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CCMT and the beautiful Sydney pay a visit

Big Cliff

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Yesterday we had the pleasure of a visit from CCMT and his beautiful daughter Sydney, one of my favorite little people! Boy she is turning into a young lady fast! It's not that long ago she was curled up on my lap with her arms around my neck and not wanting to go home.


Just before Christmas Cliff had posted an audio of Sydney singing Rocking Around the Christmas Tree and we really liked it so we had asked if Sydney could do a video of it for us. At first she didn't want to do it but since we had asked she decided she would, but only if it was just for us!


Well, it turned out fantastic (I think we've watched it about 10 times already LOL) and she finished it off with a big, Merry Christmas Big Cliff and Sue. (you know how special that made us feel)!


That was just the start of what turned out to be a wonderful day. Since the weather was beautiful, we decided to head out and try a little ice fishing. There was plenty of ice, a good 7-8" so we walked out and drilled some holes. The sun was shining, the wind was light but the fish wouldn't cooperate. We fished for about an hour and a half then decided to head in and grab a bite of lunch. Nothing fancy, just some BBQd hot dogs, but they did the trick.


About 2:00 we headed back out to try a little more fishing. There had been a few small bands of rain blow through but just sprinkles here and there. I was kind of hoping that would get the fish biting but it wasn't to be.


About 3:30 the wind had started to pick up, and it was getting colder so we decided to head back in. Sue had a nice lasagna baking in the oven for our dinner, all was good.


Cliff had brought his guitar (at my request LOL) so he got that out and we sat around for a while and listened to him play and sing. I really love the way he can pick that thing. What was really funny was our beagel pup who had been a little hyper. As soon as Cliff started to play she cocked her head in amazement then promptly put her head down and closed her eyes. Every time he'd stop she'd lift her head and look at him until he started again.


A little filtered try again please chat and some more songs and supper was ready. Sue had made a nice ceaser salad and garlic bread to go with the lasagna and we were all hungry, made a pretty good dent in that tray of lasagna LOL.


To top it all off Cliff had made a cream pie for dessert, his mother's recipe and boy was it good! Got to get the recipe for that one! (no wonder I'm BIG Cliff LOL).


Anyway a very big thank you to Sydney for making that special video for us, to Cliff for bringing us a few more of the songs that he has done, entertaining us, that wonderful cream pie, and a down right enjoyable day!

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Great times with great people. Thanks for sharing the day.


The story of your dog sounds similar to this You Tube clip I was sent the other day but this dog likes grooving with the tunes.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KBluUZ4NnZg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Edited by fishnsled
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Great times with great people. Thanks for sharing the day.


The story of your dog sounds similar to this You Tube clip I was sent the other day but this dog likes grooving with the tunes.



Edited by GBW
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Thank you so much Cliff and Sue! We always have a great time when we visit and this time was no exception. I never thought to bring my guitar before, so I'm glad you asked this time. It was amazing how Mandy responded to it!


We'll get out there again to try and get a fish through the ice for Sydney....she told me she still had a lot of fun even though we didn't catch anything :thumbsup_anim:


Dinner was great and I'm very happy you liked the pie :D


Thanks again!

Cliff ans Sydney

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Don't go venturing out on the lakes just because we have 7-8" where we were. There were still some open spots on Sturgeon lake as late as last Friday. We were in the Goose Bay area which tends to freeze up a bit earlier than the main body of the lake. BE SAFE!

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