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I can see clearly now the fog is gone


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I met up with my buddy Matt at 4:30AM. After a quick inventory and coffee stop we were off to meet Pikeslayer. Arrived at the launch just before 6AM and got the boat in the water.


We didn't really think the fog was as bad as it was until we got out a bit. It was THICK!!!




The fog stuck around for a while but Simon got all the rods setup quickly. It was nice to just sit back and watch someone else do all the work :D




I was first up when we got into the action. This thing was just dead weight not moving in the water but when it got close enough to the boat I told Simon there is no need for a net, I am a pro angler. I reached over the side of the boat and lipped the beast in. We hit the jackpot, a nice Roots orthopedic back pack. It is a new personal best for me :good: and being the good guest that I am I let Simon take the first catch of the day home :D Unfortunately no pics but this is what it looked like except red instead of pink.




We knew that we wouldn't get a better catch that day but decided to stay out anyway. Soon after a dipsy rod fired I took over control of what would turn out to be my first Salmon :good: 2nd PB of the day! It was a light fighter with a few good tugs on the rod. She cooperated and was invited to a photo shoot.




After a bit it was time to hit the blue zone. Matt was up when a rod fired. This thing was an acrobat with a few nice jumps in a row. Simon used his master ninja netting skills :ninja: and lifted it into the boat. A nice healthy bow that was Matt's PB.




We payed the fish gods, we sent gentle loving vibrations down the lines, but nothing was happening. We watched some stupid fish swipe and miss for a bit until a dipsy fired again. It was my turn to winch in this creature of the deep. She was a good fighter but no match for my giant bear paws and Simon's ninja netting skills. And wouldn't ya know it, a new PB bow for me :thumbsup_anim:




The fish gods didn't want Matt to get another but he would have none of it. He gently massaged the rods and did things to them that I cannot say but the fish couldn't resist and took the bait. Another healthy bow that was Matt's new PB!






A little while later we were laughing at the HDS as it looked like a fish hit and missed 2 rigger rods with the same spoon on. "Stupid fish" we said. A second later one of the rods fired. She was a hungry beast that thought she could take me on, she was mistaken. I pulled her in to find BOTH spoons from those 2 rods in her mouth :w00t: We took her for a photo op and now I have another PB!




A short while later it was the captains turn to pull in a fish. This thing took off straight down and was giving Simon a nice fight.




Matt was the net man for this while I was doing the camera work. Simon pulled her up and she was another beauty Salmon.




After that the lines were pulled and we headed in for the day.


Is was a great day fishing and I am sure we will be heading out together again.

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Thanks guys


Lew- I was PISSED when I noticed my finger in the pic lol


I've decided to take the boat out of Long Point for a few weeks and go for them again. We'll see what happens.



Oh Oh! Seems somebody might be getting a little obsessed now? Dan, let me know if you want to borrow any equipment, rods, reels, dipseys, secret vinnimon spoons etc.

I'm right off the highway on your way to the launch. I'll be stripping the boat on Monday and transferring to Seguin next week for some homeless pike.


BTW, Mom said thanks (actually 'Praise The Lord worthy.gifworthy.gif - Food!!!'). She's selling the fish so she can put a door on her shed for the winter. Thx for making that happen Dan.thumbsup_anim.gifthumbsup_anim.gif


Cheers, it was a blast!!


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Oh Oh! Seems somebody might be getting a little obsessed now? Dan, let me know if you want to borrow any equipment, rods, reels, dipseys, secret vinnimon spoons etc.

I'm right off the highway on your way to the launch. I'll be stripping the boat on Monday and transferring to Seguin next week for some homeless pike.


BTW, Mom said thanks (actually 'Praise The Lord worthy.gifworthy.gif - Food!!!'). She's selling the fish so she can put a door on her shed for the winter. Thx for making that happen Dan.thumbsup_anim.gifthumbsup_anim.gif


Cheers, it was a blast!!



What no nemo rods in hand, what the heck Dansarcasm.gif

That sounds like an awsome day with dan in the boatthumbsup_anim.gif

Simon you keep those spoons vewy, vewy quite, Or Its gonna be wabbit season vewy soonwhistling.gifsarcasm.gif Maybe notninja.gifrofl2.gif jkgood.gif

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What no nemo rods in hand, what the heck Dansarcasm.gif

That sounds like an awsome day with dan in the boatthumbsup_anim.gif

Simon you keep those spoons vewy, vewy quite, Or Its gonna be wabbit season vewy soonwhistling.gifsarcasm.gif Maybe notninja.gifrofl2.gif jkgood.gif



It's Spongebob :rolleyes::P


Your spoon is safe with me, maybe :devil:

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Thanks guys


Lew- I was PISSED when I noticed my finger in the pic lol


I've decided to take the boat out of Long Point for a few weeks and go for them again. We'll see what happens.



another one gets hooked whistling.gif Welcome to the O addiction Dan

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