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Torn ACL and MCL (nf)


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Ya that,s one injury that,s not fun to have Pete. I did mine in 8 years ago (baseball).To this day,I still get major pain when it,s a low pressure or after walking the river.At times it,s so painful.Dosent help I had the cartlidge removed in the same knee when I was 15.Another sport injury.

Edited by Misfish
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Not fun stuff at all- they suspect that I tore my knee cartilage (after 7 months of home basement demo and rebuild, including foundation, then ironically it was new year's event when we decided to take a break from it all and play Xbox Kinect in the near-finished basement that I messed it up!!!) so I completely know how you feel.


For the record, I still got out ice fishing at least 6 times this winter- so long as we had a sled to pull me there, I was good to fish! (may as well fish while in pain, right?!!)-- but I have some serious reservation about trying to climb in a boat and balance myself... I still think it's gonna get tricky... we'll soon see. I suspect that frankie65 has my first boat attempt lined up. I can't walk obscure banks or rustic fishing holes- they'll have to wait!


I'm on day 92 of this... I hope they get you through quicker than me (just had my MRI today after already waiting 2.5 months). Good luck!

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Ouch....i had a complete acl tear when i was 15 yrs old (skiing). I tried rehab and a knee brace for about 10 years but still had consistent problems with it "popping" on me. The doctor said either slow down and take up lawn darts or have reconstructive surgery. I chose surgery and would have to say i'm 95% back to normal. I wear my brace only when playing hard, ie: hockey, snowboarding, and only for peace of mind. I'm on 15yrs post surgery and never looked back. I wish i did it sooner! Good luck with it.

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Oh enough of this ACL stuff, I had a knee replacement done , in December 17th, out and back to work light duty January 20th. Almost 5 years ago now and still going strong. No more pain in that Knee, no high impact sports but golf and everything else is good. (I do feel for you):stretcher:



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Make sure you strengthen your quads and hamstrings while you wait for surgery. Especially the hamstrings to compensate for the torn ACL. Long rehab post ACL surgery but excellent outcome, make sure you see a physio right after surgery!

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Dont screw around.Get it fixed as soon as you can.The longer you have to wait the less chance of complete recovery. I torn ACL,MCL,Miniscus(sp) 12 years back on a sunday afternoon skiing. next morn i met with surgeon for assessment, as luck would have it,I had surgery that afternoon.To this day I have had no reccurung effects.I did ZERO physio. All i did was strengthening using bungy cords..another handymans secret weapon ;)and never wore a brace all they do is give you a false sence of security. 6 months to the day I was playing ball and back skiing that winter. Good luck!! P.S. dont let them shoot you up with corizone either ,it does more harm than good.

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My son tore his ACL a year and a half ago? Was scheduled for surgery to rebuild it but had to cancel. He just got his re-booked surgery for this July. He has had constant serious pain everyday and has slowed down a little not playing Bball too often but has still been "selectively" active, training others, coaching etc.

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