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Some Guy Wants to Rent my Camp


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The other day there was a message on my machine from some guy who said he's prospecting (for minerals) across the river from my camp and wanted to rent it this coming week. At first I wasn't even going to call him back, but decided I would just to be courteous. I figured why give up a weekend of getting to use the place for a couple hundred bucks or so, which is a reasonable offer I suspected he'd make.


He's an older guy...having been pensioned off (from, coincidentally, the same company I currently work for) for over 20 years. He obtained my name and phone number off a note I keep pinned to the door. He's got a couple of helpers and was planning on tenting somewhere and having to haul in (the last 3.2 kms is a rather punishing quad trail) a boat or two. I told him what sections of the river I have boats and they are right where he needs them. When I told him my motors are in storage in town and not at camp yet he said he'd bring his own. I still wasn't crazy about the idea...so I asked him what number he had in mind.


When he said $700 I almost dropped the phone. An interesting coincidence is the land-lease for that camp for one year is...that's right...$700. The guy told me I can come by his house and check out his ID, prospector's license, and the paperwork on the claims he's working, so I'm pretty sure I can trust him. He even said that if I wanted to be there, he and his helpers would sleep in tents in the yard, saying he was more interested in the boats and having a base camp with cooking facilities, than a place to sleep. I just keep thinking about if something seems too good to be true...well, you know how the rest of that goes. He did mention that he might have more work to do back there later this summer, so I might be turning down more the just the initial seven bills.


Should I have alarm bells ringing off in my head?...or should I just consider it a windfall and take it?

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Sounds like a good deal BUT....

Cover yer :asshat:

Make sure your land lease permits subletting first, check your liability insurance covers you against claims from him, then....

Make a sub lease based on the on you have now or see if you can get a copy of a campground rental agreement from a seasonal camp OR get a lease kit from Staples, modify it for your camp and terms. Make sure all signatures and initials are witnessed. Wouldn't want any "claim jumping" to lose you your camp. Once you get to know the guy you might not need this security.

Speaking of which, you should get a deposit for security that can be returned after he leaves.

As in anything, hope for the best but plan for the worst. Chances are the guy is ok but let experience rather than suspicion prove that. If he's on the up and up he'll appreciate you taking a professional approach once you explain your position. Sounds like he's ok based on offering all the id's etc. But a good contract is something you can take to small claims (monetary limit is now 20 or 25 grand there) if it all goes south.

If you have any lawyer friends it'd be a good idea to chat with them as well, just to be sure all the bases are covered.

Hope it all goes well for both of you!



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Make sure your land lease permits subletting first, check your liability insurance covers you against claims from him, then....




I'm no lawyer, but liability was the first thing that came to my mind. And see if you can get an agreement out of him that if he hits the motherlode it's a 50-50 split. That $700 could wind up looking like chicken feed! :w00t:

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I'm no lawyer, but liability was the first thing that came to my mind. And see if you can get an agreement out of him that if he hits the motherlode it's a 50-50 split. That $700 could wind up looking like chicken feed! :w00t:


I must admit, I never considered liability. The guy stated he'd pay cash and not require a receipt...a lawyer would have a hard time proving I didn't decline his offer (which I may still do) and he used the facilities without my permission and therefore at his own risk.


He doesn't need me bad enough to offer half of whatever he might earn, and I think he's just contracted to do the prospecting, and couldn't offer me a piece of any "motherlode" anyway. If he wants the camp for further prospecting I might bring it up. I'd probably prefer he finds nothing and won't risk losing my private paradise to a mining operation. If one does spring up...it would be nice to be compensated somehow.

Edited by fishNwire
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Sounds like a good deal to me. The way I see it is after retiring from who knows how many years of work this old boy still can't sit still, must be of good character. You can usually always trust a hard worker because they know what it takes to get what you have and they respect that. Take a six'r over to the ole boys place and check him out, I'm sure you'll find out everything you need from a few mins conversation.

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What if he doesn't get the 700 bucks and he finds it anyway


Does he have the claim to that section in the first place? Renting your cabin to him.. why not, if he already has the mineral rights to what's under it they still can't move you off the surface rights to your LUP anyhow. You might as well get something out of him for making a POSSIBLE mess out of your yard!

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Jmho, I wouldn't support this activity anywhere near me and I would be sure to tell him that. If it costs me 700 bucks that I didn't have in my pocket yesterday to make this point it would worth it in my eyes. Yes he may find it anyway, but I would be sleeping better if the place strip mined and I didn't help him for 700 bucks.

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Jmho, I wouldn't support this activity anywhere near me and I would be sure to tell him that. If it costs me 700 bucks that I didn't have in my pocket yesterday to make this point it would worth it in my eyes. Yes he may find it anyway, but I would be sleeping better if the place strip mined and I didn't help him for 700 bucks.


I would most definitely rent the place. The land is probably already claimed anyway. There is not much land that has not already been claimed. There are new laws here in Quebec concerning this issue. If they do want to mine the area, there is not much you can do to stop them and if they decide to move you, you will be amply compensated. Environmental laws are way stricter than they were 20 years ago.

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Ya know ... that guy could be me one day ... (while the law says you can prospect just about anywhere I would absolutely go talk to the owner to see if there was a way to start things off on the right foot) and honest I'm a nice guy :)


I'd definitely rather have a friend working my 'turf' than someone who considers me less than that ... problems happen, but they are normally alot easier to deal with between two people who have developed a relationship based on trust and respect.

Edited by camillj
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keep in mind he might be carrying a hand gun whistling.gif


As long as he's got the permits, he can carry it with him while he's prospecting.


I'd take the $700...just make sure you clearly lay out the rules for him before he uses your property. I'd also document the basics just in case.

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OK...so I met the guy.


I was wrong about him being pensioned off from the company I work for. He did work for them but was laid off about 20 years ago, so he's in his late 40's. I also met two brothers who work with him. They all showed me their driver's and prospectors licenses, and seem like good guys. We had a beer.


Also, he's just some contractor...not the claim holder. He was committed to doing the work before he even discovered my camp, and would be doing it regardless of any help I offer him, or compensation I receive.


The actual claims he's working are not on "my" land...(the railway owns the land anyway, I just lease it.) ...he's working the opposite side of the river to which my camp sits.


All I can do is hope he doesn't find anything. Even if he does, it's not like a strip mine is going to spring up overnight. It would be years of further surveying, prospect drilling, environmental assessments...I can't worry about something like that which is completely beyond my control and may or may not happen at some point in the future. I already lose sleep at night worrying about a logging road getting punched through to my back yard that will bring un-lifted trucks full of fishermen and hunters who don't have the gear/guts to traverse the existing trail. There's a good chance the near pristine qualities of the area and privacy I enjoy will one day be lost...but I don't think turning down this $700 is going to bring that day any closer.


I'm still on the fence...and besides, I probably wouldn't admit to entering into a cash deal on an public forum.

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