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Check your lightbulbs


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Good to hear they finally did the sensible thing and tossed the charges, just too bad you had to waste your's & the courts time.


Far as I'm concerned the nitwit copper that charged you in the 1st place should have to reimburse you for all your trouble.

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Yah, it was an experience, that's for sure. there was about at least a hundred people also there for a first appearence, from the sounds of it, 50 percent of these people were people that had multiple tickets, speeding/no insurance slip etc... I was the only one there for just a single infraction of a burnt out headlight. I still think I would have been fine being pulled over for a burnt out headlight if somethign else was missing, like a ran through stop light or a missing insurance or speeding or something, but really pulled over for a burnt out hedlight then get just the single charge. Such a waste of public funds. I blame it on the liberals. lol.... sorry just a jab.


Thanks again for all the comments in here, if I hadn't have posted here I likely would have just paid it. I am glad I didn't.

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I am glad to hear you have won your case, since it was an honest mistake, and you were sincerely about to rectify the issue.


I knew another friend who got similar ticket when he was on his way to Canadain tire to buy his lightbulb to replace the busted one. I presuaded him to fight his case in court as well. This fellow was in such bad luck getting tickets, he got a ticket once from driving too close to a parked police car on the freeway at 2am in the morning when no other car was on site. He did not know that one should avoid the lane closest to a parked cop car if possible.


I also knew another friend who has not change his busted head lights for almost 4 months even if he was aware of it. He was just too lazy and got away with it.


A car with a busted light coming towards us can be mistaken as a motorcycle, we cannot be 100% sure which lane the car with the busted light coming towards us, depending on which Left or right front headlights were busted.

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'they' expect/count on you to roll over & pay it. good on you for fighting it.



Aw Crap ... I guess I need to prepare better ... we paid ours :) ... Firstly I'm glad justice prevailed for you bud ... for me ... on the other hand .... my wife came home from dropping my daughter off at a friends condo-townhouse ... all pale and lets just say ... cranky .... it seems some smart-arsss cop followed her into the condo complex and gave her a $150 ticket because her licence plate light was burnt out ... we had her car oil change/light checked (at a reputable establishment) less than a month prior ... anyhow instead of giving her a heads up so she could fix the problem (because lets face it we dont ALLL walk round our car evey time we get in it ... they hit her with a ticket and some cockamamy lecture about the law .... and NOW ... we all hate traffic cops ... WELL DONE ... Public Relations classes can now be cancelled because clearly everyone "gets it"

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What i don't understand about this at the most basic level, is that isn't it most likely your plate light, or any light, would burn out while you were driving the car? Which aside from the headlight that you might notice, you likely wouldn't be aware of the bad light, and through no fault of your own. That being the case how could any police officer determine that you were knowingly driving with a light out? The short answer is that they couldn't, meaning at worst you should receive a warning, unless there is some record (if they even keep records of warnings) of you being warned before. Are you supposed to stop every 5k and check you plate light? Don't think so.

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It was the first appearance, so The officer wasn't there, but I am pretty sure they dont attend first appearences. I am not sure if it was a justice of the peace or judge or clerk or what, I don't think i would know the difference. Everyone just waited in line, and got called into an office one at a time. She looked at the ticked, asked if I fixed it. I said yes, she said, ok I'll cancel the ticket, you can go. Now why this couldn't have been done the first time I went to arrange the first appearence is beyond me, but in the end it cost me 10 dollars in parking fees, and two half days pay, but noone really noticed at work so I think I may have snuck out on that one.


In this case I knew it went out as I already had bought the lightbulb not 5 minutes before I got pulled over. Pretty frustrating, but what really can I do? It got dropped, and in the end I guess only cost me 10 dollars in parking donations and some time. Believe me, I have been raked over the coals a few times, and this one was minor, and I am very happy its not on my record. Minor offense or not. I didn't want it there.

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X 2 on that one! The ticket will be dated and the time will be marked on it. The receipt will be dated and the time marked on it. You can go in at your conveinence!




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I have a date next month. Didnt have my up to date insurance paper in the truck. The mrs,s puts everything away too soon. Hope I get off the fine. Cop was very cool. :thumbsup_anim:


He asked me how my driving record was. I said your my second pull over since I was 16. Just doing his job. :thumbsup_anim:

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