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Raising egg-laying chickens?


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I have 24 chickens that I raise for eggs. Had them for about 6 months now and were producing 15-18 eggs a day.


I went away last week and had someone care for them but it seems like they went without food for at least a coupe of days (and may be water as well). Now they have not laid any eggs for the last 3 days that I have been back.


Does anyone know how long it will be before they return to normal (or what other things I should be aware of or do to help them)? They look healthy, and are eating and drinking and behaving normally for the last 3 days....just still no eggs!

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Thanks for the reply workwear. I hope it is only a week - I read it could be weeks or even months. Wanted to hear first hand experience from board members. The cost to feed these guys is bad enough - would suck not to get any eggs.


Raf, I am sure nothing spooked them - it was the lack of food and possibly water.

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VTbass, my hens are Red and black sexlinks. They are only 10 months old and have been great layers...too early for natural molt from my understanding, but realize that no food or water for an extended period of time could trigger a molt...I hope it did not in my case...

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The lack of water would be the biggest culprit, but restricted available feed can also contribute to the lack of egg production. Chickens can actually last much longer without feed then without water. Water makes up between 55 to 85% of a hens body mass and and egg is 65% water. Depending on how severe the lack of water and feed was will depend on the length of time before egg production resumes. If the restriction was severe enough, it may trigger a moult of the hens.

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You may want to invest in a couple of food grade 5 gal pails to make feeders and waters out of..A 5 gal pail of each should last 24 birds the better part of a week no problem. That way you don't run into that again. We too go away all the time in the summer months. We have a neighbour come pick up all the eggs but he doesn't have to worry about food or water. The nice thing about the large feeders and waters is that they are heavy and the girls cant tip them over..go to YouTube and look up home made waters and feeders for chickens...there are a TON of ideas that are all good IMO..Good luck, they will start laying again..Also did you run a light in your coop during the short days of winter? That too will cause them to stop laying.....

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