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Posted (edited)

But am a newbie and i know nothing ..........can some one talk about every thing you would need to know about lets catching Bass for starters from start to finish , am all ears .

Edited by Skipper " D "

Go to www.bassfishingresource.com. In addition to the forum they have many articals. I've been bass fishing for over 60 years and I just don't have the time left to write it all down.

  On 10/26/2011 at 10:33 PM, davey buoy said:

Skipper,we fish the same areas and you don't fish for bass?We need to talk!lol


Thats a real generous offer I hope he takes you up on it. Living so far away from everyone I miss being able to just jump into the truck and go visiting.






Per hapes i worded my post incorrect but i am serious about what i asked , i would like to hear from yous first hand rather then check out web sites or go buy books right now to learn about catching some thing othter then perch , i have all winter to listen and by spring i'd like to try your ideas , i'll leave it up to yous to share your paticular favorite choice to talk about , i may not answer yous back right away but i well each time i come back on , Thank you ........Ron ... Skipper .


Hey Skip.

Understand the fish you are after.Small and largemouth are 2 completely differnt types of fish.They dont hunt the same way, and they dont live in the same types of environment.There are literaly dozens of sites on the internet that specialize in Bass fishing.LMB are probably the easiest to catch and dumbest fish in the water.Drop a hook with anything on it, close to a hiding Largie,jiggle it, and he will try to eat it.


You will most likely get alot of differing opinions on this as bass fishermen and women all have different ways they prefer. The best thing to do is be as versatile as possible, and learn new/different techniques.


For smallmouth, I use mostly 3 techniques, one of which I learned how to do this year and that is dropshot. It seems like a very easy technique, but most guys will tell you there is some skill involved. I use this technique when the bite seems to be slow, or I can see the fish deep on my sonar. When I start the day, I use something close to the surface and moving fast, usually a white spinner bait or a topwater lure. Finally, you can't beat a tube or goby imitating bait bounced off bottom, no matter the conditions, this technique will often work.


For Largemouth, I'll also use spinnerbaits to start, and the colour green seems to be the ticket for them. If you are in really thick cover (usually a good spot to find Largemouth), something texas rigged or a Jig with a trailer to imitate a crayfish can be the ticket. Nothing beats throwing a topwater frog around lilly pads for largemouth, the bites are explosive and quite possibly the most fun you'll have bass fishing IMO.


Many people have already said this board is a great resource to learn, there are lots of good reads on here, lots of good posts from the summer you can read up on.


As far as rod/reel setups go, again you will get differing opinions on here. For me, I use a spinning rod 7'2 Medium Power Extra Fast action for dropshotting, a spinning rod 7' medium power Extra fast action for tubes, and a 7'7 Medium Heavy power, fast action baitcasting rod for the spinner baits. On my 7'2 dropshot rod, I run 8lb straight flourocarbon line, but alot of guys use 15-20lb braid with an 8-10lb flourocarbon leader attatched to it. I use 20lb braid on my 7' medium because on occastion I use that for jerkbaits and like how the braid feels. When I use a tube, I'll tie a flourocarbon leader on that. The baitcast setup is straight braid, 30lb.


Rod/Reel setup for largemouth, I go heavy because of where these fish live and where I primarily target them, the slop. When from fishing, I use a 7'6 Heavy Power, Extra fast action with 65lb test braid. This allows for powerful hooksets and to pull them from the slop. When flipping/pitching a jig or texas rigged worm/craw, I also use a 7'6 Heavy Power, extra fast action with 65lb test braid. For spinnerbaits, I use the same setup as above.


If you are serious about learning to bass fish (and it sounds like you are), the internet is a powerful tool. My opinion is to start out using only a few techniques and getting good at them. The best thing is to read up on how these fish react to weather patterns in the summer, and adjust your technique to the weather conditions you are going to fish.


Good luck, you have until June 30th, 2012 to read up and learn up!!



6.6 - 7' meium action

15 pound pp with 8 pound fluoro leader 6' long

tube jigs



x raps (or other jerkbaits)


top water lures

small square billed crankbaits


don't wait until spring. The best bass fishing of the year is here now at our front door. Learn to drop shot and use 3/8 oz wieght. find 30ft of water in the bay and catch 5 pound plus smallies.


Of all the times of the year I am going to miss being a non fisherman it is now!!!


Practice makes perfect. Go try some stuff and find some good water. It is there but you have to find it. Go out with someone. Nobody is going to give away exact secrets on a forum. You need to try some stuff. If it works, stick with it. If it doesn't, try something new. If you have a couple of each of the lures I mentioned above and you use them properly, you will catch smallies.

good luck


To Big mac Joey Cudz , its as green here as green gets here when it comes to me and fishing . ???????? slammers,white spinner baits,top water lures , tube jigs , texas rigs , jerk baits ??????? all new stuff to me but don't be quick to give up here , i am living proof of the fast learner and in a bit of time i'll shine and share it back with each and every one . It dose'nt matter to me about all the differant opions that will show up on this thread , i've learnt in my life that you can learn some thing from just about every person you talk to and what i can make from that when i put it all together . All ready with the last three post there is so much good information to get soaked in and i hope it keeps coming by others here as well , am not wanting any one to give up thier secrets by no means , just share the basics with me and for others to see as well on here who are just getting started . I know there is a wealth knowlage right here on this board and if a book was ever wrote taking from here it would be the number one seller around the world . The only thing i ever fished for were perch , i grew up on the banks of the St Lawrence River and as kids we were all taught to fish for theaes babies , even tho i never fished much in my life i knew every thing there was to know about perch fishing and for me to share with others right here and now the best thing that worked down home and is working for me on Lake Simcoe is a perch set up with the green ball , its the only thing i use . I thank each one of you for posting on my thread and please keep it coming , i love it and can't get enough and trust me i well learn what your saying as well as all the other new fisher people here hidding in the wings wanting to know and learn as well .


You got a good attitude about this fishin stuff skipper I am glad you found the sport of fishing to relax with. If their is anyone in the area who wants to take the time to meet up with a learning fishing buddy this is the guy. He was nice enough to share a truly inspiring life story with me and it showed he has heart and it is in the right place.




  On 10/28/2011 at 12:49 AM, mercman said:

Hey Skip.

Understand the fish you are after.Small and largemouth are 2 completely differnt types of fish.They dont hunt the same way, and they dont live in the same types of environment.There are literaly dozens of sites on the internet that specialize in Bass fishing.LMB are probably the easiest to catch and dumbest fish in the water.Drop a hook with anything on it, close to a hiding Largie,jiggle it, and he will try to eat it.



Once i've masterd some of thease things i'd like to go fishing with you Mercman over in your neck of the woods and perhapes some thing north west of the big ski hill ...lol


Plenty of good folks on this board Skipper and you'll be able to get just about any info you need. We usually have a few different get togethers every year with the guys too and their always lotsa fun.


Not meaning to get off topic here, but I was sure I saw this post locked up early yesterday morning, or had I just drank too many coffee's ??


A HUGE thanks to everyone taking the time to offer their advice...I've been copying and pasting it all into my notes also as it helps other newbies too!! :clapping:



And just to back up what Art was saying about Ron...although I was unable to get the time, Ron was very kind and offered to take myself and my son out fishing in his boat! So I just wanted to vouch for his kindness! I was a little afraid however as I know he has a tendency to drop his pants when fishing!!! :rofl2:


Im confused..... Skipper, you have 400+ posts here.... and your "green and green can get when it comes to fishing " ?


Good advice so far ! I cant add much more then what has already been said.

Posted (edited)
  On 10/28/2011 at 12:38 PM, Lunker777 said:

Im confused..... Skipper, you have 400+ posts here.... and your "green and green can get when it comes to fishing " ?

He doesn't use the multi quote option, that's why.


OK Ron, here goes.


At some point you will end up with all of this (minus the bottom case) to chase those little green buggers.



By far the Strike King Rage Tail Shad (see image) is one of the best soft plastic lures out there for bass. You can rig it for topwater or on a jig like shown.


If using it on a jig, just cast out and slowly swim it back to you.


For rod and reel. Well that depends on what you want to spend and everyone will tell you many, MANY different brands and ones to use. The best way to pick a good one is to go to a store that has a lot to pick from and hold each one in your hand as it's a matter of what feels right to you. then grab a rod and do the same but just make sure that it's balanced. most bass people use a 6'6" to 7' rod in a Med, Med/Heavy or Heavy action with a fast tip. It just depends on how you are going to fish. heavy cover? heavy action rod. drop shot? med. action rod. it just depends. now you know why all the bass folks have so many rod's and reel's...



Edited by GBW
  On 10/28/2011 at 11:35 AM, Skipper " D " said:

Once i've masterd some of thease things i'd like to go fishing with you Mercman over in your neck of the woods and perhapes some thing north west of the big ski hill ...lol



Wow !! I am honored Ronclapping.gif Maybe next softwater season we can set up a day.Looking forward to it for sure Budclapping.gif

  On 10/28/2011 at 10:56 AM, Skipper " D " said:

To Big mac Joey Cudz , its as green here as green gets here when it comes to me and fishing . ???????? slammers,white spinner baits,top water lures , tube jigs , texas rigs , jerk baits ??????? all new stuff to me but don't be quick to give up here , i am living proof of the fast learner and in a bit of time i'll shine and share it back with each and every one .




http://www.xzonelures.com/products_slammer.html usually used dropshotting


Dropshot technique:




White Spinnerbait:








Texas Rigged:











You are in good hands here. Guys/gals on here know alot.


If you are close to Toronto there are some good events to catch during the winter where there are alot of seminars about catching bass. The Toronto Boat Show in January usually has good seminars and you can see the schedule online once it's posted. There is the Sportman show in march I believe, and that usually coincides with the Spring Classic at Bass pro shops, all of which have seminars as well. I'm sure others on here know of more as well.


Feel free to PM me if you have any other specific questions.


Hey Ron, how close are you to BPS?


I just remembered that a CBAF club uses the staff room for club meetings there once a month. that club would help bring you up to speed rather fast.

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