshot at the pipeline in 2001/2002.


Regardless, this Red Deer leak does not bode well for the one they want to build to Prince Rupert. I don't understand the urgency to get the Northern Gateway pipeline built, other than to sell to overseas markets asap.

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Not in favor of pipelines........then do your part and stop purchase all oil products....including gasoline.

It really is that simple isn't it...how hypocritical of us :rolleyes:


Canadians won't see an ounce of this oil. This pipeline is fueled by foreign interests [Asia]. I think what most are worried about is not what's being produced, but more how it's being conducted with a complete disregard for sovereignty, environmental responsibility, and pathetic media coverage.

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Gas is but one part of the equation but just as significant may be our reliance on plastics. Look around, EVERYTHING is synthetic it seems. Who would have thought that one word from the movie The Graduate, could be so prescient.


The best thing mankind can do for the environment is to quit reproducing so quickly.

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Actually WB---overpopulation with limited reserves---food and water is very much a real concern


Re: getting off oil-----every time this comes up this becomes a black or white decision from some---"Just stop burning Gas"


Eveyone is quite intelligent enough to know that currently under our processes gas is the driver and we know it's not going away this morning


But unless we continue to PUSH for better alternatives---the greedmongers will take the path of least resistance and stay the course---while becomimg rich beyond usefullness and destroying what is yours and mine in the process.


And yes much of these pipelines are headin out of country---especially as Canada has ltd refining capabilities.

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If your going to fish, hunt, drive or anything else that requires oil you better get used to these things happening. we have no one to blame but ourselves, so move on its just the way its is





Well with ANOTHER pipeline break sending 3000 barrels of crude into a trib heading for the Red Deer River---I'm not feeling secure about a Northern Gateway pipeline doing the same in those crystal clear rivers across BC


This Cons Mess we have keeps saying we need to build the economy----never saying what's the cost????



Just today I'm driving in Ottawa----come to a 4 way stop---with your typical octagon red sign---white letters saying STOP


but underneath painted Harper---all 4 corners


They want to keep pushing this lunacy in this budget-----removing environmental Protection to the point that Brian Mulroney is now up for sainthood---for his actions as a PC PM by comparison


Again I'm not leaving this world better than I found it for my kids

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GOOD point.......maybe we should stop paying folks to reproduce.... :whistling:


Talk to most on the doom train and overpopulation will be up top if not the most significant driver of climate change. Start top down and see the trail we leave behind as the earth gets more crowded.


Unfortunately I don't see overpopulation being curtailed so the spiral continues.

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Population and fresh water aside here for a moment---which I know is very important


I think it became more than evident when Exxon-Mobile showed the world that Bottom lines were more important than real lives--and decimated an entire community and aquatic life in and around Cordova Alaska


Showing how an appeal process can eventually work into fractional compensation even after court rulings


So this is where they showed their true colours----dollar bill green


So flipping over to Canada


Our Gov'ts (Canada and Alberta)--thought--Sure the oil companies are upstanding citizens---they would not willingly mess the place up--and can monitor their own discharges into the environment---and youbetcha---always a passing grade


Now enter U of A Dr. D Schindler---who proved that the oil companies were being less than honest with their story of bitumen naturally occuring in the Athabsaca River---when he proved that bitumen does not naturally occur on top of snow


Thus according to their data----release a supertanker's worth of oil into the water system every spring run off---eventually making it's way to Lake Athabasca


So after and only after they were caught----both levels of gov'ts imposed third party monitoring---jury still out on how effective though??



If they wish to moonscape central Alta---they should spend some of that bottom line and install pollution controls


So getting back to the original post----they want us to believe pipelines through sensitive areas are ok----Sorry history has shown too many true colours

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Who benefits from the pipeline? Yeah there's some temporary jobs constructing it, then the only Canadians it helps is the CEO's of TransCanada or Enbridge and their bonuses, I'm sick of this crap, the environment continues it's spiral down the toilet

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