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Heads up for those that shoot in Penetang Town Limits


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The first draft was presented during an open Finance meeting today, which means I can share it here now that it's "public information". (Son is Chair of the Finance Committee that had to pass the expense for this bylaw today)


All should be okay, but there are numerous things that could hang people up.. like no discharge of a firearm (“Firearm” means a barreled weapon from which any shot, bullet or any projectile may be discharged and that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person, and includes any frame or receiver of such a barreled weapon and anything that may be adapted for use as a firearm, and includes an air or pellet gun, a long-bow, a cross-bow, a recurve-bow, and a compound-bow.) within 300 metres of any public roads or lands. With road allowances (most closed - but still public property) running across both ends of every 40 acre parcel on the point (that are all 1000' wide x 2000' long) this would mean you would have to stand dead center of the properties to do all your shooting. It doesn't state which way you are shooting... just that you can't discharge your firearm within 300 m of public property. Some like mine, that have a road allowance on 3 sides, you wouldn't be able to shoot at all as it's only about 180 m to the road allowance up the long side of the property....even though this is a closed allowance with 200 acres on the other side of it.


During the initial consult on the new by-law I managed to take care of my property with an exception to the by law, as for all intensive purposes I'm under Federal jurisidiction which can't be superceded by a Municipal bylaw, so that I can continue to keep my aerodrome safe for aircraft movements. :)


exemption 4.1 j) On property meeting the definition of an aerodrome as defined by section 3(1) of the Aeronautics Act, R.S.C., 1985 c. A-2 for the purposes of wildlife management.


The discharge distance, other than areas exempt under the bylaw, will be in effect at all times OTHER THAN DURING A LEGAL HUNT provided that the current wording makes it thru 3 readings of Council. This means you'll be able to do legal hunts in the marked rural areas of town (map yet to be published), but at the same time you WON'T be able to sight a gun in on the same properties and will be subject to a $300 fine if you fire closer than 300 m to public land.


Also note due to the "firearm" definition... any kid shooting his pellet gun or playing with a bow and arrow in his back yard will be subject to this $300 fine, as well as any paint ballers!


When I have a full copy of the proposed bylaw I will share it here. There will be a public consultation meeting and at this point it looks like it will be Wednesday September 21st.

Edited by irishfield
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Well, I'd be pissed if I owned a piece of land in the proposed area! No range in your backyard! Sounds like B.S to me!



I have at least two councilors attempting to get it changed to "30 m" from public lands (so you have 1900 feet of property left for your range). This taking away of "rights" has happened in many municipalities that swallowed a large parcel of "rural" land during amalgamation.

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My fellow Canadian friends....you need to contact the NRA for advise to start a similar organization...your rights are being eroded ever so slowly...this is how the tree huggers make your firearms useless all while collecting fees on them.


Good Luck,



Slowly but surely, the government is eroding our privilege to own firearms. It's not a right here in Canada like our neighbours to the South. I think everyone should have a working knowledge of how to operate a firearm and the government doesn't need to know just exactly what we own. Ownership of long guns is one of the checks and balances of government. That's why it's a right in the U.S. and a privilege here.

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I have at least two councilors attempting to get it changed to "30 m" from public lands (so you have 1900 feet of property left for your range). This taking away of "rights" has happened in many municipalities that swallowed a large parcel of "rural" land during amalgamation.



They proposed a similar change in my township, but we boxed their ears and they rescinded thier "200 metre buffer zones" very quickly! It was a few city people pushing a couple of councillors. F em I say, I am tired of Toronto people moving out of town and trying to create yorkville in the country. They should stay south of 7 and leave the normal folk alone!

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