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OFAH lottery...never got the tickets?


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This a volunteer program no one is forced to contribute money... correct. So this volunteer program is giving from what I read a powerful voice in the management of the resources in Canada. Why are the people that are not contributing anything to the foundation trying to rip them and if you are just cancel your unhappy membership? You are getting the benefit of what they do to improve the sportsman and environment in Canada and not paying a dime. If you want better than what they are doing be the solution before you tear into the best answer you got right now. This is an outsiders opinion but it looks like a few people would rather cut their noses off despite their face. :wallbash:







So why are the people that are not contributing anything to the foundation trying to rip them you ask?


A. No one is ripping. Just asking questions. Questions that can be easily answered at that.


B. Don't you think it is a little presumptuous of you to assume the people here who have questions are people who are not giving? or as you put it "not giving a dime".


Quite a few cheques (canadian spelling) have made it OFAH's way from me, not that I need to state that to qualify my concerns and questions as a member.


I do not mean any disrespect but I can't have you suggest that myself (or anyone else in this thread for that matter) are non contributors or don't pay a dime. I can not sit here and have you suggest that we are "tearing into" the OFAH either. Just questions.


I am also very mildly curious as to why you felt so moved as to rip into the people in this thread, as you say, you have no real interest in it.



Anyways, it is quite clear that the OFAH is choosing not to respond. This evasiveness about the actual numbers of the lottery raises eyebrows. I think if the lottery was in fact making money the OFAH would have just stated that and shown the numbers. We will see I suppose.

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Excellent. As an OFAH member I am eager to see Mr Robinson's response.



And for the record, I viewed my membership to the OFAH (and still do to a certain degree) very much as Carp stated he feels about his membership. It was at this point in the thread where I was eager to hear the OFAH's response and was quite disappointed in the apparent 'snow job' that was being given in response.


I am sorry if that upsets you.

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Simply said if someone don't feel they are getting what they want from the program or it is not using your money effectively Grimace ( I am answering your question not singling you out) then don't contribute. If this was a mandatory pay association that you could not opted out on then sure you got a beef and it should be answered.


A. The information is there and there are 3 ways listed for you to get it. The company does not have the time to come on and have a sit down and provide it to you in the format that you requested simple enough to read. If they do take the time and expense to do this will someone hold a witch hunt because of the accountants fees?


B. Actually if you support something financially why would you not also support it whole heartily? If the local church is not doing good things with my money should I still give it to them? (no) People who voluntarily give funds to a program that they mistrust which is what a few of you all are saying in different wordings need to not support it and give up the right to complain/question/ grump what ever word they use. Then they will become the people who get the benefit with out spending a dime.


No disrespect is taken your opinion is yours to have...as well is mine. The view I have of this is drawing on by my background in business as a business owner, a fund raiser, a coordinator of events and even a moderator on a few forums on the internet. So far some of the members are getting edgy because a major company has not taken the time on a weekend to get the accountants/legal department/public relations to address a question on a small public forum... how dare they.....



The answer to your mild curiosity is the same answer to this question Why did I join a board in Canada which is 8 hours away 14 years ago? Then drive 6 times + for 14 hours a year to visit with members. Spending over $ 1000.00 a year to fish and camp and enjoy the wonderful outdoors you have. Then average 12 hours a week on the board giving of my free time and money to keep this board running. If you haven't guessed the answer it because I love Canada it is the best neighbor I could ever ask for. I love the resources you have with the fishing and the availability of waters that all can fish.



Finally the Snow job as it has been called.... give them a break it the weekend one of the members has already taken the time to give you a place to get the answers to the general question of where does the money go? Now if you are serious about wanting to get an answer take some time off of work go to the headquarters and sit down with there accounting department. Remembering that someone has to pay for the time they are talking to you. If anyone shows me those two sacrifices then I will feel then that they are serious about wanting an answer that as of this thread never entered their mind.


Grimace I am not upset if I came across as that I apologize. I however am dishearten at how fast some people have started questioning/ accusing in a round about way that an organization is ducking the question on a weekend because the answer was not immediately forth coming for free with no effort on their part.



For future reference I think my deeds and actions to many members and friends I have proven that I care about both Canada and the people that live there and have every right to participate in discussions both as a participant and as a Moderator of this forum.


As I wrote this I may have used the word "you" "we" "they" they are not meant personally but should be read as non specific unless a specific name was used.




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aplumma You may not be aware but the OFAH is mandatory in some parts for instance hunting certain county forest require Mandatory ofah memberships. to belong to most gun clubs requires mandatory ofah memberships , when you ask for a copy of the ofah insurance policy you are told you are not allowed to see the policy .So your first statement about not being mandatory when in fact it is in some areas. The ofah came to this board and danced there way around the question when a simple answer could have be made yes it made a profit or no it did not . as far as being a member and complaining, i am a tax payer of ontario and i pay lots of taxes when the provincial and federal government give them 1.9million a year then it is every ones business where they spend there money !! I despise the ofah but this is not a lynch mob this is all about accountability to the tax payers of ontario and to the members of the OFAH

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Simply said if someone don't feel they are getting what they want from the program or it is not using your money effectively Grimace ( I am answering your question not singling you out) then don't contribute. If this was a mandatory pay association that you could not opted out on then sure you got a beef and it should be answered.



I guess that would be my question going forward would it not? And yes you are singling me out.


This a volunteer program no one is forced to contribute money... correct.


Not correct. This is not a volunteer program, this is an organization run by a dozen (give or take) people that are paid a very nice amount of money to make decisions as to what we must focus our efforts on and how we should spend the money that is raised (if any....) The volunteers of which you speak are people like yours truly (not the ingrates you have suggested we are) the members who sell the tickets and buy the tickets, and do things for our local clubs. The people we (the members and volunteers) are asking the questions of are well paid and not as you have suggested, volunteers.


B. Actually if you support something financially why would you not also support it whole heartily? If the local church is not doing good things with my money should I still give it to them? (no) People who voluntarily give funds to a program that they mistrust which is what a few of you all are saying in different wordings need to not support it and give up the right to complain/question/ grump what ever word they use. Then they will become the people who get the benefit with out spending a dime.


What is this babble? Do you really think people should mindlessly throw their money into something with not ever being allowed to question/direct/have an opinion on. I have no interest in discussing your local church as it has no place here. OFAH is not a religion, I do not have to have blind "faith" in it without question. I have not been throwing my money into a program which I mistrust. I trusted it, until now. I have questions that should be easily answered.



The answer to your mild curiosity is the same answer to this question Why did I join a board in Canada which is 8 hours away 14 years ago? Then drive 6 times + for 14 hours a year to visit with members. Spending over $ 1000.00 a year to fish and camp and enjoy the wonderful outdoors you have. Then average 12 hours a week on the board giving of my free time and money to keep this board running. If you haven't guessed the answer it because I love Canada it is the best neighbor I could ever ask for. I love the resources you have with the fishing and the availability of waters that all can fish.



My question was not why you were so moved as to join a fishing board in Canada. My question was why you were so moved as to 'rip' members of a club for asking questions of that club when you made a point of stating that it didn't have much to do with you. I never questioned your integrity or reasoning for being a member or moderator on this board.




Grimace I am not upset if I came across as that I apologize. I however am dishearten at how fast some people have started questioning/ accusing in a round about way that an organization is ducking the question on a weekend because the answer was not immediately forth coming for free with no effort on their part.




The wallbash icon would either indicate that you were upset or that you think that the people who have asked the questions here are profoundly unwarranted.


Finally the Snow job as it has been called.... give them a break it the weekend one of the members has already taken the time to give you a place to get the answers to the general question of where does the money go? Now if you are serious about wanting to get an answer take some time off of work go to the headquarters and sit down with there accounting department. Remembering that someone has to pay for the time they are talking to you. If anyone shows me those two sacrifices then I will feel then that they are serious about wanting an answer that as of this thread never entered their mind.




I am not complaining about a snow job in the sense that they have not took the time to reply on a weekend (it wasn't the weekend yesterday). My complaint is with the fact that the reply given was a non reply. They will not answer the simple question - Does the OFAH lottery lose money? It is not, as you suggest "where does the money go" question. That question can't be answered or asked until we know if there is any money to begin with. As to your sacrifice comment, no, I am not taking a day off work to drive 4 hours to Peterborough on the slight chance that maybe they will be a little more forthcoming. I have a family to raise and time is of a premium. After 12 hour days and my commute home, I am lucky just to say good night to my wife and have a peek in at my little one.



For future reference I think my deeds and actions to many members and friends I have proven that I care about both Canada and the people that live there and have every right to participate in discussions both as a participant and as a Moderator of this forum.



I do not doubt that for a moment. I never suggested otherwise. My beef is that you would make false claims and try to create an environment where I would not be taken seriously in a discussion only as a participant and not a moderator of this forum.



You did single me out. I have done nothing untoward here. I have not been disingenuous in any way. I have not used any hyperbole to try to make any points (which I don't have, just questions).


If you feel that I have broken the rules of this forum than (as you know) you can ban me. But I do not think that you should so easily discount my questioning of an organization that I belong to.

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I have previously supported this organization in the past even though I live in La Belle Province.


I would like to purchase tickets myself but the rules state I must be in the province of Ontario


in order to purchase tickets.


does any one know if I can buy these tickets somewhere near ottawa as I travel to Gatineau and ottawa for work.


Peterbough is just too far for me.




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I have previously supported this organization in the past even though I live in La Belle Province.


I would like to purchase tickets myself but the rules state I must be in the province of Ontario


in order to purchase tickets.


does any one know if I can buy these tickets somewhere near ottawa as I travel to Gatineau and ottawa for work.


Peterbough is just too far for me.





Oh, I'm pretty sure they would find a way to take your money, Mike!


I"m going to wait till after the weekend to read a response.


I have heard of other "fundraisers" put on by ofah, where OFAH ends up with more money than the charity they are raising money for. How does that work?


For the record, I am no longer a member. I have my reasons, and I won't bring them up in this thread, but they are with warrant.



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UPDATE i called revenue canada today.. i am going to get the last 3 years of the annual report it is a different then the one on the ofah web page. then we will see if the lottery lost money in the previous 2 years before last

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I have previously supported this organization in the past even though I live in La Belle Province.


I would like to purchase tickets myself but the rules state I must be in the province of Ontario


in order to purchase tickets.


does any one know if I can buy these tickets somewhere near ottawa as I travel to Gatineau and ottawa for work.


Peterbough is just too far for me.





Do you want to be able to collect your prize if you win? That may be an issue if you win... especially if it is one of the larger prizes. If you know someone in Ontario then you could probably have lottery tickets sent to their address.

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Do you want to be able to collect your prize if you win? That may be an issue if you win... especially if it is one of the larger prizes. If you know someone in Ontario then you could probably have lottery tickets sent to their address.


John read the rules! I am allowed to win the prizes but the rules state I must purchase the tickets in Ontario.


Si if I was to purchase in Ontario there would be no issue.At this point I don't think I will go out of my way to try and win a nice prize as the odds are not in my favor.



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