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The Great State of Texas started their Concealed Handgun Licenses (CHL) back in the mid to late 1990's. While being in one of the first classes we learned the Texas State Laws governerning the use of deadly force and illegal weapons. Some of the funny ones are listed below;


These are some funny haha, funny strange State Laws on the books in Texas concerning the use of deadly force and illegal weapons….


1. You can use deadly force for malicious mischief at time of night - but not during the day. A Ft. Worth Police Office and his son ambushed a group of teens in their front yard that were vandalizing their home over the past couple of days. The ambush was staged from the roof of their home shooting the teens while they were in their front yard after they had damaged the garage door. No changes were filed by the Ft. Worth Police Dept or the D.A…. Civil case pending, I bet….


2. You can shoot through your home door and kill someone for banging on it and threating you at time of night, but not during the day…. Darn, this would certainly keep them thar sales people away, now wouldn't it….


3. You can not use deadly for to prevent someone from committing suicide. Well Dah, that's what he/she would be shooting for isn't it? Can't even wound him/her just a little bit, go figure….


4. If someone comes up to you and says "give me your money" you can use deadly force. But if he says he's going to kill you - you can't until he tries to. When a person says "give me your money" he is in the commission of a crime…. Hells Bells - If someone threatens to kill me I guess I will just toss him my wallet and then shoot him…. Solves that problem….


5. When is a stick a stick and not an illegal club? Easy, a stick is a stick as long as you don't fashiona handle with tape or attach a landyard to it. Unless of course you just happen to have an axe handle in your truck or a baseball bat designed for a specific use…. Well, that clears that up now doesn't it? I'll be carrying a baseball bat in my truck and my PPK - da hell with that stick….




guns and ammo magazine had a huge pull out chart years ago that you could hang on your wall. it showed the allowable use of force by state/by offence.


some would be surprised to find that some of the great 'gun' states have fairly strict laws and in most cases dont allow concealed carry.



'arson' was a crime that allowed the use of deadly force. i remember the 'mischief at night' policy and thought it was interesting.


one of the most gun loving states is connecticut, where are believe in several counties gun ownership is manadatory!


In the USA which way(S) can your average citizen carry a weapon without applying for a permit?


























All of them are legal however you can expect to be questioned by law enforcement when seen " Open Carrying" of a legal firearm.





years ago my job moved me to Texas. I lived there for just under 2 years. One thing that took a bit of getting used to were the signs outside of banks, bars and government offices that read "No Firearms Beyond this point" It took a bit of calibrating to realize that anywhere else people were probably armed.

  On 1/12/2012 at 12:42 AM, aplumma said:

In the USA which way(S) can your average citizen carry a weapon without applying for a permit?


























All of them are legal however you can expect to be questioned by law enforcement when seen " Open Carrying" of a legal firearm.





Not even close in most states....there are some states where you can purchase and carry a hand gun without a permit, but they are few and far in between from years ago. Here in NYS you wouldn't even be able to handle a handgun in a gun shop without showing your pistol permit first....BTW our crime in NYS is much higher then those states that are more liberal in purchasing and carrying a side arm....go figure, eh.

  On 1/12/2012 at 12:55 PM, Billy Bob said:

Not even close in most states....there are some states where you can purchase and carry a hand gun without a permit, but they are few and far in between from years ago. Here in NYS you wouldn't even be able to handle a handgun in a gun shop without showing your pistol permit first....BTW our crime in NYS is much higher then those states that are more liberal in purchasing and carrying a side arm....go figure, eh.


I am quoting the NRA Open Carry is legal states wide. Jurisdictions can modify the rule to more ridgid standards. All of the cautions are to check LOCAL laws before OC.




  On 1/12/2012 at 1:05 PM, aplumma said:

I am quoting the NRA Open Carry is legal states wide. Jurisdictions can modify the rule to more ridgid standards. All of the cautions are to check LOCAL laws before OC.



Yep, just driving from one state to another with your hand gun can get very sticky.....your carry permit is legal in the state it was issued and not in the state you may be driving through....lots of guys don't realize that.


Art, how strict is Virginia....in NYS we have some of the strictest in the country.....took me 6 months or more to get my pistol permit and that was over 30 years ago....probably harder now, and more expensive.


arty i gotta disagree. while the 2nd amendment allows for open carry of firearms each state and jurisdiction has its own rules governing this, as well as cities and districts that have outright bans on open or concealed carry.


broken into 4 categories...


Permissive open carry states


A state has passed full preemption of all firearms laws. They permit open carry to all non-prohibited citizens without permit or license. Open carry is lawful on foot and in a motor vehicle. Shown on the map to the right as "Gold Star" states; the term carries a pro-gun bias, as gun-control advocacy groups like the Brady Center generally give these states very low "scores" on their own ratings systems.


Licensed open carry states


A state has passed full preemption of all firearms laws. They permit open carry of a handgun to all non-prohibited citizens once they have been issued a permit or license. Open carry of a handgun is lawful on foot and in a motor vehicle.


Anomalous open carry states


In these states, open carry of a handgun is generally lawful, but the state may lack preemption or there may be other significant restrictions. Shown in the map legend as "Open Carry Friendly" states; the term is questionable as the limitations and/or lack of pre-emption means that certain of these states are, in their judicial system and law enforcement societies, not very "friendly" towards the practice.


Non-permissive open carry states


In these states, open carry of a handgun is not lawful, or is only lawful under such a limited set of circumstances that public carry is prohibited. Such limited circumstances may include when hunting, or while traveling to/from hunting locations, while on property controlled by the person carrying, or for lawful self-defense


When we would travel to the states for competitions there were a few dual citizenship guys that would open up the lock boxes and strap on their pistols right after we got out of customs, the rest of us Canucks left them politely in the triple locked box til the range....

  On 1/12/2012 at 1:14 PM, Billy Bob said:

Yep, just driving from one state to another with your hand gun can get very sticky.....your carry permit is legal in the state it was issued and not in the state you may be driving through....lots of guys don't realize that.


Art, how strict is Virginia....in NYS we have some of the strictest in the country.....took me 6 months or more to get my pistol permit and that was over 30 years ago....probably harder now, and more expensive.



There are a lot of states that reciprocate, allowing individuals with conceal carry permits to travel between these reciprocating states unemcumbered; NYS is not one. That said, even in states with reciprocating agreements and a the castle doctrine, those castle doctrine laws vary greatly. There has been a very big spike in individuals in the US securing conceal carry permits, and interestingly enough a very large decline most recently in the murder rate, which in the interest of objective discussion has been on a general decline for years. Most people that carry do so concealed. I have a pocket 9MM that i carry, a little smaller caliber than I'd prefer, but it makes for lightweight packing.


Sorry I was not trying to high jack the thread. Bob you need a drivers license and a bill with an address to buy a pistol after an instant background check. I am not a supporter of O. C. It leads to trouble in most cases. I got my CCP due to the local differences in the laws. The NRA sponsored CCP program give you lots of O. C. Info just so you know your rights and understand what your CCP covers. I think everyone needs to have their firearms in a safe and legal way when ever it is in your charge. The point I was attempting to add is Texas is not the only stAte that the great wild west is still alive.




I don't think you high jacked this thread at all....as a matter of fact I highly doubt the OP is to be taken for real....at least I don't believe any or all of that info. I think it was meant to be a joke in all honesty.


Virginia seems like a very reasonable state when it comes to gun ownership....I think it's about time we regain our Constitutional Rights back....states and or local governments are going against the law by restricting my 2nd Amendment Rights IMHO.....the NRA is making headway through the courts but it's a slow and very expensive process....however, without the NRA you would be luck to own a BB gun.... :rolleyes:


Antigun groups continue to ignore hard facts when arguing what they want and what is real and what the majority of the USA citizens want.


Damn.....now you got me going.....I going to send out another fat check to the NRA today.... :D

  On 1/12/2012 at 1:28 PM, smally21 said:

arty i gotta disagree. while the 2nd amendment allows for open carry of firearms each state and jurisdiction has its own rules governing this, as well as cities and districts that have outright bans on open or concealed carry.


broken into 4 categories...


Permissive open carry states


A state has passed full preemption of all firearms laws. They permit open carry to all non-prohibited citizens without permit or license. Open carry is lawful on foot and in a motor vehicle. Shown on the map to the right as "Gold Star" states; the term carries a pro-gun bias, as gun-control advocacy groups like the Brady Center generally give these states very low "scores" on their own ratings systems.


Licensed open carry states


A state has passed full preemption of all firearms laws. They permit open carry of a handgun to all non-prohibited citizens once they have been issued a permit or license. Open carry of a handgun is lawful on foot and in a motor vehicle.


Anomalous open carry states


In these states, open carry of a handgun is generally lawful, but the state may lack preemption or there may be other significant restrictions. Shown in the map legend as "Open Carry Friendly" states; the term is questionable as the limitations and/or lack of pre-emption means that certain of these states are, in their judicial system and law enforcement societies, not very "friendly" towards the practice.


Non-permissive open carry states


In these states, open carry of a handgun is not lawful, or is only lawful under such a limited set of circumstances that public carry is prohibited. Such limited circumstances may include when hunting, or while traveling to/from hunting locations, while on property controlled by the person carrying, or for lawful self-defense


Interestingly, I live in Vermont (though I'm from Ontario) and they are a "Gold Star Open Carry State". Although it is allowed, you rarely see anyone actually carrying. Vermont is also a Unrestricted Carry state, meaning you can also carry CONCEALED without a permit (only one other state in the US allows this and that is Arizona).


Is it any surprise that Vermont has the lowest violent crime rate in the US?




Open carry laws of loaded handguns (www.OpenCarry.org)


YELLOW Gold Star Open Carry State

ORANGE Open Carry Friendly State

GREEN Licensed Open Carry State

RED Non Permissive Open Carry State

GREY Rural Open Carry State


Permissive Open Carry States which means the states have passed full preemption regarding all firearm laws. These states permit open carry to all law-abiding citizens without a criminal record without any special permit or firearms license. The open carry is legal for a citizen on foot or in a motor vehicle. The states that allow this are Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Arizona, New Mexico, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, Virginia, Alaska and Kentucky.


Licensed Open Carry States allows open carry to all law-abiding citizens once they apply and are approved for a permit or firearms license. They can also carry on foot or in their motor vehicle. The states that require a permit or license for open carry are Utah, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana, Tennessee, Georgia, Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Hawaii and Massachusetts.


Anomalous Open Carry States open carry in these states are generally lawful, but the state itself may have other stiff restrictions to deter citizens from carry a firearm open. The laws in these states are very grey and could cause you a lot of problems if you go toting a gun around openly. The states that have a lot of grey area on open carry are Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California, Colorado, Missouri, Kansas, Louisiana , Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maine, Delaware and New Hampshire. You shouldn't carry open firearms in these states just to avoid a charge of bringing terror to the people which only requires a citizen to see you carry open firearms and saying they are in fear. You will get charged.


About 2 years ago our local TV news had a story that a man was walking down the street with a shotgun or rifle and police picked him up after someone called them....they never followed up on the story....problem was they probably couldn't as no laws were broken....yes, it is against the law to discharge a firearm in many villages and even some towns here...but possession of a firearm (long gun) is not a crime.....but don't have a loaded long gun in a vehicle or even leaning up against a vehicle while hunting...that's a no no that's going to cost you dearly.

  On 1/12/2012 at 6:58 PM, BillM said:

Concealed weapons without a permit, or registration or any kind of background check.


Sounds wonderful.


ALL firearm purchasers must have a instant background check before the firearm can be sold.

  On 1/12/2012 at 7:11 PM, Billy Bob said:

ALL firearm purchasers must have a instant background check before the firearm can be sold.


So as long as you aren't a felon, no issues? Interesting.


I remember a few years back at Oak Orchard while fishing alone at the bend, hearing rocks crunching behind me. I turned figuring another fisherman has arrived (it was like 15 degrees in the middle of winter so at that point i was the only dummy out on the water lol)


So when i turn around its some guy walking with some sort of long barrel gun resting up against his shoulder. Me, not being familiar with gun laws or hunting seasons, i was a bit startled to see a guy down there with a gun. Regardless, even if there were some sort of bird season, im pretty sure ya just cant go down to the water to hunt in that location.


He ended up walking past to the end of the island downstream and i heard him crunching around in the reeds. I eventually moved upstream and had my head on a swivel all morning wondering what this dude was all about. Never did find out.


All i know is it made me uneasy knowing somebody was prowling around the area i was fishing with heat lol


This September I was untying my boat at Erie Basin Marina launch to do some late season walleye fishing....just starting to get a bit light when all hell broke out...bang bang bang bang and so forth....the security guard came running over to me asking me where the shots are coming from...(now for those not familiar with Erie Basin Marina, it's in downtown Buffalo). The last time this many shots where heard in downtown Buffalo 4 were killed at the City Grill after a wedding....but this time I knew all the shots came from the lake.....after we launched we putted out of the harbor only to hear and this time see these yahoo's banging away at Canada Geese from inside the outer harbor....that's city limits even by the longest Redneck's imagination....those are the guys that give real hunters a bad name... :wallbash:


I bought a semi automatic pistol, 3 magazines, and 350 rounds of ammo a couple of months ago. It took about 15 minutes in the sporting goods store, background check and some paper work and I was out the door.


The US had record gun sales over the Christmas holidays. I can legally shoot any legal weapon in my back yard.

  On 1/12/2012 at 2:47 PM, Billy Bob said:

I don't think you high jacked this thread at all....as a matter of fact I highly doubt the OP is to be taken for real....at least I don't believe any or all of that info. I think it was meant to be a joke in all honesty.


Virginia seems like a very reasonable state when it comes to gun ownership....I think it's about time we regain our Constitutional Rights back....states and or local governments are going against the law by restricting my 2nd Amendment Rights IMHO.....the NRA is making headway through the courts but it's a slow and very expensive process....however, without the NRA you would be luck to own a BB gun.... :rolleyes:


Antigun groups continue to ignore hard facts when arguing what they want and what is real and what the majority of the USA citizens want.


Damn.....now you got me going.....I going to send out another fat check to the NRA today.... :D

Damn im Agreeing with Billy duhh??? (sorry billy ya know I love ya) Its been said so many times GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE , PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE .ITS people without guns who get KILLED by people with guns, not a hard thing to get your head around .Would like to think with the do gooders , but if Im or my family is threatend by a person with a gun would like to be able to at least have a chance to defend us .. Sad Canadian who will not nor will ever allow some ass to threaten my love ones , gun laws taken away the guns from good law abiding guys like me , I live in down town TO , only guns here are in the hands of people that will kill me or my family to get 20 dollars of crack , sorry to say BUT ITS THE TRUTH.Let me defend my family !!!

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