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Island lake


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Hey, I drive by it almost every day! I think we might have the makings of a get together out there this winter! LOL

It is one of my favourite places to ice fish. I usually do okay there and it is 10 minutes from home!



im game! i have all the goodies and toys, never fished there before, would love to give it a try, and even better being out with someone who knows the waters!

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Island Lake CA Closure Update

Thursday, December 22, 2011 by Credit Valley Conservation


Category: CVC Conservation Areas



Island Lake Conservation Area will be closed December 24, 2011, reopening January 3, 2012 or earlier if safe ice conditions permit.


Call 1 800 367 0890 for updates.


Please stay off the ice as conditions are extremely unsafe.

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i too am about 15 mins from there (just moved). kinda overlooked it in the past but it might be a place to go being that close.


Its a great little fishery, mostly hammer handle pike but if you can find them, the crappie fishing can be exceptional. Mostly very shallow so the preferred method is to tip up or dead stick for the pike and ya got to be quiet. I have watched the pike sit with their nose at my bait for 5 mins before striking but if you tap your foot or someone walks by, they take off like a rocket... Will let ya know when it opens





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i managed to get out yesrday and today. yesterday was warm and windy, today colder and less wind.


8.5" inches of ice in both spots we fished. only caught 4 little pike in the 2 days, about 8hrs combined. although many guys out there were catching pike and occasional perch out there. even some decent size ones


here are some pics i snapped on my phone (SGS2) including one of the new pop up













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I think it's a good lake to try out ice fishing. You can rent ice huts there as well. Went a few years back and caught some pike. Saw other people catch oos Bass.


Went on sunday, my buddy caught a 20" pike, I caught nothing. Great day to be out

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