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Lets have a discusion


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Ok folks I figured I have goofed off enough and it,s time to get a bit involved since the MNR are waiting for our goverment to get thier act together.


Lets discuss what spieces limits, you would like to see either cut or risen from the regs we have now.


I,ll just state what I think on Simcoe,would be good to hear from others on other bodies of waters.


I,ll kick it off with saying Perch (Simcoe) would like to see a con limit down to 15 and a sport down to 25. I know I will get theres lots out there,but lets just see what comes from others.


The same I would like to see with the crappie (Simcoe again) I know you Bog guys want them all out.LOL


Pike I would like to see 2, both for con/sport .Let them get big and nasty.


lakers one.


White fish,one.




Bass,ya cant keep any.......................Just kidding,3 on simcoe I think is a good number.


I would go into slot limits on some of these fish,but lets start here.




This is to get a good conversation going.


On a side note,I would like to see just one lic. This would make everyone on the same field and if you see someone with over a number of fish,theres no mistaking the limit,unless they can present a note of transfering someone elses fish.


Have fun.looking forward to reading your replies.

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Funny but my bud and I yapped about this a lot while fishing this summer. We pretty much hit the same numbers you posted misfish. I'd agree with those in a heartbeat. Only thing we added was that a simple written test would need to be passed. Questions like the pro's of live release and how to do it correctly, species identification, and

Tiller or Console? lol. You know what I mean. Cool post.



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I would love to see the walleye limit cut in half province wide for a period of 5 years to allow them to recoop from all the fishing pressure. I really can't see why people need to keep 6 fish ( area based ). Want a couple for a nice meal - great. I do the same - but who needs 6!



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I like eating fish, but I like the sport a lot more. I would personally have no problem releasing every fish of every species long enough to build huge populations.


And that's coming from a GBAY fisherman, I think we have the lowest consumption numbers across the board already. :lol:


But I would like them to change it to two rods per angler on Georgian Bay, that would be nice.

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yeah I think that's a great idea

it would be hard to have a bass tourney with a 2 or 3 bass limit

I would really like to see a 1 or 2 pike limit on simcoe

I hate seeing the same boats on simcoe every weekend with 6 ten lb pike hanging on a stringer

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OK... I am going to get myself in trouble here...


Some people fish for sport, some people fish for food, some people fish to get out of the house.


I fish for food. I enjoy eating them, which is why I fish for them. I only get out for walleye a couple of times a year, I have a wife and 3 kids. We all eat fish. What I get from you is that I should go out fishing, catch 1 fish and feed my family with it. Me thinks that could be tough... a 3 or 4 pound fish to feed 5 people.


Because I only get out a few times a year, I think maybe I would like to keep some for a future meal, which means no I have to split that fish in half, so now I have to effectively feed 10 people... with 1 fish. Just doesn't make sense to me, but to each their own I suppose.


If it were even remotely possible, I could see a yearly limit of say 24 walleye per person. Unfortunately it's not easy to develop a feasible system like this and enforcement would be that much harder.


I can understand dropping some limits in places, but I think dropping the perch limit in Simcoe isn't needed. Wego up there 2-3 times a year and catch hundredsof perch each time we go, I haven't seen any decline there in years, other than size. To keep going with this, we had a late ice season, which meant lower fishing pressure, which in turn is going to help the size and population of the perch.


Some places need lowered limits, some places can handle raised limits. BOQ, Nippising have both benefitted from lowered limits and slots (you know what I mean). Lake Erie has come back with a vengeance with regards to walleye, there is no reason for the limit not to have been raised.


Either way, I don't fish for species I will not eat, but I expect that when I catch fish I will eat, I be allowed to do so. I've spent a lot of money over the years, as have everyone else, I expect to be able to keep enough fish to feed my family at least twice from a good fishing trip. The day anyone thinks that I am going to go fishing and bring home 1 fish to try and feed my family is the day I will begin to break the law.



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I will comment on my home lake (Scugog) ,I would like to see the following changes to the regs.


Close the lake to ice fishing indefinitely,I would like too see a hard water season for Crappie only but too many pigs out there would keep the Walleye. Sorry bait shops!


I would like to see a reduction in the limit of Walleye to 2 fish and perhaps a slot as well and if the Walleye situation is as bad as I think it is I would even support a catch and release only fishery for a period of time.


I would like to see the minimum size for Muskie to be increased to a minimum of 42" I see no need to keep a 36" Muskie or any Muskie for that matter.


I would institute a netting campaign to rid or greatly reduce the number of Crappie in the Kawartha Lakes and introduce measures to control their population going forward.


I doubt if any of these measure`s would ever come to fruition because basically when it comes to making tough decisions the M.N.R is gutless.

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The day anyone thinks that I am going to go fishing and bring home 1 fish to try and feed my family is the day I will begin to break the law


Well I guess if thats your view, then I guess you will be the one that has to face the judge. Is it worth it? It would be like me saying I shot my deer,the one Im allowed,then say the hell with the laws,Im going to shoot another. Not right.

Dont get me wrong here,you seem to take this to a point that you will fish one spices that day and not target any other.


If I may. Say you hit Simcoe for a days fishing. You catch your limit of say 2 walleye,25 perch and one pike. Your two fellow anglers do the same. You have got a feed to feed a family plus two.


As for the perch being well populated yes they are,like I said in my opening post. I love the fact we had a late ice and an early ice out,sorta speak,the population of lakers and pike and eyes and perch will have a chance to populate even more this year.


Some will say the lakers and whities do not spawn anymore,but I think different. The MNR feel the same as living here on the waters of Simcoe,I have seen the change in water depths in the fall and have read where they feel the drop in the water depths in the earlly fall is the reason of the lakers not reproducing. They come in and lay thier eggs on the rocks and when the water drops the eggs dry up and no reproduction occures.


Off topic a bit yes,just discussing.

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The day anyone thinks that I am going to go fishing and bring home 1 fish to try and feed my family is the day I will begin to break the law


Not picking on ya here,but there are those that fish for lakers on Simcoe, Sports lic is 2,con is 1. So if they are targeting this fish only,they know what they are allowed. If they want more fish for the table,then they need to target others to fill thier need.


LFW, your comment about GUTLESS,well Im sure the guys that are out there in the field are not. They are the ones I feel want what we want sota,but thier hands are tied.

Edited by misfish
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They had the slot size in Quinte for a while...did bother me a bit. Still have the one over 25" trophy fish. What ever they do to HELP the sport is ok with me. I do not eat fish per say but my family does and love it. I fish for the sport, but keep some for eating....My children love it as well and I would not want to see the sport gone or to the point of destruction when they are my age.

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Here in the northwest, the walleye & pike limits are already at 4 for a regular licence and 2 for conservation. Many of the tourist operators claimed this lowering from 6 affected their bookings, I can imagine the outcry up here if it is lowered any further.

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I think possession limits are a little low in some cases. I think that having a combination of 5 rainbow, salmon for a lot of areas is way too high. However one thing that seems to be ignored in my opinion are the so called pure sport anglers who only catch and release. I have seen some of this type catch up to 20 fish in a morning. Of course to increase the "sport" they only use 4lb line on their 800.00 float setups. Fighting huge spawning fish to exhaustion in some cases for over 20 minutes, as these fish make their way upstream to spawn. Now I might be a dinosaur and not understand but to me that is just as bad to the health of the fishery and people who take their legal limit 3 or 4 times a year..... I would really like to know how this type of things affects the fish's ability to spawn to its full potential. If it could be proven that doesn't harm the percentage of surviving fish fine if it does then the same rules should apply to catch and release. You land 5 fish you go home, just the same as if you kept your limit. Let the bashing begin.

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Yea, enforceing the Regs we have now would be a nice start. I do think six walleye per person is too much and would like to see it cut it in half.


Corey, if the wife and kids like the fish so much, why not take them with you, you can all each catch your limit and have a good meal, even on a limit of one..

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I think possession limits are a little low in some cases. I think that having a combination of 5 rainbow, salmon for a lot of areas is way too high. However one thing that seems to be ignored in my opinion are the so called pure sport anglers who only catch and release. I have seen some of this type catch up to 20 fish in a morning. Of course to increase the "sport" they only use 4lb line on their 800.00 float setups. Fighting huge spawning fish to exhaustion in some cases for over 20 minutes, as these fish make their way upstream to spawn. Now I might be a dinosaur and not understand but to me that is just as bad to the health of the fishery and people who take their legal limit 3 or 4 times a year..... I would really like to know how this type of things affects the fish's ability to spawn to its full potential. If it could be proven that doesn't harm the percentage of surviving fish fine if it does then the same rules should apply to catch and release. You land 5 fish you go home, just the same as if you kept your limit. Let the bashing begin.


I tend to agree with your philosophy, (even though west coast salmon and trout are in my opinion just another invasive species) but how how do you police ethics?

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I agree with all of the discussion at points. Down here in Southwestern Ontario there are not a lot of good walleye waters without a bit of a drive. I do enjoy eating fish through the year, so I like to bring home a few when we go because I only go for walleye 2 or 3 times a year. I just had a nice feed on Tuesday and was glad it was in the freezer. I think thats the last of it. I by no means keep every fish I catch but I don't want to see the limits cut unless the ministry deems it necessary to save our stocks and I will abide by what ever limit they impose.. I think the true ambassadors of our sport can keep a few and not hurt the stocks, if you lowered the limits the guys that take huge numbers probably wouldn't even think about going over the limit any ways.

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Here in the northwest, the walleye & pike limits are already at 4 for a regular licence and 2 for conservation. Many of the tourist operators claimed this lowering from 6 affected their bookings, I can imagine the outcry up here if it is lowered any further.


Maybe it,s time for the ones that want to make a buck to not cater to the almighty American dollar. Just my opinion on that.


I think possession limits are a little low in some cases. I think that having a combination of 5 rainbow, salmon for a lot of areas is way too high. However one thing that seems to be ignored in my opinion are the so called pure sport anglers who only catch and release. I have seen some of this type catch up to 20 fish in a morning. Of course to increase the "sport" they only use 4lb line on their 800.00 float setups. Fighting huge spawning fish to exhaustion in some cases for over 20 minutes, as these fish make their way upstream to spawn. Now I might be a dinosaur and not understand but to me that is just as bad to the health of the fishery and people who take their legal limit 3 or 4 times a year..... I would really like to know how this type of things affects the fish's ability to spawn to its full potential. If it could be proven that doesn't harm the percentage of surviving fish fine if it does then the same rules should apply to catch and release. You land 5 fish you go home, just the same as if you kept your limit. Let the bashing begin.


I totally understand where you are coming from on your post. As for the bashing,I dont think it,s called for. Were just having a good clean conversation.


All good responses so far.

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if you lowered the limits the guys that take huge numbers probably wouldn't even think about going over the limit any ways.


These are the ones that will cause the lowering of the limits and need to be caught. Then again,if they are caught,they will most likely keep fishing anyways. Maybe taking something close and personal will stop them,say thier car/truck or even house. I know thats extream.

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I tend to agree with your philosophy, (even though west coast salmon and trout are in my opinion just another invasive species) but how how do you police ethics?


Dano the sad thing you really can't, just like they can't seem to find the political will to enforce the current regulations. I think everyone on the board would agree that we have all seen the law being broken but no enforcement. How many have called the hotline only to notice no one showed up to charge the offenders?

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Dano the sad thing you really can't, just like they can't seem to find the political will to enforce the current regulations. I think everyone on the board would agree that we have all seen the law being broken but no enforcement. How many have called the hotline only to notice no one showed up to charge the offenders?


Yea, you're right. I now have the direct cell #'s of our "local" CO's which helps. Never had any luck with Crime Stoppers or calling the OPP. It will always be an uphill battle, but a worthy one for sure.

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Here I have a direct number ,so do a few other here from the area, and when I/we call,he is there. :thumbsup_anim:




These guys want to do thier job,but they need our help.

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