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Last year I set my sights on a King. I want to land a big one (40” +) in my boat, on my tackle. To that end I have been a Slave to The King, investing in rods, reels, down riggers, rod holders, dipseys, spoons (oh yeah, and a boat). I have been reading websites and books and learning all I can, It ain’t bass in the Grand. All of this is new to me – so I have to learn everything. Whenever I get a chance, the big lady (Lake O) is my choice for fishing. A few of my OFC friends join me most of the time to watch me hunt and enjoy some great days of friendship, fun, sun and fish. My son, as those who have read my posts know, has also become addicted to this big water fishin’ bug too.



After a break to visit some family who flew in from the UK for a visit and to enjoy the beautiful Ontario scenery in the Haliburtons, I was back to SW Ontario and ready to go play with the big water. The usual suspects were lined up; the weather was looking good; partly sunny skies, low winds till mid afternoon – bonus thumbsup_anim.gif : a quick PM to confirm we were all on for our first early launch of the year and it’s a done deal my place at 4:00.



Frank & Juli arrive at 4:00. Vinnimon’s boat is now up and running and we were to meet on the water. 15 minutes into the drive and a flash lights up the sky – lightning? wallbash.gif OK – is it just me or is this (weather forecasting) one of the few careers where you can be so consistently be wrong and still be employed? sarcasm.gif(sarcasm). By Ancaster we are driving through wet roads. By the QEW it is raining, cloud bursts only – but rain . The sky is periodically flashing away with glow sticks. As we roll into the Tim’s before the launch the smell of rain is distinct in the air. 10 minutes later, as we set up the boat, the clouds open up and the rain pours down for a couple minutes. Lightning flashes to the West of us. I count off the seconds from flash to rumble – 16, 12, 10. After a couple minutes it blows over clapping.gif We launch into the dawn with some pretty crazy skies.IMG_0565.jpg?t=1312242471






It’s always neat to see other people’s perspectives – me I’m reading the water, the wind and the waves. When I’m on land I would see this. Thanks Juli – you have a great eye and it is always fantastic to see the same day twice








Despite our best laid plans and the predictions, it was a slow start. G-man was first up as usual, and after a good wait got the bow he posted in his post of today, and I was next. It was along wait – We had a break off on my dipsey rod and lost spin doctor and fly (lesson learned, loosen the drag). Finally the dipsey rod sings, and the crowd goes crazy – FISH ON. I pull it up and start reeling it in. At first I think it is a bow because he comes to the surface, but then the drag starts to sing again and Sammie it is. A few minutes and a few runs later a small king (the prince) comes boat side IMG_0689.jpg?t=1312243336

It isn’t the one I’ve been looking for, but it is a Sammie thumbsup_anim.gif and not tooo shaby at 32 inches.

Shortly after that the wind picks up, and picks up some more, and picks up some more, and the passengers are not feeling too comfy, so we pull the lines in and make a run for the Marina, hoping that when the front passes and the next piece of blue sky hits things will calm down.


Vinnimon is just pulling out and we exchange stories and have a look at Vince's Laker, have a pit stop and then head out to check out the bounce. The crew is not enthused, so we turn tail and call her a day. I am sad at the thought my friends won’t get a shot at a fish, but have no regrets if they aren’t comfortable on the water.


I get home and G is pumped as always and wants to go out again. My daughter is a great angler; her PB is a beauty 22” small mouth, and she has a great feel for a rod, but has always passed on the trips to Lake O –plus her synchro swimming steals quite a few opportunities. G and I invite her again and are pleasantly surprised with an “OK”.



As Brenna is 12 and the day before was an early one, we opt for the slower start; me waking up at my usual 5:00 am and having a coffee, checking web sites and making the decisions. Looks good – By 7:00 is we are on the road again and the day looks spectacular. In the Chinese Zodiac my daughter is a Rabbit – they are lucky.



We hit the water and set up the rod in 60 foot of water using the same spoon that got G’s fish yesterday morning. I say to Brenna – watch it – if it pops up (D/R rod) let me know. I am setting up a planer board rod and look over – the tips is bouncing (this is honestly 2 minutes after I set it up). I reach over, pull it up and set the hook, and give it to my daughter. Fish Brenna – bring it in!. She looks at me kind of stunned and says – but it didn’t pop up how do you know? Just bring it in Bren biggrin.gif Bren gets her first Lake O fish and a big smile.clapping.gif100_3172.jpg?t=1312243241

Fish released and I set the D/R down again with the same spoon. I reach over to try and hook up the spoon I had been attaching to the lead core set up and it sings again! Fish on G! he grabs it and gets a great work out with a 26 in laker (see G-Man’s post). We release this one and by now I am dripping sweat from setting up, and scooping fish in the net. I drop the D/R down again and finally set the second line out. I am reaching over to set up the third line when the second one screams in my ear and its FISH ON! I bring in a little bow. Phew – this is catching – not fishing! (smiley icon). A quick pic and back to play another day. We get a break and I get all four set up. We troll for about an hour and then WHAM. The lead core rod bends in half and I grab it. We have 8 colours of core and another 100 yards of braid out off the planer board. Off in the distance a BIG bow jumps 3 foot in the air – Bren – you’re up!. For the next 15 minutes its “Pull up, lower and reel in” After a bit she needs help as she is a lefty and all my rods are righty. I feel the pull and this thing is just bull dogging, pulling hard and down the whole way in. Finally we get the beast to the boat and scoop it up. B’s is all smiles. A nice 29 incher! 100_3198.jpg?t=1312243469


G looks at her – So Brenna, understand why we get up at 4:00 am? Brenna coyly smiles and Yes. She’s hooked.



We get two full rounds for the day, plus one that shook it off and a really small one. Released 4, kept three, lost one



As I was writing this B came up, gave me a hug and said “Thanks Dad”. biggrin.gif


That my friends is what it is all about –




A trio of Anglers:






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Great report my friend!!! Glad you finally got Bren out too! By the way, Juli loves the photos of hers that you used at the beginning of the post. That sunrise was pretty amazing!

Look forward to getting out with you soon!


PS-Now you have to get Steph out there for a morning of fun!!!

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Great report. It's awesome to see how happy they are getting to fish with there dad. Thanks for sharing I can't wait to get out and do some more fishing and I am hoping that the next trip out I land a salmon. But until then I will continue to wish and dream for one. Awesome pics as well.

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